人类鬼族给人类适用战争奖励.给鬼族适用战争奖励.不能适用战争奖励.现在不能适用人类战争奖励.现在不能适用鬼族战争奖励.%s 和(%s)在 % การแปล - 人类鬼族给人类适用战争奖励.给鬼族适用战争奖励.不能适用战争奖励.现在不能适用人类战争奖励.现在不能适用鬼族战争奖励.%s 和(%s)在 % อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


%s 和(%s)在 %s(%d,%d)地方带着人类圣物.
%s 和(%s)在 %s(%d,%d)地方带着鬼族圣物.
%d秒后结束服务. 请稍后再连接.
%s 已拿到人类圣物.
%s 已拿到鬼族圣物.
主巢穴(%s) 开启.
主巢穴(%s) 关闭.
主巢穴(%s) 可出入时间剩 %d 分钟.
[PCroom]剩余时间 %d 分.
[个人]剩余时间 %d 分.
恩 ? 可以吃吗?
加载怪物 AI信息(DirectiveSet)
加载%s 信息.
星出现率修改为 1/%s.
活动怪物出现率修改为 1/%s.
经验值获得率修改为 %s%.
道具获得率修改为 %s%.
战争胜利的维持时间修改为 %s 分钟.
人类战争HP奖励修改为 %s%.
鬼族战争HP奖励修改为 %s%.
人类战争杀伤力奖励修改为 %s%.
鬼族战争杀伤力奖励修改为 %s%.
VIP用户经验值奖励修改为 %s%.
VIP zone的道具捡取机率修改为 %s%.
zone团队平衡 周期修改为 %s 分.
乐透道具类机率修改为 %s%.
乐透道具选项机率修改为 %s%.
摩托车召唤技能设置为 %s .
怪物识别敌人的时间修改为 %s秒.
隐身道具捡取机率修改为 %s%.
特殊道具捡取机率修改为 %s / 10000
主巢穴活动设置为 %s .
中秋粽子道具捡取机率设置为 1 / %s .
主人开始吸血HP 设置为 %s%.
主人开始吸血状态的吸血机率 %s%设置为.
首领结束吸血 HP? %s设置为.
怪物首领 技能 %s 设置为.
怪物首领隐身道具机率 %s%设置为.
能力值总合超过40的角色移动至公会建筑物的功能设置为 %s .
系统储存信息中. 请稍等.
%s 座连接 %s 服务.
%s 座未连接服务.
在线人数 : %d 名
主巢穴 活动开始.
幽灵状态设置为%s .
取消申请加入%s 队伍.
取消申请加入%s 家族.
%s 座取消加入队伍.
%s 座取消加入家族.
%s 座已踢出队伍.
%s 座已踢出家族.
接受%s 座加入队伍.
接受%s 座加入家族.
%s 座的队伍权限已变更.
%s 座的家族权限已变更.
%s 座退出队伍.
%s 座退出家族.
%s 座的钱不够
NPC出现障碍. 请咨询客服.
: 战争功能关闭.
战争功能已关闭,先激活战争.战争_激活 后点击 ON
%s的 %s公会会长已变更为 %s .
%s 城堡变成人类共用城堡.
%s 家族已占领%s城.
%s 座(%s) 位 %s( %d,%d )地方拿着城堡象征 (%s) .
%s( %d,%d )神殿有 %s 城堡象征.
城堡象征掉在 %s( %d,%d).
[%d] 城堡准备 %d 个战争.
出现血之圣书的象征 (%s) .
血之圣书的象征 (%s) 回到 %s守护的神殿(%s).
入场费不足. : %d 需要钱.
%s将进行到 %s.
%s 座未参加血之战争活动.
%s 座已领取血之战争道具.
给您力量+4 防弹衣和 力量+4 防弹裤 . 加油!
给您力量+5 防弹甲和 力量+5 防弹甲裤 .加油!
给您力量+1 武士服和 力量+1 武士裤 . 加油!
