四十八章背后冷箭(下) “皇上驾到——” 深夜,这声通报显得比平时更加尖锐,奴才跪了一地,“皇上万岁万岁…”众人话音未落,那双明黄的靴子已踏 การแปล - 四十八章背后冷箭(下) “皇上驾到——” 深夜,这声通报显得比平时更加尖锐,奴才跪了一地,“皇上万岁万岁…”众人话音未落,那双明黄的靴子已踏 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

四十八章背后冷箭(下) “皇上驾到——” 深夜,这声通报显得比平时更加































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
48 behind the arrow (below) "The Emperor here-" Late at night, which informed is more acute than usual, slave kneeling on the ground, "long live long live Emperor ..." all volleying, those bright yellow boots was hospitalized, sped toward the back room. He actually come? Qing Feng brow unconsciously wrinkle up and she just let the haze brought news to zhengyang Palace, but Yan Hong added night will come. "What's the matter? "Qing Feng secretly surprised, Yan Hong has added a low voice in the ear. Qing Feng looked up, that way familiar figure was opened inside the gauze curtain, standing in front of her bed. Estimate is too hurried, his hair is not combed, the Crown did not take, hair with a dark black hair with random beam behind a pair of dark eyes staring at her coldly, don't see is worried or angry, only to hear the sound of sinking cold with some short. Qing Feng slightly bowed his head, not to look at his eyes deep, softly replied: "the Minister qie in the stomach. ” Indigestion? Green Maple all curled up in a thick quilt, just a head sticking out, pale blue. Yan Hongtian held out his hand, touched her forehead, Qing Feng recoiled a bit, finally, there is no escape. Pulp from the cold to the touch was added by Yan Hong was upset, a room full of minions is no healer, Yan Hong added impatiently: "a healer? ” Summer song and quickly stepped forward replied: "back to the Emperor, Tuckahoe has been invited. ” Listen to the song of a summer, Yan Hong added more cold, he arrived, a healer is harder than his Emperor?! "High, releasing yellow changing to! ” "Is. "High was about to leave, see Poria drag yellow changing to rush into the Temple of the winds. Yellow plate to the inner Chamber, see Yan Hongtian indoors is not surprising, breathless salute: "his yellow changing to see the emperor. "If he had this old one better conditioning, was dragged by Poria girl ran all the way, and this life will be gone. "No, give her a look. ” Changing hands and catch the Qing Feng Huang's wrists, face a prosperous change, look cautious and solemn, and can make the old look so came to a healer, Qing Feng have guessed, Fuling said yes, she-pregnant. Yellow changing to look abnormal, Qing feng not only look out, Tim Yan Hong also see clearly: "How is she? ” Yellow changing to open your hand up towards Yan Hong adds deep stormed, deep voice replied: "congratulations to the Emperor, Qing wives this is pulse. ” "What?" "Yan Hong Tim obviously has to be startled, before coming to the Temple of the wind, he guessed the Qing Feng toss at midnight, must be kidding what, to her character, and if it is sick, she is definitely not for people to ask him. Curious about her and what tricks he had interest over here. See her pale cold sweat, he feared she had been poisoned, never thought she was ... Pregnant? Yellow changing certain replied: "young wives are veins. ” Acer serrulatum straightens it and pretend to be surprised looking yellow, didn't dare look at Yan Hong added, naturally I had not seen him after the surprise raise it with a faint smile on her lips. A House slave who suddenly knelt down, Qi: "Emperor's wedding, Empress exultation. "The King heirs thin, not to mention Prince, even the Princess just a few. The young wives got pregnant, gave birth to son, mother son, even the Princess, it is Royal blood, quite different. In justified voices in public, Qing Feng