庄络胭瞧着苏家姐妹相携而来,淑贵妃这样的女人她不了解,所以在现在这个时刻,也不想去与之为敌。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 在商场中输了,失去的 การแปล - 庄络胭瞧着苏家姐妹相携而来,淑贵妃这样的女人她不了解,所以在现在这个时刻,也不想去与之为敌。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 在商场中输了,失去的 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด





































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
庄络胭瞧着苏家姐妹相携而来,淑贵妃这样的女人她不了解,所以在现在这个时刻,也不想去与之为敌。『雅*文*言*情*首*发』 在商场中输了,失去的也许只是金钱与职位,在后宫中输了,失去的除开地位外,还有可能是命。端起茶杯低头轻啜,掩饰自己不小心露出的情绪,这茶水好是好,就是略显寡淡了些。 淑贵妃与苏修仪给皇后请安过后,便规规矩矩的坐下了,皇后看了眼众人,开口道:“昨儿又下了大半宿的雨,今儿康安宫传了太后懿旨,说是免了大家今儿给太后请安。”说到这里,皇后抿一口茶后才继续道,“本宫想着,如今宫里也有不少的老人,你们都去问问身边年岁过了25岁的宫女,若是有想放出宫的,就去殿中省支银子,发放回家吧。” 庄络胭微愣,这后宫中放了老人出去,也就代表着明年开春会有新的宫女选进来,若是这些宫女中有一两个得了皇帝的青眼……她终于有些明白皇帝为什么有这么多女人了,每年看到鲜嫩的小姑娘,难免不会食欲大增。 “皇后娘娘仁慈,”淑贵妃起身行礼,含笑道:“待嫔妾回宫后,定要好好问问。” 皇后点了点头,见其他妃嫔也起身赞自己仁慈,便笑道,“哪里是本宫仁慈,不过是按着祖宗规矩罢了。” 庄络胭在心底叹息一声,皇后除了明面上好看,有时候还真是吃力不讨好,她瞧着都觉得累,更不用说皇后做起这些事情来又有多繁杂。 不过常言道,子非鱼焉知鱼之乐,她认为皇后累,也许皇后还认为这是尊贵无比的位置,即便累也乐意,即便繁杂也心甘情愿。 “对了,昭充仪,本宫听闻皇上恩准你宫中有小厨房,身边可有擅厨艺的人,若是没有得用之人,去殿中省说一声,让他们安排几个得用的宫女给你。”皇后仿佛突然忆起这件事般,开口道,“这些日子你也受了不少折腾,也该好好补补身子,本宫瞧着你最近几日清减了些。” “多谢皇后娘娘,嫔妾身边有擅长厨艺的人,并不用再去殿中省调配了,”庄络胭面上笑着,眼中还有掩饰不住的惊惶,“哪里有清减,不过是这两日睡得不怎么好,想来是瞧着精神头差了些吧。” 皇后点头,颇为包容的看了她一眼,“快些坐下吧,并不用这般多礼,你也不用想太多,举头三尺有神明,若是心中无愧,便是神仙也要庇佑的。” 庄络胭谢恩坐下,心里却冷笑,皇后这话中明着是劝慰她,又隐隐赞誉她是受上天庇佑的,可是往深了想,却是在提醒其他人不要做亏心事,也是在提醒其他人,自己近来在后宫中有些显眼。























การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Chong Su sisters watched network rouge Xiangxie come Shu Royal such a woman she did not understand, so at this moment, do not want to fight it. "Ya-Wen * * Introduction * love * first * hair" lost in the mall, and maybe just lose money and jobs lost in the harem, in addition to the loss of status, there may be life. Duanqichabei bow Qingchuai, accidentally exposed to hide his emotions, this tea nice, slightly Guadan some. Royal Su Shu instrument repair after greeting to the Queen, he sat down neatly, Queen glanced crowd, opening: "The next big Bansu also called yesterday's rain, Comin Kang Yi Zhi Empress Palace pass, that is Today everyone to avoid greeting the Queen Mother. "Here, sip tea after the Queen continued," The Palace of thought, and now there are a lot of old house, you have to ask around age over 25 years old ladies, if there want to release house, went to the house of the provincial branch of money, paid and go home. " Chuang network rouge slightly stunned, which put the old man out of the harem, it represents the spring next year there will be new ladies coming election Why, if there are one or two of these ladies had the emperor's blue eyes ...... she finally understand some emperors have so many women, and every year to see the tender girl, inevitably will not appetite. "Queen Goddess merciful," sook up Royal salute, with smiles:. "After the bin back to the palace concubine, will ask to take" Queen nodded, see other concubines also got praise their own kind, he smiled and said, "Where is the The Palace of kindness, but according to the rules Bale ancestors. " village in the heart sigh rouge network, in addition to looking out the Queen surface, sometimes it really is a thankless task, she looked at all feel tired, not to mention the Queen to start these things to have more complicated. But as the saying goes, how can we know the fish is happy Smart Fish, she thought the Queen was tired, perhaps the Queen also think it is very honorable position, even tired too happy, even complicated willingly. "Yes, Zhao charge meter, this palace palace heard the emperor grant that you have a small kitchen, surrounded by people who may have good at cooking, if people do not have to use it, go to the house of the province to say, let them arrange several starting the ladies give you. "Queen's as if suddenly remembering it as the opening track," These days you would be a lot of agonizing, but also the good Bubu body, this house you looked at some of the most clear cut in recent days. " "Thank you, Queen Goddess, surrounded by good example, cooking concubine who do not go to the house with the deployment of the province," Zhuang network rouge face smiled, his eyes could not conceal the panic there, "Where there is clear cut, but is two days is not very good sleep, presumably spiritual head looked a bit worse now. " Queen nodded, quite inclusive looked at her, "Sit down quickly, not with so much ceremony, you do not think too much, give the first three feet of the gods, if the hearts worthy, is also blessed by the gods. " Chuang network rouge Shane sat down, my mind was sneer, the Queen is clearly the words of comfort to her, but she is faint praise by the blessing of God, but to deep thought, but it is a reminder of other people do not do good conscience, but also to remind others that he recently some conspicuous in the harem. Queen Queen indeed, for no one should be disgusted with the likes of concubines, and only the balance of the word, this time with its own kitchenette, for whatever reason, does have some well sculpted, Queens just such a reaction has been regarded as peaceful, showing that this matter children in Queens mind, should not considered a big deal. Shu Royal Queen heard these words, mouth hint of mocking smile, filling instrument by which God bless Zhao thing early spread of the harem, the Queen does not mind the diaphragm should just strange. However, this instrument does Zhao charge a bit of luck, it is no wonder the palace of Queen Goddess Heart acid intended. Is there another word meaning Queen, the other concubines regardless hear or not hear, only to let Johnson go along with rest of the network rouge class if they did not dare to offend the Queen, but the grace of Zhao was charged instrument nor is their random to ridicule object. Chuang network rouge not like to play more than taking people battle, Queen words to say, she did not mind the slightest rebuttal, just can not find words when the words, the words of the surface along the Queen and she said a few words, they will not re-opening, to make a bit dull appearance. www.yawen8.com glanced Zhuang Zhuang Jieyu network rouge appearance, deadpan gaze away, everyone in the house to sweep around the face, then honest bow, his hands have touched the cup cool thoroughly. Majie Yu Yan your example, since being Zhangzui, honest a lot. That day she was Zhangzui saw the emperor personally, but even so your example, Yan did not stricken, her mind became clear that two years ago, she already is not a favored Majie Yu. Even if she is stupid, but also know what the roots are not old ex first off, this is not the only one of her harem, nor the last one. Morohito looked glanced here, there there are a few people can ever grace it? "Guian it, this house also lack of." Ma Jieyu got concubines and grateful to stand together, and then follow the crowd behind a scene of the central palace, different identities, the Pacers order is different, she watched Royal Shu Ning Princess, Xianfei other Lord of the high points of concubines with a guard of honor to leave, and then looked at the rest of the Lord Dimeishunyan concubines, mouth revealing mocking smile, then she does not have fantasies they have so one day, In grateful concubines envious eyes with a guard of honor to leave? Now she wake up, only to find myself how stupid, if she did not like that crazy, you will not come to this step. "Master, be careful." delicate sound of a gentle reminder Ma Jieyu resurgence, this moment is a positive step on the chariot was the emperor's favorite instrument Zhao charge, they have also had the object of ridicule. Zhao charge meter dressed inconspicuous light blue tunic dress jacket, holding even the beard is neatly, jade hairpin neither the hair looks unassuming, nor shabby, people go to see at a glance, could not pick a few wire fault. Some people crazy time, they know how to go back in time, some people crazy for too long, it will no longer back opportunities. Majie Yu Zhao looked calm charging instrument sitting Pacers left standing looking at other points concubines envious eyes, could not help but sneer, graces this palace after more pampered than not, not to mention the village envelope rouge origin of this pretty good, do not you is not significant role came concubines points can be compared. Zhuangjie Yu looked unwilling angry expression on his face, Ma Jieyu mocking smile on his face even more obvious, it really is not like the two sisters, sister resentment jealous sister, sister's eyes and my heart no concubines sister, on do not even the human face also looked really funny people. But funny things in this temple more to go, no shortage of making this a joke sisters. "Master," around the ladies gently reminded, "Please step on the chariot." Ma Jieyu Pacers sit, to be the Pacers rise, she looked at the other neatly standing concubines, slowly turn away looked to squint to see the sun rise on the horizon, the sun rises when there is, naturally, when there are falling. Gong Xi admitted the day and down very peaceful, although occasional sook Royal gift something, but the village has always been pleased to accept collateral rouge. Although the move is perhaps Shu Royal explain the difference in status between the two men, but in the village popliteal network view, this free and harmless stuff, not white do not. This bright and sunny day, with a few rouge village complex in the vicinity of the palace eunuchs walking carelessly walked into a bamboo forest, thinking this is徐昭仪boundary child, although she greed cool here, or honestly want make way. "Zhao charge Miriam?" at the village had a chance to make way network rouge, they encountered a Japanese arm falling snow bun dressed Luoqun of徐昭仪sleeved color. Seeing the situation like, Zhuang network rouge honest salute. "Fills you up right," Xuzhao Yi gently sigh, "I have always been quiet here, little people, you can come to is these bamboo fate." Then, the surface hint of melancholy smile, "I have nothing to entertain you, not as a cup of weak tea? " "Zhao Yi Xiangyao is fortunate by my example." I do not know why the village envelope rouge, feeling that his body a little awkward.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Zhuang Luoyan looks at the Su sisters to carry to come, Madam Shu such woman she did not understand, therefore in present this time, does not want to go with it is the enemy. 'Elegant * the article * the word * the sentiment * * sent'

