后宫中向来风头无两的淑贵妃第一次成了后宫诸位妃嫔眼中看热闹的对象,任谁眼瞧着受宠多年高高在上的对手突然变得不那么重要时,都会忍不住宣泄一下心 การแปล - 后宫中向来风头无两的淑贵妃第一次成了后宫诸位妃嫔眼中看热闹的对象,任谁眼瞧着受宠多年高高在上的对手突然变得不那么重要时,都会忍不住宣泄一下心 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด





























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Palace has always been non-accomplishment of the two imperial concubine first became the object of harem concubines sight hilarious gentlemen, who eyed look favored high for many years when it suddenly became less important, will not help vent the heart of jealousy. "Chao Xian calculate capacity since the last time it was Hu's wounds, in the Emperor's place seems to be getting heavier, Yin chaise longue," says after it lost one in honor of Hu Shi, another favorite of the Zhuang Shi, which for this but were confident of qualification in the Palace harem go on people, and what is the difference? "She looked in the mirror in the face, though appearance remains the same, but, after all, and do not make progress near the Palace concubines were fresh. "Empress unto them, how is the qualification, slaves looked the Emperor is trusted to you, if not, how will give Prince for your parenting? "Upon her, wearing flowers ladies smells the sidewalks," other masters have no such honor in the Palace. Hen Princess smell a mixture of laughs and Maid apparently makes her very happy with good mood gave the maids to speak, stood up and helped his temples, and harem woman one day old, with children's repertoire is the last used. "Come on, big night, but Zhao Yin Rong's birthday party, and even the Emperor is going, this temple is not to late. "Yin Fei face smile," Zhao Yin Yung sister are generous people, this temple also cannot neglect. ” As the birthday feast of the protagonist, Luo yan Zhuang naturally red carpet dress, dresses and Brocade shoes, Hua Huang Chai-Xiang ZHU, everything is carefully selected in the House, each pattern is auspicious on indicates the province, people spent a lot of energy in the House. Carefully draw the eyebrow, she can never purposely make yourself an ordinary mind, women can dress up dress up when I was young, to be matched when young girls how to dress, to use the tactic of steady if stable early on, to be older and does not become dead? Lay down their brows, and looked at and repair delicate eyebrow, Luo yan Zhuang nod of satisfaction, stood in front of a big mirror the portrait, waiting at the side of the hand to listen to bamboo, "come on. ” Out of the day, through the zigzag corridor, passing by Mei Xiang Snow Park, come not short Red House road, saw roadside maid salute eunuchs to their avoidance, Luo yan Zhuang complexion does not change dominates the great step above until carriage stops in front of the Empress Jing Yang Gong Da. Already waiting at the door and see Zhuang Yu Luo yan, Zhuang Luo yan, smiled and stepped forward to salute: "Zhao Yin Rong Niangniang, Empress is waiting for you, please follow slaves go. ” "Thank you and jade," Luo yan Zhuang He Yu laughed and followed along with Yu into the Palace, serving maids eunuchs are busy and up behind. Not far away, Sue chaise longue with gentle Princess they just catch up, seeing this scene, soft Princess a faint smile: "the Empress's affection. ” Sue Goodfriend face constant look at soft, almost smiled and did not speak. Princess moved to Johor eyes, she bulaishu chaise longue that answers appearance, as if her all the harem are clear, it can work. If there really is such a bad, what are only favourites, instead of gaining the Emperor's favor? Even as Luo yan also came from behind to the Palace tonight, around Queen Yu himself at the door, and waiting for treatment, Sue Royal this year but did not. Inside, Luo yan gave the Queen line up after the ceremony, Queen would personally give Luo yan set up a yangzhi jade bracelets, House other concubines, like Zhuang, Luo yan Jianli has arrived. Just sit down, come see Sue chaise longue with gentle Princess Qi Qi, it's left everyone amazed, Sue chaise longue with gentle Princess does not changlaichangwang, how today is rise? Is always followed Sue Goodfriend Su Xiuyi didn't join in? Is a salute, and they sat down again, Queens: "Emperor suriko didn't read them earlier sent people, banquet when open. We will wait, feast right now. ” Queen opens the mouth, naturally no one against it. Jing Yanggong yard is not small, bought and even took concubines and took the stage, and also not the least bit crowded. First play Magu baishou, Luo yan took the smile after reading, feel free to point out a auspicious Chinese Opera, let the Queen and concubines. "Some lively play of this childhood favorite, always feel more lively and more fun now is the opposite, but quiet some of the drama, the" Silver Queen put down the sign, sign the tribute on pears alone falls on the plate. "Wives, I also like the quieter things over the years," "chaise longue next conversation with a smile," these hilarious things supposedly sisters love. ” Luo yan will not accept such a thing if usual head, but today is her birthday party, she had to open the mouth: "yin and Empress imperial concubine Empress is much stronger than the concubines concubine, wives, I grew up watching don't know Opera, wives, I was eager and not heard about that slow slow cavity, wanted only and immediately after hearing the whole story. ” "Zhao Yin Rong temper straight, not like Opera is normal," the gentle Princess silver check disc stuck in a go-stone of diamonds/, "but even if they do not want to hear it, should also understand the play man. ” Luo yan Zhuang smiled, oblique look at soft Princess: "the gentle