lifted slightly, kneels at the bedside of the Xia Yin eyes, her whole man prostrate on the ground, his head down, see the look, just smiled and shook hands on the ground. "Why would she have a stomachache? "Yan Hong added cold voice suddenly rang, Xia yin's hand trembled more. Yellow changing to stroking his beard and calmly replied: "your Majesty need not worry too much, young wives last injured have been unable to fully recover, her body was not very good, long-term care coupled with the fetal position is not correct, abdominal pain is just unbearable, I opened some of the tocolysis drugs combined with acupuncture, pain can be alleviated. ” "Well, you go for it. ” "Is. "Yellow changing to prescribe medicine to the outer Chamber, after fu ling around, suddenly says:" you come with me. "Tuckahoe paused, thought for a while there, I went with yellow changing to back out of the Chamber. Listen to yellow changing to, Qing Feng hanging heart is put down, the body's pain is no better, she can't tell is it cold or pain, just keep shaking, shaking their tongues clucked to light. Yan Hongtian sat, bent down and whispered: "feel pain? ” Nonsense! Acer serrulatum took a deep breath, stubborn with my eyes closed, replied: "it's okay! ” 牙关都快咬断了,还说好。看她那逞强的样子,燕弘添轻声笑道:“这种时候就不需要嘴硬了。”靠着床头,燕弘添轻轻抬起青枫的脖子,让她枕在自己腿上,一手握着她冰冷的十指,一手轻抚着她的背脊。 燕弘添难得的温柔,高进静静的看在眼里,眼中复杂的光芒不知是喜还是忧。 温暖的手安抚着她因疼痛而颤栗僵直的身体,这时候他的怀抱暖和得让她不愿去想太多,青枫轻靠在燕弘添怀里闭上眼睛,现在应该差不多卯时了吧。 …… 茯苓大半夜跑到御医苑,几乎把所有人都吵醒了,还硬是把黄矫拖到清风殿,岚儿更是夜闯正阳宫惊扰皇上,青枫安排的这一顿折腾,还未天明就让皇宫上下几乎所有人都知道——她怀了龙胎。 啪! 卯时一刻,一声脆响从皇后寝宫内室传出,微弱的烛光映照下,一道人影正烦躁的来回走动着。水芯静静的站在软榻旁,眼睛低垂着盯着脚下,脸颊上隐隐的五指印,红痕由耳根一路蔓延到脖子。 辛玥凝的脸色已经被气得一阵红一阵白,又不能大声吼,憋着一口气,骂道:“青枫怀孕了!她居然怀上了龙种!你到底在干什么?”水芯做事,少有失手,却屡次让青枫躲过,现在竟还怀上了龙种,辛玥凝越想越怒,青家女人都是妖孽! 水芯一如往常般沉默,辛玥凝更是不耐,低声问道:“今晚的事情办妥了没有?” 暗暗深吸一口气,水芯平静的回道:“已经办妥了。青枫此时传出有孕太过巧合,很是蹊跷,不如再等等…” “还等?!”不等水芯把话说完,辛玥凝烦躁的打断她的话,狠狠的瞪着水芯骂道:“本宫一开始就不应该听你的,等等等等,再等孩子都要生出来了。”她绝对不会允许任何人有机会动摇儆儿太子的地位,哪怕是万分之一的可能,她都不允许! “你给我按照计划行事,只要做实了谋害皇后的罪名,就算她有孩子护着,本宫也能让她再进一次天牢!”这次进去青枫不会再那么好运能出来了。 甄箴和青枫已经成了辛玥凝心中的刺,有机会一箭双雕,她怎么都不可能错过。水芯深知她现在说什么,辛玥凝也不会听了,而且东西也放进清风殿了,箭在弦上不得不发。看看天色,卯时三刻,水芯低声回道:“奴婢明白了。” “啊——” 破晓时分,皇后屋内传来一声凄厉的尖叫,漪澜宫内瞬时乱作一团。 ……。 Yellow changing to give her acupuncture treatments, abdominal pain relief a lot, also ends up soon. Yan Hongtian took the hands of Tuckahoe's medicine Bowl, and sat on the bed, scooped a spoonful of juice, gently blowing cold, until it reached the Green Maple tongue face with a touch of could be called a happy smile. Year round to serve the Emperor's minions by black, when he met Emperor so considerate, putting wives resting upon legs slept for an hour, but also personally medicines, to the utmost glory. Qing Feng also live up to expectations on the arms of the Dragons, Princess I'm afraid sooner or later. Slaves stood a House, in front of so many pairs of eyes, Qing feng, Yan Hong added sudden gentle some can't afford to enjoy feeling, light cough a, said: "I myself. ” Green Maple wants to took Bowl, only met Bowl along, on think good hot, green Maple recovered hand, soup bowl also is let Yan Hong added end with, she took with spoon, slowly small mouth small mouth of drink with drug, although is bitter, but thought someone also supporting with so hot of Bowl, drug also on didn't so bitter has, green Maple eyebrows between of proud Yan Hongtian seems eye in, mouth not consciously micro-Yang, seems to let he by points crime, she on can is happy. "His Majesty the Emperor! ” Outside the hospital, several voices shouted from afar off, shouting all the way all the way into the wind Temple, Yan Hong Tim turned a dark, high into the hurried out of the House, yelled: "audacity, Queen scene. ” Young eunuchs to his knees with a splash at the door, breathless replied: "Yes. Empress is wrong! ” High sense perception, and asked in a low voice: "how the Queen? ” 小太监小心翼翼的朝内室看了一眼,怕皇上听不见一般,大声回道:“今日天还没亮,皇后娘娘不知怎的,惨叫一声之后忽然狂性大发,把漪澜宫给砸了,像是…像是撞邪了!