Dinner here is not how many meals, Luo yan feel with your body by concubines were swept out. Originally she wanted to the emperor for their rank, but did not think the emperor would be so generous, directly to a Princess, the Emperor's move to let her feelings these days hard work has paid off. "Zhao Fei has been a beautiful, wanted a Yin Rong who had wronged her, the Emperor today up her Royal position, it also makes sense," the Queen seemed unaware of the crowd's mood, and smiled and said, "this temple is here to greet the Emperor and Zhao Fei sister. ” Luo yan rose to Queen's knees, a pair of virtues of humility, "wives, I fear. ” "You're fine, the Emperor loved you should go," the Queen said with a laugh that, also gave something to show Luo yan Zhuang, only gifts. Queen of this action, would like to see in the eye, but said nothing, he gently rubs Gin on the edge of the pattern, it silently. Waiting at the side of the Gao Dezhong lifted his eyes looked at the eyes of several masters, then bowed his head in silence, as the eunuchs of Emperor served for many years, he clearly some of the Emperor's interests and hobbies, Finch is not going to change things now, Zhao Fei, Empress is a wise man, and show respect for the emperor at this time, only best selected. As private, the Queen will have any action, is not for him a eunuch to think, about who is favored in the harem, he will be but the Emperor's Chief, who loved and how much does he have to do? Luo yan lifted glasses of sipping, cups were filled with good peach wine, entrance light aroma and pleasant, compared with wine, less intense feeling, but extremely fit woman consumption. "Zhao imperial concubine Empress liked the peach BREW? "Sue Goodfriend's voice was still gentle, expression on her face never seems to be gentle. Luo yan Zhuang impression, she has seemed to have never seen any other expression, Shu-chaise longue, remembered Sue chaise longue in addition to smile is the smile does, with say a gentle and elegant, just like this. "It tastes good, drink a few mouthfuls," Luo yan Zhuang smiled back, turn the head on to see towards the accomplishment of the Emperor the imperial concubine. "I remember Sue Royal love peach BREW," I have looked at Sue Goodfriend, smiled and said, "wait, let people take some of the Food Bureau into your House. ” "Thank you your Majesty, Zhao Fei sister liked and not let Food Bureau also sent some to my sister. "Sue Royal tone flat opening. "She does not have to," the Emperor ends up, "Zhao Fei is not better than you, food has always been on lavish gifts to her, most waste spoil. ” Sue Goodfriend smells to say no more, smiling on his face just went away. Zhuang Luo yan, Emperor Ming this is demeaning, but she will not know it is the Emperor of Zhuang Luo yan maintains, but is afraid she was drunk kills. Say what a waste spoil those fine embroidery embroidery, colored gemstone paintings but I got sent to any day. When the emperor was on favor of Luo yan? Zhuang Luo yan was seriously injured, was that? Or at an earlier time? 她一直以为庄络胭是另一个嫣贵嫔或者是另一个不足为惧的柔妃,可是到了今天,她才不得不承认,此人已经足以影响自己在后宫中的地位。 她向来谨慎,究竟怎么会忽略这么大一个威胁? 是庄络胭平日表现得太过无害?冲动,不善于隐忍,甚至总是有麻烦在身,甚至与后宫众人都不怎么交好,这是庄络胭平日里给人的印象。 她一直以为皇上不喜欢总是有麻烦的女人,也不喜欢肤浅的女人,所以即使庄络胭受宠,她也认为有这些缺点的女人不会受宠多久。 可是究竟有哪里不对,皇上竟然会宠爱庄络胭这么久,甚至这份宠爱随着时间的迁移,变得更加的浓烈。 一步错,步步错,也许在最开始的时候,她就不应该顾及太多让庄络胭留了下来。 “今日既然是昭妃的生辰,皇上是否到熙和宫歇息?”宴席进行到尾声,皇后再次开口,她看了看天空中绽放的生辰焰火,毫不吝惜的再度给庄络胭几分尊贵。 封谨点了点头,站起身道:“时辰不早了,也该歇着了。”他走到庄络胭身边,牵住她的手,“爱妃,随朕走吧。” 庄络胭看着自己被皇帝牵住的手,面上出现一丝红晕,起身向皇后方向福了福,才埋着头看地上的石板。 封谨见她这个模样,笑着把人往自己怀中一拉,揽着人出了景央宫的院子。 “恭送皇上。”诸妃目送着皇帝的背影离开,有人艳羡,有人麻木。 直到皇帝与昭妃的身影再也看不见,皇后才站直身子,她面上的笑意淡了两分,“本宫乏了,你们也早些去歇息吧。”说完,在一片恭送声中回了屋子。 皇后走后,诸位妃嫔三三两两的各自离开,今晚这场戏瞧着也挺热闹,皇上有意抬举昭妃,皇后借昭妃故意打压淑贵妃。她们清楚的记得,前些日子淑贵妃生辰宴上,皇后可没有说因为淑贵妃生辰让皇上去淑贵妃的安清宫歇下这种话。 “淑贵妃娘娘,嫔妾告退。”柔妃笑容满面仪态万千的给淑贵妃行了一礼,坐上步辇离开。 淑贵妃面无表情的看着柔妃离开,扶着菱纱的手上了自己的步辇,嘴角微微勾起,眼角却带着无限寒意。 微微摇晃的步辇上,庄络胭看着行在前方的御辇。方才婉拒了皇帝要她陪驾御辇的要求,幸而皇帝并没有不满,不然还有些麻烦。 秀恩爱死得快,她可不想在这个时候给自己找麻烦,她晋升的速度太快,已经惹得某些人不快了,这会儿再与皇帝同乘,只怕连皇后与太后也要忍不住了。 毕竟按理说后宫中唯一能与皇帝同乘的只有皇后,其他女人即使再受宠,也没有这个资格的。所以宠妃这项职业,要想安稳混下去,还是很不容易的。她可是在用生命混这份职业。 “娘娘,到了。”听竹的小声提醒让庄络胭回过神来,她扶着听竹的手下步辇,看着不远处站在原地的皇帝,加快了几步,走到皇上面前,“皇上!” 封谨一个伸手,把庄络胭的手牵住,把她一步步牵进熙和宫大门,看也不看跪了一地的奴才,径直到了庄络胭的厢房,接着温暖的烛火,抽开了她发间的发钗,柔顺的青丝倾泻而下,在烛火中,带着说不出的暧昧。 