Princess Empress thought highly of concubines concubine, and concubines concubine is absolutely not your. ” Everybody knows the pitch, soft Princess as a sad Chao Yin capacity several times, both hualiyouhua at the moment, nobody spoke. "Love less than who? ” Low male voices coming from the corner, the theater, people have got up and bowed. Feng Jin stepped forward to pick up the Queen, walked up behind the Queen helped after Luo yan Zhuang, said: "today is the birthday of Chao Yin Rong yan, all without much ceremony, sit. ” "I know early you don't love listening to Opera, then let the palace complex art of juggling people prepare," waved his hand would like to stage actors who have retired, and was dressed in court master artists who appeared on the stage. "Thank you your Majesty," Luo yan Zhuang smiles on faces trying to surprise, to bow to bow to the Emperor, by the other hand holding his own hand. "Today is your birthday, how to kneel knelt," Zhuang Luo yan at his right hand, pull the front seat, Feng Jin looks at the left of the Queen, "Rong said she far soft, just now I heard Wen Zhaoxian Princess, it's all about? ” "Just two sisters to each other modest," Queen's look at soft imperial concubine Zhuang Luo yan, smiled and said, "Zhao Yin Rong has always been modest, your Majesty as you know. ” Modesty? Feng Jin to his mind secretly always wanted to move to praise Luo yan Zhuang of the preceding two sentences, suddenly happy right now, but her face is not only in front, otherwise other wives will wonder why he loved Zhao Yin Rong? Such despicable things for the Emperor, and still is not worth mentioning. "The Queen puts it right, Zhao Yin Rong and soft Princess nature is the same," I have smiled, saw Luo yan Zhuang smiles on the faces seem to be stiff for two minutes, good mood, "and what was only the fruit and other things? ” "I'd serve, but Zhao Yin Rong said wait, concubine is still fresh people have waited for a while," the Queen smiled and explained, "but the Emperor came not late, also serving at the moment just right. "With that, commanded the people served. One exquisite dishes on the table, would rather good mood to drink the two drinks will carry Chinese name shuixian means you see the yard of concubines. A last look round, eyes fell upon Luo yan Zhuang, see the way she immersed in serious soup, struck a day earlier in the evening, Luo yan Zhuang tears cried suddenly bewitched by the Emperor in the middle looks like. He had never seen the other concubines like nightmares, when the other wives and lay with him, sleeping is very calm, even moving, and the Chao Yin Rong, there will always be furtive about his hand or touch his ear. She thought he was asleep, so always he pretend to be asleep. Just the night before, and cries when she dreams the Emperor panicked mood, still leave traces for a few minutes. Woke up yesterday morning, she does not remember events in the dream, but he somehow got it. About is that none of his concubines Chao Yin Rong so rude? What does seems to be, would like to see to the side of the Queen: "just Zhao Yin Rong said less than gentle Princess, I knew she was where less than? ” They heard these things, look at soft imperial concubine Zhuang, Luo yan, even soft imperial concubine Zhuang Luo yan, also cannot help but look up to. Queen's heart is a jump, she and the King in the years, the Emperor of the way she is still some clear, Emperor this sentence should not be casually talked, she proceeds to the next, "I do not know where the Emperor said there? ” "The gentle Princess the Princess, Zhao Yin Rong is a Yin Rong, worse on the Prince. "I have let go of gin, casual way," I said you're all the same, so Zhao Rong Jin, Yin Fei, concubines were a bit less on the Princess. ” Being Princess of concubines were a bit less, it was a little village on the Princess's, right? Queen chuckle, smile on the face had not changed, calm tone: "Emperor says his work is. ” Luo yan was a bit of a surprise, the emperor was so light one up his grades, stumbled after Xie Huang grace. "I said, today is your birthday, don't have to kneel to kneel, I have astronomical Bureau picked a good day, held five formal canonization ceremony early next month. "I have laughed, pointing to the front of a plate of duck tongue with honey sauce," you like this, I will give it to you. ” Soft Princess look a little, the Emperor what does that mean, to tell the harem people, Luo yan Zhuang is not bad she did anything? After today, what else did she have faces? Astronomical Bureau are selected the day, how will I feel free to mention it? Sue Goodfriend looking smile on his face, some dejected, regardless of when the Emperor came in to hear what he will look for opportunities for advancement from Luo yan Zhuang. Blinking her eyes gently, Sue noble concubine Zhuang Luo yan, calmly watching eat honey glazed duck tongue and Emperor qinci's eyes get a little bit colder. That year she won the Emperor's favor, by today, or let people easily take over. "Yes, Sue Goodfriend, wasn't seeing Su Xiuyi today? "The Queen asked. "Back to the Empress, Su Xiuyi body discomfort, have too much fear the disease to everyone, then did not come. "Sue Goodfriend lowered eyelids, make them look soft and meek," to mention today is the Zhao sisters day, Su Xiuyi, wouldn't it be unlucky? ” "The accomplishment of the imperial concubine Empress seems unnecessary. "Luo yan Zhuang wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and smile up at Sue chaise longue. Sue Goodfriend looked up and back, also Zhuang Luo yan gave up a soft smile.
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