两宫皇太后都惊动了,东太后命奴才过来请皇上赶紧过去一趟。” 撞邪? 尖细的声音轻松越过屏风,清楚的传入内室,青枫对燕弘添对看一眼,从他幽深的黑眸中,她看到一抹暗光与探究,以燕弘添那敏锐而深沉的心思,昨晚发生这么多事,他应该也感觉到不对劲了。青枫别开视线,掏出枕边的丝绢垫在碗下,接过燕弘添手里的药碗,低着头一边喝药一边回道:“皇上您过去看看吧。臣妾已经没什么大碍了,休息一会就好了。” 燕弘添静静的看着青枫自顾自的喝药,她没再如往常般与他对视,燕弘添缓缓起身,捋了捋微皱的长袍,没有留下一句话,大步跨出了清风殿。 青枫端着药碗,仍是一勺一勺的往嘴里送,仿佛喝的不是药一般,那静抑的气氛让一屋子的宫女太监大气都不敢喘。直到将手中的药汁喝完,青枫才低声说道:“茯苓留下,你们都退下吧。” “是。”众人暗暗吁了一口气,快步退了出去。屋子重回平静,茯苓上前接过青枫手中的药碗,问道:“主子你觉得怎么样?”







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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Forty eight chapters Lengjian behind (under) "drive to the emperor -" late at night, the sound of communications seem more acute than usual, he knelt over the ground, "Long live the emperor Long live ..." Everyone voice hardly ever, a pair of bright yellow boots is depressed within the admission, he walked quickly toward the back room. He has indeed come? Seifu unconscious brow wrinkled up, she had just wanted the news to Zheng Yang Lan children palace, Yan Hong Tim did not think most of the night will be over. "How is it?" Seifu also secretly surprised, Yan Hong Tim deep voice has been sounded in my ears. Qingfeng looked up, and that figure is a familiar road open inner chamber Shaman, stood by her bed. It is estimated that more too hasty, he did not comb the hair, hair did not take the crown, dark hair with a hair band only random bunch behind, a pair of black eyes staring at her cold, do not see is worried or angry , only to hear the voice with a heavy cold, a bit hasty. Qingfeng slightly bowed his head, not to look at his eyes deep, softly replied: "Chenqie stomach ache." tummy ache? Seifu whole person curled up in a thick quilt, only the head sticking out, his face gray Bai Faqing. Yan Hong Tim hand, stroking her forehead, Seifu back winced nor the last to escape. Pulp coming cold to the touch make hearts burst Yan Hong Tim irritability, a room full of minions no one physician, Yan Hong Tim impatient Oh said: "? Physician it" summer Yin quickly stepped forward and replied: "Back to the emperor, Poria has gone invited." After listening to the words of Xia Yin, Yan Hong Tim face more cold, he arrived, the physician is actually harder than he requested the emperor? ! "High Xuan Huang Jiao! " " 是. "Gao Jin was about to go out, to see Poria breeze dragged Huang stormed the house of correction. Huang Jiao into the room and saw Tim Hong Yan in the house is not surprising, breathless salute and said:. "Chen Huang Jiao, see the emperor," If he had not old bones conditioning goes, was so drag that Poria girl had run all the way, we did not have to try any. "Free gift, give her look at it." Jiao Huang Qingfeng hand just to catch the wrist, his face changed prosperous, dignified look cautious, so lets look old physician is exposed, Seifu already guessed to Poria said yes, she - a pregnant. Huang Jiao look abnormal, not only Seifu seen, Yan Hong Tim also see clearly: "how is she?" Huang Jiao let go, got up towards the Hong Yan Yi Yi Tian deeply, before Chen Sheng replied: "Congratulations The emperor, Green Bin pulse which is hi. " " What? "Yan Hong Tim apparently was taken aback, before coming to the wind temple, he guessed Seifu midnight so frustrating, certainly again in playing any tricks to her character, if really sick, she would never tell someone to ask him. Curious what she tricks, he have interest to look. I saw her pale face dripping sweat, he really worried that she was not being poisoned, she never imagined that she, turned out to be a ... pregnant? Huang Jiao sure replied: "Green Bin is happy