回到宫里的当夜,畅天楼就传出倩贵人召太医,结果太医告诉她,身上穿的衣服被弄了药粉,以致全身发痒,还容易吸引蚂蝗。一时间原本等着看倩贵人热闹的 การแปล - 回到宫里的当夜,畅天楼就传出倩贵人召太医,结果太医告诉她,身上穿的衣服被弄了药粉,以致全身发痒,还容易吸引蚂蝗。一时间原本等着看倩贵人热闹的 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด





































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Back in the Palace that night, Chang day outgoing Qian nobleman called cure on the floor, Imperial doctor told her the results, wearing clothes were in the powder, and that itch is also likely to attract leeches. Time was busy waiting to see Qian noble wives beware, afraid this matter somehow fell upon themselves. Luo yan sitting in the gazebo, looked comfortable looking at Green Lake swam to Koi, but heard two ladies gossiping. "Who do you say get Qian noble? ” "Who knows, since Qian noble palace, is also very loved by the Emperor, although not sue Goodfriend and Chiu Yin volume two-girl, but are similar to soft imperial concubine Empress. ” "In my opinion it's probably is xuzhaoronggan, Qian who lived at her place, she has lost a pet, was uncertain how to hate. ” "Which two brave ladies jump on the master? "Luo yan heard the barbs, there's soft Princess voice not far away, she had to put away a lazy bones, out of the gazebo was kneeling in front of the gentle Princess pale into insignificance in the two maids. "Seen soft imperial concubine Empress," Chuang was soft Princess Fu Luo yan Fu, maids kneeling is swept out of sight, with a trace of a smile on the face. "It's not Zhao Yin Rong," soft imperial concubine Zhuang Luo yan, although good, but today Luo yan Zhuang grace Golden, and her face was milder than many, "yesterday before going to the suburbs, efforts could have come out today? ” "Just the suburbs, nor much effort things," Luo yan Zhuang gentle smile, "pleasant view today, he wanted to come out, which was heard some nonsense. ” "Is not nonsense," soft cold saw two ladies Princess, Princess odalisques Lady-in-waiting and noble than, it is not to be happy about. Besides not being soft and her temperament, if someone dares to say, nature would dare take her anger, "according to the Palace, and some people can't control his mouth, wouldn't mouth. ” Luo yan Zhuang weeping eyes, mouth slightly bend does not say much. Soft imperial concubine Zhuang yan which did not touch the matter means cold face said, "come, the two ladies sent to the provinces in the House, this jump on the masters behaviors must be severely punished. ” Watch two ladies begging for mercy was dragged down, Luo yan Zhuang smiles faded, "the gentle Princess Empress this is where? ” "Qian and elegant body discomfort, and served the Emperor's sister, this temple is naturally going to look at her. "The gentle Princess a faint smile," Zhao Yin Rong went to look for? If not, to go along with the House look. ” At this point, Luo yan Zhuang naturally refused, she along with the gentle Princess step, smooth floor. Across a lush bamboo forest into a smooth floor, Zhuang, Luo yan Gao Dezhong were standing outside, knowing that Emperor on the smooth floor, meal, Gao Dezhong smiled and nodded: "high-grandfather. ” "Seen soft imperial concubine Empress, Chiu-Yin Rong Niangniang," after Gao Dezhong Guoli, Luo yan Zhuang smiles, "two noble Empress this is Qian? The Emperor and Empress at the moment Sue imperial concubine Empress here, you don't. ” "Thank you, Sun," Luo yan Zhuang nod, see soft Princess had walked a few steps, and had to turn around and up. Gao Dezhong watched two-girl back and curved bent over and looked back, his face smile slowly faded off. "Your Majesty, Johor Royal concubine Zhao Yin Rong is asking for it! ” Deadpan I have heard of eunuch the Herald, nodded, "let them come in. "Also acquired a warm color on the surface, let sit beside his Queen eyebrows moved. "Your Majesty, Qian and elegant body skin scratched, Xu Zhaorong was too vicious," Queen's solemn way, "Qian poor nobleman that a snow-colored skin, the Palace looked distressed. ” Luo yan walked into the room, he heard Queen's words, some mixed feelings, was later Lady-in-waiting lie is so sincere people skills. Fu walked away from the Emperor's three-step distance, "I met the emperor. ” "Two love no more," the voice with a touch of the Emperor, "thanks. ” Luo yan in the gentle Princess next sat, be careful to sit back on the bed, Qian who took one look, immediately drew in their breath, take a beauty face how did it become such a way, terribly red rashes that abruptly turned into a stunning face bitches. "Qian who hurt so badly? "The gentle Princess look astonished, and frowns slightly dissatisfied with said," Qian who looked beauty, who will have the repayment? ” This is so wicked, obviously others brutally disfigured, Queen and soft Princess to make your white skin beauty, non-Emperor Qian who can't remember now embarrassed? There are kneeling on the ground that the Xu Zhaorong can't be transparent, soft Princess to say such a statement? Qian who also seem to accept yourself like this, soft Princess had just finished saying, pulling the bed covered most of his face, there is not even a glance at all mind. Move an eyelid lift, no talk to gentle Princess, turned to the Queen: "Qian noble appearance, you charge more, make an early recovery. ” "Please rest assured that the Emperor, Qian and elegant appearance, Emperor more than you love dearly, I am also distressed. "Queen under mild and seeing Xu Zhaorong," Xu Zhaorong, you again make a mistake, it is no remission of sin. ” Xu Zhaorong looked up and smiled a sad face, "the Emperor and the Empress had convict me, I naturally nothing could forgive sins. ” So Queen not to get half his face, she dropped her eyelids, the "earlier you jealous Zhao Yin Rong, Emperor you waited on for years, does not crack down, now you have poisoned Qian who really have vicious intentions. ” Xu Zhaorong impassive listening to Queen's words, turned to the Emperor, "your Majesty ... ..." Luo yan Zhuang Xu Zhaorong eyes with hope, maybe she knew that this room full of woman's absolutely no charges on her head that, the only way to prove her innocence, only the Emperor alone. "What else can you say? "The Emperor of Xu Zhaorong, had not much love in her eyes, as if looking at a stranger," perhaps I was too indulgent. ” Emperor so light a sentence, Xu Zhaorong expectations disappear in the eyes, she knelt up straight, bow bow down to gift of the Emperor, Word up, speak clearly: "sin I have nothing to say. ”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]



