to lose in the market, lost perhaps was only money and position, lost in the harem, lost except status beyond, but might also be assigns. Carries the teacup to lower the head sips lightly, conceals the mood that oneself do not reveal carefully, this tea good is good, was slightly was insipid. After

Madam Shu and Soviet revisionism meter the empress pays respects, then well-mannered has sat down, the empress looked at people, opens the mouth saying:"Yesterday had had the big half the night rain, today Kang Angong passed on the queen mother words or order of the empress or empress dowager,Said that exempts everybody to pay respects to the queen mother today."Here, after empress min tea, continued saying that "this palace was thinking, now in the palace also has many old people, you ask that age crossed the 25-year-old palace maid, if there are to put to leave the palace, went to the palace a province money, provided to go home."

Zhuang Luoyan gawks, in this harem put the old person to exit, will represent next year beginning of the spring to have the new palace maid to elect, if in these palace maids had 1-2 to result in the favor of emperor ......She somewhat understands finally some emperor why these many women, saw the fresh and tender girl every year, unavoidably the appetite will not increase.

"Empress empress is benevolent," Madam Shu sets out to salute, including saying with a smile: "After imperial concubine concubine returns to the palace, must ask surely well."Queen

nodded, sees other imperial concubines also to set out to approve itself benevolently, then said with a smile, "where was this palace is benevolent, but was pressing the ancestor custom."