vein." Seifu pretend Jiao Huang looked stunned, did not dare look to add Yan Hong, naturally did not see the mouth raised after his surprise that faint smile. A house slave suddenly knelt down, chanted and said:. "The emperor was overjoyed, empress overjoyed" The emperor heirs thin, not to mention Prince, and even Princess also so few. The Green Bin pregnant, gave birth to Prince if, certainly your mother with children, even a princess, that is royal blood, the position is quite different. Qi voice in the crowd, the Qingfeng slightly looked up, saw kneeling at the bedside Yin summer, her whole person prostrate on the ground, his head down, see the look, but stays on the ground slightly shaking hands . "Why would she stomach pain?" Yan Hong Tim cold voice suddenly sounded, summer Yin tremor was more powerful. Huang Jiao stroked his beard, calmly replied: "The emperor not too much to worry about, the last time the Green Bin injured have been unable to fully recover, the body is not that good, long-term Worries plus malposition, pain will be unbearable ., minister prescribe some medicine tocolysis supplemented by acupuncture, the pain can be alleviated. " ". ah, you go to prepare for it," "is" Huang Jiao went outside the room prescribe medication passes Poria side, suddenly said:. "You Come with me. "Poria froze for a moment, thought, or follow Huang Jiao behind a closet. After listening to the words of Huang Jiao, Qingfeng hanging in the heart was put down, the body has not the slightest improvement in pain, she can not tell a cold or sore, just kept shaking, shaking his teeth are gurgling to light ring. Yan Hong Tim sitting on the bed, she leaned over and whispered: "pain?" Nonsense! Qingfeng took a deep breath, perverse eyes closed, replied: "Fortunately!" almost snapped his teeth, and said good. Look at her the way try to be brave, Yan Hong Tim laughed softly: "This time there is no need of fooling." Relying on the bed, gently lift Qingfeng Yan Hong Tim's neck, let her pillow in her lap, hand holding her cold fingers, one hand stroking her spine. Yan Hong Tim rare gentle, high feed quietly look in the eyes, the eyes glow complex do not know hi or worry. A warm hand to reassure her in pain and stiffness in the body tremble, this time his warm embrace was reluctant to let her think too much, Qingfeng Yan Hong Tianhuai in close my eyes against the light, and now it should be almost Mao Shi . ...... Poria most of the night went to the physician Court, almost everyone woke up, but also simply drag the yellow Jiao Dian breeze, Lan child is disturbed night raid Zhengyang palace emperor, Seifu arranged this meal toss not yet dawn let Palace and down almost everyone knows - she was pregnant dragon tires. Smack! Mao Shi moment, I heard Cui Xiang, the chamber came from the Queen Palace, the faint candle illuminates, a figure being upset and walked. Water core soft榻旁stood quietly, his eyes downcast stared at the foot of the cheek faint five fingerprints, Honghen spread all the way from the ears to the neck. Sheen Yue Ning's face had been angry burst red burst of white, and can not shouted, simmering breath, then shouted: "!! Seifu pregnant she actually was pregnant dragon species you in the end doing?" Core water work , few missed, but repeatedly let Seifu escape, now went so far as pregnant dragon species, Xin Yue Ning grew more and more angry, green home women are evildoer! Water core as usual, silent, Xin Yue Ning is impatience, whispered: "? Thing tonight completed with no" secretly took a deep breath, calm water core replied: "We have completed the . Seifu pregnant this time came too coincidental, it is strange, it is better to wait ... " "still waiting for?!" ranging