给您力量+2 武士服和 力量+2 武士裤 . 加油!
给您力量+3 武士服和 力量+3 武士裤 . 加油!
给您力量+4 防弹衣和 力量+4 防弹裤 . 加油!
给您力量+5 防弹甲和 力量+5 防弹甲裤 .加油!
给您力量+1 武士服和 力量+1 武士裤 . 加油!
给您力量+2 武士服和 力量+2 武士裤 . 加油!
给您力量+3 武士服和 力量+3 武士裤 . 加油!
给您力量+4 紧身服和 力量+4犬齿项链加油!
给您力量+4 暗黑紧身衣 力量+4黑玉项链加油!
给您力量+5 暗黑紧身衣力量+4 魔幻项链 加油!
给您力量+5 暗黑紧身衣力量+4 恶魔项链 加油!
给您力量+5 礼服和力量+4 死亡之星 加油!
给您力量+4 披风和 力量+4犬齿项链 加油!
给您力量+4 礼服和 力量+4黑玉项链加油!
给您力量+5 礼服和力量+4 魔幻项链 加油!
给您力量+5 礼服和力量+4 恶魔项链 . 加油!
给您力量+5 礼服和力量+4 死亡之星 加油!
%s 座申请分手.
%s 座申请情人.
zone在线用户 %u 名.
敢乱闯… 给我滚出去!
我还是更喜欢鬼族. 一群废物…
军人就了不起啊, 你?别来烦我.
半鬼族... 又是一群笨笨
已发放奖券(%d张). 请在网页上确认.
未到可出入等级.(可出入能力值总合 150 以下)
免费用户60秒后会自动退出到%s. 谢谢支持.
您的搭档名称 %s.

你好. 是包季用户. 包季使用期限是%d年%d月%d日. 今天是%d年%d月%d日.
你好. 是一般用户. 剩余点数为 %d点数
你好.已过包季使用期限,现转换为一般用户.剩余点数为 %d点数.
你好. 一般用户转换至包季用户.
你好.剩余点数为 %d点数.
埃斯洛尼安 西北
埃斯洛尼安 东北
埃斯洛尼安 西南
埃斯洛尼安 地牢
提摩尔湖 西南
提摩尔湖 东南
拉诺姆地牢 2层
巴托里地牢 2层
提摩尔湖 东北
洛丁山 西南
洛丁山 东南
埃森地牢 1层
埃森地牢 2层
亚当圣地 东部
海尼儿 地牢 1层
海尼儿 地牢 2层
卡斯塔罗 东北
洛丁山 东北
洛丁山 西北
拉森内城 2层
拉诺姆地牢 2层
埃斯洛尼安 西南
卡斯塔罗 东北
埃斯洛尼安 西北
埃斯洛尼安 地牢
提摩尔 东南
拉诺姆地牢 2层
埃森地牢 1层
埃森地牢 2层
卡斯塔罗 东北
洛丁山 西南
提摩尔 东南
拉诺姆地牢 1层
小孩首领, 阿尔坎首领
埃斯罗伊德首领, 飞影首领, 假人首领
地域男巫首领, 黑暗亡灵首领, 混乱使者首领
混乱君主首领, 混乱贪婪鬼首领, 黑雾首领
蒙林门首领,追讨鬼首领, 黑暗比利士首领, 巫妖吉尔首领
我说怎么这么骚乱… 原来你们通过那恐怖陷阱过来的啊?
不要误会. 这确实是我的安身处,但我也不清楚怎么会有那个陷阱.
搞的连我都没法出去… 不知道是谁做的…
怎么回事…好像有什么征兆. 是你们做的吗?难道是要来害我吗?
哈~! 要撵走来客人啊… 没礼貌.
不用惊讶.老了到处是出问题啊.期待吧,会看到更惊人的, 哈哈哈哈.
好, 非常棒! 还是你了解我们.
散发我喜欢的味道?. 这没法再等啦.
嗑啊!! 怎么能被你们这些小虫袭击...