Zhuang Luoyan sighed in the moral nature, empress except for on outwardly attractive, sometimes also really did a thankless job, she looked is thinking tired, say nothing of the empress started these matters to come numerous and diverse.

as the saying goes, sub-non-fish knows the happiness of fish, she thinks the empress to be tired, perhaps the empress also thinks that this is the honored incomparable position, even if tired is also glad,Even if numerous and diverse is also willing.

"was right, the illustrious sufficient meter, this palace hears the emperor to approve in your palace to have the kitchenette, the side may have the person who excels at the cook, if has not resulted in the person of using, went to the palace the province to say one, making them arrange the palace maid who several must use to you."The empress as if suddenly recalls this matter, opens the mouth saying that "recently you also received tossed about much, this builds up one's health well, this palace looked at you to be thin for several days."

"many thanks the empress empress, side the imperial concubine concubine has the person who excels at the cook, did not need to go to the palace the province to mix again," in Zhuang Luoyan the surface smiles, in the eye also had being frightened that could not conceal, "where had the thinness,However is these two day rests is poor, wants to come to look at the vigor difference."Queen

nods, quite containing looked at her one eyes, "is quicker sits down, does not use so overly courteous, you do not need to be too many, raises the head three feet to have the gods, if in the heart has no qualms, is the deity must bless."

Zhuang Luoyan thanked for kindness to sit down, actually sneered at heart, in empress saying visible consoles her, praised her to ascend the sky to bless faintly, but toward deeply has thought that in reminding other people do not make the matter that weighs on the conscience, in reminding other people, oneself somewhat were recently conspicuous in the harem. Queen

worthily is an empress,To one does not have the loathing and liking on the imperial concubine, only then balances two characters, oneself this time had the kitchenette, no matter any reason, truly somewhat catches the eye, the empress so responded that is gentle, obviously this matter in the empress heart, should not can be regarded any important matter.

Madam Shu listened to empress saying, the corners of the mouth to reveal a taunt the happy expression, this Zhao sufficient meter ascended the sky the matter that blessed early to spread over the harem, the empress did not dislike is strange. However this Zhao sufficient meter truly good luck, no wonder empress empress heart acidogenic Italy. Queen

in words whether has other meaning, no matter other imperial concubines listen not to listen,Only echoes is letting the words that Zhuang Luoyan rests well and so on, the empress they do not dare to offend, the Zhao sufficient meter that but the Saint favors is not the object who they ridiculed at will.

Zhuang Luoyan does not like slapping in the face to hide the person of weaponry, after empress these words said that the thoughts that her least bit disputes do not have, when only cannot listen to this saying the words, in the superficial meaning following the empress words said several, then no longer open the mouth, makes several points of sad appearance. www.yawen8.com

Zhuang Jieyu is shooting a look at Zhuang Luoyan the appearance, the moving away line of sight of unemotionally, in the room on the people face has swept, then honest lowering the head, feels in oneself hand already the teacup that passes coolly.

After Malaysian Jieyu since was slapped by beautiful expensive imperial concubine, honest many. That day she was slapped is the emperor finds with own eyes, but even so the beautiful expensive imperial concubine had not been punished, she was clear, she early is not two years ago Ma Jieyu who is favored.

she, even if silly, knows that what young person old graciousness has not broken first, in this harem she is not only one, is not last. Looked up the eye to present Zhu Ren, how many person energy Saints in this also had to favor does not fade?

"kneels Ann, this palace was also deficient."

Ma Jieyu sets out to stand with the numerous imperial concubines, then followed in the people after death had Jing Yanggong, the status was different,On the order of step nian is also different, she gazes after Madam Shu and imperial concubines Ning, the virtuous imperial concubine and others to do the high rank imperial concubine imperial concubine to bring the guard of honor to leave, takes a look again remaining one is doing the submissive imperial concubine, the corners of the mouth reveals the taunt the happy expression, in the past she had not fantasized had such on the 1st, in the numerous imperial concubines did envy in the eye to bring the guard of honor to leave?

her dream awoke now, faints from fear oneself to be silly, if initially she were not like that wild, was insufficient to end up to turn out this step.