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Returns to that night in palace, the smooth day building spreads the attractive honored person to summon the imperial physician, finally the imperial physician told her, the clothes that the body wore were made the medicinal powder, so that the whole body itched, but also was easy to attract the leech. Suddenly waited to look that the attractive honored person lively imperial concubines are careful respectively, feared this matter falls on oneself bewilderedly.

Zhuang Luoyan by sitting in pavilion, facial expression satisfied looks idle talk that the koi that the deep green lake water middle reaches swim away, actually hears two palace maids.

"you said that who will harm the attractive honored person?"

"who knows that attractive honored person, since enters the palace, receives the emperor to like very much, although is inferior to Madam Shu and Zhao virtue accommodates two empresses,However was similar to the supple imperial concubine empress.""Perhaps

in my opinion this matter is Xu Zhaorong does, now the attractive honored person lives her there, she actually lost favoring, erratically has at heart hates."

"is which two brave palace maid discussed the lord absurdly?"When Zhuang Luoyan hears emerges, not far away actually resounds the voice of supple imperial concubine, she has to receive lazybones, goes out of the pavilion then to see to kneel before the supple imperial concubine ghastly pale look two palace maids.

"has seen supple imperial concubine empress," Zhuang Luoyan to the supple imperial concubine luck the body, the line of sight has swept has been kneeling the palace maid, in the surface is having a faint smile.

"this is not Zhao virtue accommodates," supple imperial concubine, although is unhappy to Zhuang Luoyan,However now Zhuang Luoyan the Saint favors Sheng, in the surface was also but actually more temperate than the past, "yesterday went to the suburbs, today how does the central force come out?"

"goes to the suburbs, is not the matter of multi-taking the trouble strength," Zhuang Luoyan smiles temperately, "today sees the scenery to be pleasant, is thinking comes out, who would have thought hears some nonsenses unexpectedly."

"is not some nonsenses," supple imperial concubine looks at two palace maids indifferently, which imperial concubine imperial concubine is compared with the honored person by the palace maid, is not worth the happy matter. Let alone she usually was not soft and temper, since some people dare saying that naturally must dare to withstand her anger,"Looked according to this palace that some people manage are not quiet, did not need to open mouth."

Zhuang Luoyan hangs the pupil to bow the head, the corners of the mouth micro curved do not talk too much. The

supple imperial concubine sees Zhuang Luoyan not to meddle the meaning of this matter, is then cold the face saying:"Comes the human, delivers to the palace to save these two palace maids, this type discussed the behavior of lord to punish absurdly surely."

looks that two palace maids beg for mercy to be towed, Zhuang Luoyan the smiling face was paler, "which is supple imperial concubine empress this hits comes?"