这危险, 赶紧离开这里… 不行… 不能挺…
闭嘴! 烦人的病…呼呼,看你们紧张的表情,真搞笑. 再享受会儿!
停..停止攻击! 不是我的本意. 是你们唤醒了被遗忘的我.
恩.. 既然这样.. 要不跟我妥协吧?
原来如此. 用力量的代价要换取她的血和肉,虽然不是过分的要求.
我还是受了内伤,后来就禁止外人出入. 陷阱吗… 也是我设置的.
来, 看一下. 看看我创造的生命体, 你们也可以重新诞生的!
有贞德的血就好了… 没辙啊,只能试试你们的血啦…
为什么要迷恋那空虚的生活… 最后不还是要成一堆灰土… 啊啊~
还是回去吧.. 就算知道了对你们也没啥好处的.
跟你们讲过这是危险之地..再说现在.. 我..我的状态.. 恩..呃啊啊啊
嗑哈哈哈.. 还是成功的扒了外皮..
本来想耍点妖术.. 看来是没必要了..
不..不可以..求..求你.. 求你住手..
现在不是稻草人了! 祝贺你们
来, 跟我走.
现在开始 %d 分钟适用双倍经验值.
现在开始 %d 分钟出现双倍怪物.
现在开始 %d 分钟适用双倍的阶级经验值.
现在开始 %d 分钟适用双倍幸运.
现在开始 %d 分钟猎怪就会掉下来特殊道具.
类型 1 连接错误.请咨询营运团
转换成功. 剩%d可转换点数.
已初始化能力值.可以再初始化%d 回.
%s 座添加灵魂点数, 10秒后到达.
活动奖券已有 %d个. 详情请参照网页.
活动时间剩 %d时 %d分.
已过12个小时. 可以再次申请A等级任务.
剩%d 分钟.
已过时间限制. 10秒后移动至复活位置.
求生区进场时间剩 %u分钟.
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
HumanGhost clanApplied to human beings war reward.Ghost clan for war bonus.Cannot apply a war rewarded.Cannot apply human rewards of war.Cannot apply the ghost war reward.%S (%s)%s (%d,%d) holy place with humanity.%S (%s)%s (%d,%d) with the Holy Ghost family.Holy (%s) fell to the%s (%d,%d).Service ends after%d seconds. Please try again later connection.End of service%S has got the human relics.%S has got Holy Ghost family.After moving to%s%d seconds.Disconnect after%d seconds.Main nests (%s) opened.Main nests (%s) closed.Main nests (%s) can be time left%d minutes.Variation of ChristmasRudolphHuman Holy keepingHoly Ghost family careNow to enter.Toll area, cannot enter the[PCroom] time remaining%d minutes.[Personal] time remaining%d minutes.Pure ability after you reach a combined 40 can be moved to the Association.Association of priestsMilitary AssociationAssociation of clergyNow can't get the Holy things.Holy (%s) appears from the sacred safekeepingAh!! A vampire!!!EH? Can you eat it?%S is sacred (%s) on Holy keeping.Humans win.Ghost win.In combat.War started.The end of the war.Not fighting or could not end the war.Variable name is not correct.To load the master information of the nest.Load the monster information (%s).Loading information about all the monsters.Monster (%s) specifies the error.Monster AI is loaded information (DirectiveSet)Load zone information.Loading zone.Loading user information online.Loaded%s information.Loading options information.Load class bonus information.Star rate changes for 1/%s.Activities have begun.Activity has been aborted.Monster activity rate is amended as 1/%s.Experience rate changes for%s%.Prop modify access to%s%.Victory in war to maintain time for%s minutes.HP bonus changed to%s% the human war.Ghost Wars HP bonus changed to%s%.War damage award is amended as%s%.Ghost clan war damage award is amended as%s%.VIP user experience rewards changed to%s%.VIP zone of the props of the chance of seizure revised as%s%.Zone team balancing period changes for%s minutes.Modified probability Lotto props such as%s%.Probability Lotto props option changed to%s%.Motorcycle skills set to%s.Monster identified the enemy time to modify%s seconds.Invisible props of the chance of seizure revised as%s%.Special props of the chance of seizure is amended as%s/10000 Master nest activity of%s.Then enter the settings for the%s after den's death.Moon dumplings props set to 1 chance of seizure/%s.Master vampire HP set to start%s%.Master probability of blood-sucking vampire%s% set to start.Princes end vampire HP? %S is set to.Chief vampire blood absorption rate sets the%s% to the end.%S is set to head monster skills.Monsters invisible props odds%s% the leader is set to.General Association of more than 40 characters to move to the building's function is set to%s.Systems for storing information. Just a moment please.%S%s connection services.