from water-core finish, Xin Yue Ning irritability interrupted her fiercely staring at the water core curse:. "The house should never have to listen to you, etc., etc., then the child is to be born," she would never allow anyone to have the opportunity to shake the watch children Prince, even if it is one in a million possible, she is not allowed! "You give me to act in accordance with the plan, as long as do real queen of the murder charges, even if she has children guarding, the Palace also make her once again into the prison!" This went Seifu will not come out so good luck a. Zhen Zhen and Seifu has become oct Yue Ning stab the heart, have the opportunity to kill two birds, how she can not miss. Water core know what she says now, Xin Yue Ning will not be listened to, but things are put in the house of a breeze, I made ​​ready to fly. Look at the sky, Mao Shi quarter to three, water core whispered back: "The slaves understand." "ah -" the break of dawn, the Queen of the house heard a shrill scream, Yi Lan intrauterine instantaneous floundered. ....... Huang Jiao to acupuncture treatment after her, a lot of abdominal pain relief drug soon end up. Hong Yan Yao Wan Tim took Poria hands, sat down beside the bed, fetched a spoon concoction, gently blowing cold, just handed Seifu mouth, his face can be called with a faint pleasant smile. Aside perennial serve the emperor's minions could not help heart Antan, when the emperor saw so considerate, so green bin leg pillow to sleep an hour, but also personally given medicines, extremely Jung. Seifu also disappointing pregnant dragon seeds, sealing Princess fear that sooner or later things. Lackey stood a house, in front of so many pairs of eyes, Yan Hong Tim sudden feeling of tenderness Seifu some unaffordable, Qing Ke cry, and said:. "I have to," Qingfeng think took the bowl, only touch to Wan Yan, I felt good hot, Seifu hand back, soup or let Yan Hong Tim holding, she took the spoon, slowly sipping a small mouth small mouth medicine, though bitter, but think of someone still holding so hot bowl, drugs are not so bitter, proud Seifu eyebrows among opinion Yan Hong Tim's eyes, mouth unconsciously micro-Yang, seemed to make him sin by the point, she can be very happy. ! "Emperor emperor" outside the hospital, far heard several shouting, shouting all the way to come all the way to the house to break into the wind, Yan Hong Tim face a dark, high into the rush out of the house, yelled: "presumptuous, dare so yelling at Imperial. " Little eunuch plop kneel in front of breathless replied:. "! Yes Queen Goddess accident" high into the heart feel different, whispered: "Queen how? " eunuch cautiously looked toward the chamber, afraid to hear the emperor general, shouted back: "Today it was still dark, the Queen Goddess Somehow, after the screams suddenly crazy big hair, to give Yi Lan Palace smashed, like ... like Zhuangxie! Empress Dowager Liang Gong was moved, East Empress life I come quickly please the emperor to come across. " Zhuangxie? Tinny sound easily cross the screen, clear incoming chamber, Qingfeng Yan Hong to add to the look, from his deep black eyes, she saw a touch of dark and exploration, Yan Hong to add that sharp and deep mind, so many things happened last night, he should feel wrong. Seifu distinguished line of sight, pulled the pillow silk mat in the bowl, took the hands of Tim Yao Wan Yan Hong, head down the side while Yao replied:. "The emperor has your past to see it Chenqie nothing serious, rest for a while like. " Yan Jing Hong Tianjing watching Yao Qingfeng self-serving, she did another example usual, and his eyes, Yan Hong Tim slowly got up, stroked stroke microfold robe, without leaving a word, strode