面前的女人不是后宫中最漂亮的,也不是最有才华的,甚至连善解人意也做不到,可是就因为她偶尔的直白,让他反倒有几分放心不下,又或许真的是对方一腔情谊让自己多了几分关注,总之现如今他偶尔会在闲暇之余,想着怎么让这个在后宫中算不得最出彩的女人过得更舒适一点。在她额际轻轻一吻,“爱妃今夜可要好好陪陪朕。” “皇上今夜也要好好陪妾,”庄络胭伸手挂在皇帝颈间,抬头媚眼如丝,“妾一直都是您懂得。” 当一个女人对一个男人说,自己所有都是他的,这个男人若是没有半点涟漪的话,只能说明这个男人有问题。 封谨是个正常的男人,所有他听到这句话后,便打横抱起庄络胭,大步走向了那张铺着上好锦缎的雕花大床。 长夜漫漫,总有些人无心睡眠。熙和宫的上下有多开心,就表示其他宫的人心里有多不顺。 Soft Princess get-up accessories, sit on the chaise couch, one for yourself by pinching the shoulder, "the most embarrassing is probably the residential Palace that today. ” Ladies be careful around her hair for her, smells the pavement: "why sue the imperial concubine Empress Empress today do not fight? ” "This Palace when she dealt with? "The gentle Princess hissing sound," the harem of women who are not waiting for the kick, Su Rui purple she dares all day and a condescending look, to think about fall day. The Palace has always been too lazy to arrest its own nature, what people think of this temple does not matter. In this Palace, concubines do not important, important Emperor pet or not. That with opponents staging effort than current thinking how to make ourselves comfortable. ” "If so," the ladies realize that she does not, his face changed, and dared not to say much. "If you want to say I have lost ground, so that tempers will lose out? "Soft Princess laugh very taunt," women here don't care who he is before you fall from grace, Finch is as long as your enemies, if they ever fell out of favor, then added insult to injury was their hobby. In that case, why bother staging a show for others to read. ” "Okay, wait on this temple ruqin," the gentle Princess gave her ladies pinch, casual openings, "happy day is one day, future beauty, this temple is even though we want overbearing, only the emperor could not accommodate. ” In a short span of less than two years, will climb up on the location of the Princess, Zhao Fei name famous not only in harem, even courting former officials to the dealer, but unfortunately the dealer or the oil and salt into look like harem arose from their dealer's mistress has no effect on them. However on chodo, suzhuang two faint sense of some opposition, to deal with bookmakers are already household land, but the strength is not enough, the emperor nor the dealer has any intention of blaming, but praise was just young. Finch Shu Su Jia were it not for the harem of a chaise longue, maybe you can't peacefully standing in the midst of a court. Nowadays dealer daughter limelight almost over Sue Goodfriend, Su Jia are still sleeping well? Luo yan Zhuang is not clear in the harem on the former's ups and downs, a few days after the birth of this, Imperial concubines were gentlemen sent a lot of Lilly, she looked at the Palace sent by trimming, let out a yawn, "lately the weather starts to get cooler, this temple could not help but Chun Kun. ” Yun XI held a cup of hot tea, and Luo yan for the Zhuang covering the Windows, "Empress was now less sleep if left trapped and can't sleep well at night. ” Luo yan takes a SIP of tea, thought for a while: "the Gong Wen Roufei and Sue Goodfriend seem not to deal with. ” Yun XI replied, "the gentle Princess patience and quiet, with many masters have been complaining, and Sue Goodfriend and some do not deal with wonder. "At this point, clouds dusk lowered his voice and said," soft Princess on a Palace in many things involved, the maidservant told himself, you may be someone else calculate soft Princess, waiting for her test. ” Remember when they were just after the complex spoil, gentle Princess to upset yourself, but he was still the gentle Princess of his embarrassed, once soft Princess/nurse her. Perhaps in Johor in the eyes of Princess, Judy Princess more hateful than some, without hesitation, so soft Princess Judy Princess standing up. As a gentle Princess so without hesitation the concubines of hate was also attractive flower in a harem, but despite this temper, she is firmly sitting on the Princess, and previous is almost always involve her, she is still safe and sound, where the person is attracted to the emperor. Unless circumstances do not permit, she really would like to commend the gentle Princess with a strange woman in the harem.
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