%S service is not connected.User online:%dCannot create props.You cannot createRefresh the team areaNest began.This is not the main nest.Invincibility status is set to%s.Ghost form settings for%s.Closed road in the sky.Closed road ground.Remove Toolbox items.Stand-by applying for too many people, cannot apply.Has joined the teamHas joined the family.Apply to join the team.Apply to join the family.%S joined the group.%S to join the family.%S to join the team.%S applications to join the family.Login team.Logged on family.Cancel your application to join%s team.Cancel your application to join%s family.%S canceled joined the group.%S canceled joined family.Being kicked out of the team.Being kicked out of the family.%S has been kicked out of the team.%S has been kicked out of the family.Received%s to join the team.Received%s to join the family.Changed group permissions.Changed family permission.Team permissions for%s has changed.Families of the%s permissions have been changed.Has quit the team.Have withdrawn from the family.%S quit the team.%S quit family.%S no enough moneyToolbox is not enough space, please make sure and try againTemporary safe deposit box item does not exist.Grades can be traded in for bonus points.Strength of not less than 20.Agility cannot be less than 20.Intelligence must not be less than 20.Resurrection location has been specified.NPC obstacles arise. Please contact customer service.Not having the right props.Due to a connection problem, not props.Exchange a success.Does not apply for race war, to enter.Not a Union Member, to enter.Do not support the existing features of war.Loading the directory information of the war.: War is turned off.Load the owner information of blood.Loading race war information.Rate input errors.Is not the role of the Association is a member.The role does not exist.Zone is not currently CastleWar has been turned off, activate war. war _ to activate and click ONStart race wars.War or connection error.[%D] to cancel the operation.[%D] war without fighting.Cancel a race war.No race war.Book of blood information stored in DB.The monster zone eradication is complete.%S%s Guild has changed for%s.%S shared Castle castle human.%S shared Castle castle into a ghost.Had occupied city of%s%s team.Family%s has%s occupied city.Castle is a symbol (%s) back to (%s) guarding the temple.%S (%s)%s (%d,%d) place the Castle symbol (%s).%S (%d,%d)%s Castle is a symbol of the temple.Castle is a symbol in the%s (%d,%d).[%D] Castle ready to%d a war.Specifies the zone is not a castle.Zone does not exist.Books of blood symbol appears (%s).There Castle symbols (%s).Book of blood (%s) back to%s the temple guardian (%s).Completed coupon to use.Admission fee is insufficient. :%D needs the money.%S started.%S closed.War without fighting.%S to%s will be carried out.Combat not kicking in.Unable to accept the request.Cannot accept applications in combat.%S did not participate in the blood of war activities.%S has been receiving blood war props.The ball enough, another to collect.Give you strength +4 bullet-proof vests and +4 bullet-proof suits. Come on!Give you strength +5 bullet-proof armour and power +5 bullet-proof armour pants. come on!Give you strength +1 Knights +1 Samurai pants suit and force. Come on!Give you strength +2 Knights +2 Samurai pants suit and force. Come on!Give you strength +3 Knights +3 Samurai pants suit and force. Come on!Give you strength +4 bullet-proof vests and +4 bullet-proof suits. Come on!Give you strength +5 bullet-proof armour and power +5 bullet-proof armour pants. come on!Give you strength +1 Knights +1 Samurai pants suit