"attractive honored person body is ill, is the sisters who serves the emperor, this palace naturally is takes a look at her."The supple imperial concubine faint smile, "Zhao virtuous Rong has Ke looked? If not, then together takes a look with this palace."

The words to this situation, Zhuang Luoyan no longer have naturally rejected, she along with the step of supple imperial concubine, went to the smooth day building.

then arrived at the smooth day building across the luxuriant bamboo grove, Zhuang Luoyan noticed that Gaud stands outside loyally, knows that the emperor also in the smooth day building, footsteps, with a smile nods to Gaudzhong: "Father-in-law Gao."

"sees supple imperial concubine empress, Zhao virtue has accommodated the empress, after" Gaud has saluted loyally, said with a smile toward Zhuang Luoyan, "two empress this comes to see the attractive honored person? This little while emperor as well as empress empress Madam Shu the empresses, you invited."

"has father-in-law Lao," Zhuang Luoyan nodded the head slightly, sees the supple imperial concubine to proceed several steps,Has to turn around to follow.

Gaudzhong looks the back that two empresses bent the waist, when gains ground again, smiling on face slowly pale.

"the emperor, the supple imperial concubine Zhao virtue allows to seek an interview!"Feng Jin who

unemotionally hears court eunuch to notify, nodded, "makes them come."In surface were also many one point of warm color, lets sit in his empress brow tip moves.

"the emperor, the attractive honored person flesh is about to have scratched and torn, Xu Zhaorong also extremely evil and cruel," empress road, "pitiful attractive honored person that snow color flesh, this palace looks serious is loving dearly."

Zhuang Luoyan enters the room, then hears empress these words, the heart is somewhat sigh with emotion,Told such sincere the lie is also the harem woman necessary skill. Arrives to the emperor three far place luck bodies, "concubine has seen the emperor."

"two like the imperial concubine not needing to be overly courteous," emperor voice is light, "bestows the place."

Zhuang Luoyan seat of honor under supple imperial concubine, careful toward depending to sit the attractive honored person on bed looked at one, immediately has attracted an air conditioning, how a beautiful face well turned into such an appearance, that was redder much the rash a causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman unyielding turned into the ill-tempered woman.

"how does attractive honored person injure such seriously?"Supple imperial concubine surprised appearance, frowns the discontented road,"Attractive honored person grows the beautiful face month appearance, who can get down such cruel methods?"

this saying is really also lacking virtue enough, others suffer to disfigure one's face obviously, what snow color flesh beautiful face month appearance the empress and supple imperial concubine must raise, is difficult to be inadequate wants the emperor the attractive honored person now the distressed appearance on the heart? That kneels in ground Xu Zhaorong is difficult to be inadequate is transparent, can the supple imperial concubine speak such words? The

attractive honored person as if cannot accept oneself this appearance, the supple imperial concubine words just said that then drew the quilt to cover the most face, looked continually people thoughts did not have. The

Feng Jin eyelid lifted lifting, has not responded the words of supple imperial concubine, then said to the empress:"Attractive honored person now so the appearance, your many Fei Xiexin, making her sooner be restored to health."

"asked the emperor to feel relieved that the attractive honored person so appearance, the emperor you loved dearly incessantly, I was also love dearly."The empress should, then look temperately to Xu Zhaorong, "Xu Zhaorong, you make mistakes over and over, was really the crime does not have to be possible the amnesty."

Xu Zhaorong gains ground, smiles a face to be touching, "the emperor and empress empress had already decided my crime, my naturally crime does not have the amnesty."

such words cannot make the empress change the half minute complexion, her dangling eyelid, "you envy Zhao virtue to accommodate early, the emperor read you to serve for many years, has not punished, now you poison the attractive honored person, was really attentive dangerous."

Xu Zhaorong expression indifferent listens to the empress words, then looks to the emperor, "the emperor ......"

Zhuang Luoyan noticed that in Xu Zhao Rong Yan is also having the expectation, she is perhaps clear, the women in this full room urgently may not treat this charge according to her head, can show that only she is pure, only then emperor.

"did you have something to say?"The emperor looks at Xu Zhaorong, in eye does not have many sentiments, as if looks at a stranger, "perhaps was I tolerates you."Emperor

such light a few words, making in Xu Zhao Rong Yan expectation vanish thoroughly, her kneeling straight body, saluted the bowing politely big ritual toward the emperor, speak unhurriedly and clearly,Enunciation clear road: "Crime concubine is speechless."
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