"lord, be careful."The

exquisite gentle reminder sound makes Jieyu be on the rise once again, what in this little while step nian is the emperor loves the Zhao sufficient meter that is also had ridiculed the object.The

illustrious sufficient meter wears not a conspicuous hydron blue beam short Chinese-style jacket skirt, the temple sends is also pulling well-mannered, sends the jade ornamental hairpin already does not appear makes widely known, will not be poor, making person one eyes look, cannot pick up several faults. Some

people for a while, actually understand wildly turn head promptly, some people are too wildly long, then again not turning head opportunity. Malaysian Jieyu tranquil looks that the illustrious sufficient meter sits step nian to leave, looks at other status to divide the look that the imperial concubine admires, cannot help but sneers, in this harem is not in good graces compared with many of being in good graces, let alone Zhuang Luoyan comes was good, can it be that comes status not obviously to divide the imperial concubine analogous.

is looking on Zhuang the Jieyu face the unwilling angry expression,ในการอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่งไม่มีความรังเกียจและถูกใจบน Imperial 19:29 จากนั้นจึงทำการรักษาสมดุลของอักขระ 2 ตัวให้ตัวเองเวลานี้มีห้องครัวขนาดเล็กที่จัดให้บริการไม่ว่าจะด้วยเหตุผลใดก็ตามสามารถดักจับตาที่ค่อนข้างอย่างแท้จริงแล้วจึงตอบว่าเป็นจักรพรรดินีที่อ่อนโยนและเป็นที่แน่นอนว่าเรื่องนี้ในหัวใจจักรพรรดินีควรจะไม่สามารถได้รับการพิจารณาว่ามีความสำคัญใดๆได้

นายชูฟัง empress กล่าวว่า " ที่บริเวณมุมของปากเพื่อเผยให้เห็นพูดเหน็บที่แสนสุขนิพจน์ , | 68:18 มิเตอร์ที่เพียงพอนี้ท้องฟ้าที่คำนึงว่าทรงอวยพระพรแก่เร็วเกินไปที่จะกระจายตัวอยู่โดยรอบพื้นที่ของฮาเร็มที่ไม่ได้มีการไม่ชอบ empress แปลกได้ อย่างไรก็ตามวิธีนี้เพียงพอ | มิเตอร์โชคดีอย่างแท้จริงที่ไม่น่าแปลกใจที่ Empress empress ใจกลาง acidogenic ประเทศอิตาลี เตียงนอนขนาดควีนส์ไซด์ในคำว่า

มีความหมายอื่นไม่ว่าจะฟังไม่ได้นางสนมของจักรพรรดินิยมอื่นๆในการฟัง ,The happy expression on Malaysian Jieyu face taunting was more obvious, these two were not the sisters, the elder sister hate to envy the younger sister seriously likely, in the younger sister eyes are not having the elder sister of born at heart, the superficial human sentiment did not do, but also made the human look seriously funnily. In

this harem the funny matter are many went, does not lack banker sisters laughingstock.

"lord," palace maid reminded in a soft voice, "on please step nian."

Ma Jieyu sits step nian, when step nian rise, she looks other are standing well-mannered the imperial concubine, the moving away line of sight slowly, gains ground to narrow the eye to look to rise the horizon Sun, Sun has raising the time, naturally also has falling time.

Is admitted to the day of bright and palace is very but actually peaceful, although occasionally will have Madam Shu to bestow something, but Zhuang Luoyan always joyfully accepts. Although Madam Shu this act perhaps among explaining them the difference of status, looks like in Zhuang Luoyan, this free and harmless thing, do not want in vain.

this day glorious weather, Zhuang Luoyan leads several palace maid court eunuches to take a walk in the, did not enter a bamboo grove carefully, is thinking this is Xu Zhaoyi boundary, although she covets here cool, honest wish draws back.

"illustrious sufficient meter?"When

when Zhuang Luoyan also without enough time draws back,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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