and force. Come on!Give you strength +2 Knights +2 Samurai pants suit and force. Come on!Give you strength +3 Knights +3 Samurai pants suit and force. Come on!Give you strength +4 canine tooth necklace +4 tights and power come on!Give you strength +4 dark tights Black Jade necklace +4 come on!Gives you strength +5 dark tights +4 Magic necklace come on!Give you strength +5 dark tights +4 Devils cheer necklace!Give you strength +5 dresses and +4 the death star, come on!Give you a necklace the upper mantle of power +4 and +4 come on!Give you strength Black Jade necklace +4 dresses and +4 come on!+5 dresses and +4 to you the magic necklace come on!Give you strength +5 dresses and +4 demonic necklace. Come on!Give you strength +5 dresses and +4 the death star, come on!Application of the new billing information.%S applications to break up.%S application lover.Online user%u name zone.PKzone is full of players, not into play.Genus new to human space.Load task information.Pay-for-use limit is reached.Dare let loose ... Get the hell out of here!Didn't want to speak with people, to ask you to leave.I rather like a ghost. A group of waste ...Soldier extraordinary, you? Don't bother me.Loading the list of items of information.Half ghost ... Is a group of stupidHeard that your ancestors were also humanDon't forget mother nature will always be friendsYou should also get rid of the greedEnd application family costsThe skills you have learned.Issuance of lotteries (%d piece). Please confirm it on the page.No longer issuing lotteries, please confirm it on the page.Flag polesNot to access grades. (Sum total accessible capacity 150)Not to access grades. (Level 30)DaimonService in combat, 1th, please exit and connect to the 1th ServerMore than entry level, are not admitted.Now is free to users, free users can only moved in the war.%S (%s) pull out broom broom kept the stage already in%s (%s).%S (%s) has been the broom (%s).%S (%s) gave away the broom (%s).%S (%s) has worn broom (%s)BetweenFree card grottoes between%d and%d hours%d layer.Grotto in the free end card.Free users will exit automatically after 60 seconds to%s. thank you for your support.Cannot apply for combat.Admission is only allowed humans to perform tasks.Admission is only allow ghosts to perform tasks.Daimon on mission only allowed admission.OreYour partner's name%s.You are not a lover.FreeRadiumGordTak.Not admittedHumans shareGhost shared cityDaimon shared cityNo master of the cityTeamFamilyThe city ofRegeneration TowerHow are you doing. Is a package user. Season age is%d years%d%d day of the month. Today is the year%d%d%d day of the month.How are you doing. Is the average user. Remaining points for%d pointsHi. season lifespan, is converted to general user. remaining points for%d points.How are you doing. General users convert to user.Hello. remaining points for%d points.Underground water roadNorthwest aisiluonianNortheast aisiluonianSouthwest aisiluonianAisiluoniandi prisonSouthwest deluobiteSoutheast deluobiteMoore Lake SouthwestSouth East Moore LakeLanuomu Dungeon 2Bartok Dungeon 2Lin Bao SoutheastLin Bao NortheastLin Bao NorthwestMoore Lake in NortheastSouthwest luodingshanSoutheast of Los dingshanEssen Dungeon 1Essen Dungeon 2Adam, East of San DiegoHeini Dungeon 1Heini Dungeon 2Northeast kasitaluoGul Cuba tunnelNortheast deluobiteNorthwest deluobiteNortheast luodingshanLos dingshan NorthwestLarson inner city 2 floorsLanuomu Dungeon 2Southwest aisiluonianLin Bao NortheastNortheast kasitaluoNorthwest aisiluonianAisiluoniandi prisonSoutheast deluobiteMoore southeasternLanuomu Dungeon 2Lin Bao SoutheastLin Bao