out of the temple breeze. Qingfeng carrying Yaowan still send spoonful into his mouth, as if not to drink medicine in general, and that suppression of quiet ambience of a room palace eunuchs atmosphere could not breathe. Until the hands of the concoction drinking, Seifu only whispered:. "Poria leave, you have to step down now" . "is" Everyone secretly sigh, walked back out. House back calm, Poria Qingfeng took the hands of Yao Wan approached, asked: "? Masters you think" Qingfeng looked outside the window catches the slightest Hongxia, urgent: "What hour of ? " " chenshi three moment. " Mao Shi three moment, chenshi a quarter to three, the Queen Zhuangxie this time, will not be a coincidence. Really a queen? Hui Fei, you have what role in the conspiracy in? She'll see. Seifu long time silent, suddenly asked: "? Huang Jiao and what you say," 'he said the next day he came to you in the future to diagnose the troubles, let me daily to physician Court dispensary, wind back the house brewed, during Aoyao can not ask somebody else said ... "Poria hesitated for a moment, only a low voice replied:." Your precious unborn child must be careful carefully before. " CAUTION carefully before ... he did not say in front of Yan Tian Hong it does not matter? Seifu suddenly understood, and sneered:. "It seems that the child was born or not born too unknown down" Seifu voice was off, the yard suddenly heard the clamor, seemed rushed to a group of people? Soon, Lan child clear voice shouted: "What are you doing dare trespass breeze temple?." Listen neat footsteps, not like eunuchs, hand lightly resting on the flat belly, on the side of Qingfeng Poria whispered: "go and see how it was." Poria nodded, opened the door and saw a dozen guards standing hospital, and led his people turned out to be ...?

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
48 Chapter 后 back cold arrow (the)) "The Tsar 驾 -" to the late at night, 这 声 links 报 显 than Ping 时 more Tsim 锐, I knelt over "the emperor 万 岁 万 岁. 众 话 people sound not Lok, the 双 Ming 黄 boots has entered hospital 内, the DPRK 着 里 housing direction fast walking. The following him, has indeed 来? Tsing 枫 Mei 头 not from the 觉 皱 his 来 that she is to 让 来 只 岚 儿 带 the message that is 阳 宫, 没 Hung Yen thought Tim most of the night of 还 会 过 来. The "How 么 the matter? ” 枫 还 in secretly 诧 异, Yan Hong Tim low 经 声 voice has been in the ears 边 响. The Tsing 枫 carried the 头 lookingThe familiar scene is a lift 开 内 room of 纱 curtain, stood in her bed. islamic 来 计 is too 过 hasty, he 发 Bun not comb, not 带 发 Kuan, 头 发 只 with a dark 发 带 随 the cluster of 后, a black eyes 双 cold stare 着 she, it was not is the 担 heart 还 is 气, 只 听 is immersed cold 声 sound 里 带 着 几 in haste. Tsing 枫 slightly lower 头, not to see his remote and quiet eyes, 轻 声 replied: "wife of the emperor stomach pain. " to the stomach pain? Tsing 枫 whole 个 people wriggle in thick quilt 里, 只 头 have exposed on the outside, 脸 gray color 发 Tsing. Yan Hong Tim hand, 轻 抚 her 额 头, Tsing 枫 to 后 缩, most 后 also 没 开 hiding there.The abdominal 传 来 ice 凉 触 sense the 让 Yan Hong TIM's heart 烦 阵 manic, 满 满 a house flunkey 却 没 个 mercy 医, Yan hung 烦 Tim impatience of Oh, “医 Royal? The summer" to recite 赶 紧 before the Mawarimichi: "back to the emperor, Fuling has 经 to 请. The 听" to the Xia recite 话, Yin Hong Tim 脸 color more 阴 cold, he has reached the imperial 医 than he'd 这 个 Tsar 还 难 请? ! "High 进, head of the publicity 黄 矫! " to the "is. The 刚 进 门 to the 见 Fuling and 着 黄 矫 冲 进 Ching 风 Temple. The 黄 矫 进 into the 内 room, see Yan Hong Tim in housing 里 并 not accident, 气 blow the line 礼, “黄 矫 statistics, 参 见 King.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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