NorthwestSouthwest deluobiteEssen Dungeon 1Essen Dungeon 2Northeast kasitaluoNorthwest deluobiteSouthwest luodingshanMoore southeasternLanuomu Dungeon 1Yellow Sapphire gEmerald gSapphire gRuby gBlack Stone gYellow zirconGreen zirconBlue zirconRed zirconBlack zirconKid leader, Alcan ChiefAisiluoyide leader, flying shadow leader, dummy headDomain wizards head, dark undead head, confusing Angel leaderChaos monarch head, chaos greed head ghost, black fog headMonline leader, recover the ghost leader, the dark leader Billy, Lich Jill leaderSkills that are not supported.I said how such a riot ... You pass the terrorist trap, huh?Don't get me wrong. This is my home, but I don't know how the trap.I can't even go out ... Don't know who is doing the ...What's going on ... Seem to have any indication. Do you do? Is going to harm me?Do not you? well, you really strong.Yes, she is, let me recall the power of JoanVelvet Glove of her girls, she found I want salvation really surprised me.In order to save her risk has come to me.You ask for me? But as you can see, this is a dangerous place.Uncomfortable listening to you is a bit difficult then..HA ~! Out to the guests ... Rude.Don't be surprised ... old is a problem everywhere. look forward to it, you'll see even more alarming, hahaha.Good, very good! Or did you know us.Send I like the flavor?. It can't wait.Take Ah! How can it be you little worm attacks ...The danger, get out of here ... No ... Not quite ...Shut up! Annoying disease ... Shout, you tense expression, really funny. To enjoy later!Stop ... Stop attacking! Not my intention. Are you awaken forgotten me.Well ... in that case ... Or compromise with me, right?Joan wants to force ... Curious ... How did that go?Joan of arc was not accede to my request, but you will agree to my request.So that's it. With power costs in Exchange for her flesh and blood, though not too much to ask.I suffered internal injuries, and then not allowed to access. Trap ... I set up.Have to give up my people ...Come take a look. Look I create life, you can be born again!There is not enough, no human being, a child's blood, to create the full of life is still a little difficult.Joan's blood would be nice ... Can find no way out, it can only try your blood ...I want the full creative body, imagine me dripping with your blood, you are not excited?So not bad, give your body to me!Why is infatuated with an empty life ... Not into a pile of dust in the end ... Ah Ah ~Want to know who she is?Better get back ... Even if know you are no good.Told you it was dangerous to ... Now.. I.. My status ... Well.. Uh, Ah, Ah, AhUsing HA ... Are successfully stripped of skin ...本来想耍点妖术.. 看来是没必要了..来,仔细瞅瞅.这就是真正的高手的样子.以前的你们啊,跟稻草人没啥两样成玩具的心情怎么样?嗑哈哈哈不..不可以..求..求你.. 求你住手..现在不是稻草人了! 祝贺你们来, 跟我走.演多种人格,等食物上钩..都累了…受够了..只允许防守方公会使用.接受加入联盟.被拒绝加入联盟.已接受退出联盟.被拒绝退出联盟.被强制踢出联盟.公会强制退出联盟.已解除联盟.现在开始 %d 分钟适用双倍经验值.现在开始 %d 分钟出现双倍怪物.现在开始 %d 分钟适用双倍的阶级经验值.现在开始 %d 分钟适用双倍幸运.现在开始 %d 分钟猎怪就会掉下来特殊道具.已结束适用双倍经验值.已结束出现双倍怪物.已结束适用双倍阶级经验值.已结束适用双倍幸运.已结束掉下特殊道具.作战申请中不能踢人.作战申请中不能变更公会会长.胜任权限的等级不够.胜任权限的名望不够.不能胜任权限的角色.作战申请中不能退出.不能适用徽章.没有空位置.已配戴的象征.已配戴血之圣书的象征.打猎宠物的等级不够.只能进入攻城前.类型 1 连接错误.请咨询营运团不是参加作战的公会.公会会长功能.不能再转换.转换成功. 剩%d可转换点数.无法再初始化能力值.已初始化能力值.可以再初始化%d 回.需要15个的任务道具.已支付道具补偿.未开启吉尔德尔巢穴.在失落的塔2层要摧毁盲人石像大弥撒.%s 座添加灵魂点数, 10秒后到达.挑战技能失败.获取纯皮.获取受伤的皮.未能取得皮.扒皮失败.获得雅典金奖一枚.请在互联网活动页确认奖品.活动奖券已有 %d个. 详情请参照网页.活动时间剩 %d时 %d分.已过12个小时. 可以再次申请A等级任务.%d分钟后关闭吉尔德雷入口.吉尔德雷入口已关闭.剩%d 分钟.已过时间限制. 10秒后移动至复活位置.人类的求生区已开启.鬼族的求生区已开启.魔灵的求生区已开启.求生区开放十分钟.求生区已开启.求生区进场时间剩 %u分钟.求生已开始.现在开始不能进入求生区.现在开始离赛区中央越远,对您的伤害越大.解除巨伤害.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
applicable to humans war reward.
Guizu applicable to reward war.
War is not applicable incentives.
Now is not applicable human warfare reward.
Now the war is not applicable Guizu reward.
% s and (% s) in% s (% d, % d) with humans holy place.
% s and (% s) in% s (% d,% d) with Guizu holy place.
Relic (% s) dropped in% s (% d, % d).
% d seconds after the end of service. Please check back later to connect.
End of service
% s has received the holy humanity.
% s has received Guizu holy.
% d seconds later moved to% s.
% d seconds after disconnect.
main lair (% s) is turned on.
main lair (% s) closed.
main lair (% s) may be out of time left% d minutes.
Variation Christmas
human Relic custody Taiwan
Guizu Relic custody Taiwan
now can not enter.
Here the toll area, can not enter
[PCroom]% d minutes remaining time.
[individual] time remaining% d points.
Pure aggregate capacity value reached after 40 to move to the guild.
Pastor guild
soldier guild
anticlerical guild
now can not take holy.
Relic (% s) from the sacred vault station appears
ah !!! vampire !!!
huh? can eat it?
% s Yi Ba Relic (% s) into the custody of the holy table.
human victory.
Guizu victory.
war started.
end the war.
not fighting in the war or not.
variable name wrong.
load the main lair information
loaded monster information (% s).
Loading information all monsters.
Monster ( % s) specified error.
Load monster AI information (DirectiveSet)
loading zone information
loading zone.
Load Online user information.
loading% s information
load option information.
load rating reward information.
Stars appear to modify the rate of 1 /% s.
Events has begun.
activity has been halted.
Activities monster rate revised to 1 /% s.
experience gain rate changed to% s%.
props to get the rate changed to% s%.
preserving time victory was revised to% s minutes.
human warfare HP incentives modified to% s%.
Guizu war HP Rewards revised to% s%.
human warfare lethal reward revised to% s%.
Guizu war destruction revised to% s% bonus.
VIP user experience rewards changed to% s%.
VIP Zone props pickup revised to% s% probability.
Zone team balancing cycle changed to% s points.
Lotto props class probability changed to% s%.
Lotto props option probability changed to% s%.
motorcycle Summon skill set to% s.
Monster identify enemy time modified to% s seconds.
stealth props seizure probability changed to% s%.
special items seized probability changed to% s / 10000
main lair activity is set to% s.
In the main den dead before entering to% s.
Autumn dumplings props seizure probability is set to 1 /% s.
master vampire HP set to start% s%.
master vampire vampire state probability start% s% setting.
End the vampire leader HP ?% s set.
End state bloodsucking vampire leader% s% rate set.
Monster% s chief skill set.
Monster Boss% s% chance of stealth props set.
ability aggregate value of more than 40 characters to move to the guild building The function is set to% s.
The system stores information. Please, wait..
% s% s seat connection service.
% s seat is not connected to the service.
Online Users:% d name
can not be made ​​props.
You can not create
a team area refresh
main lair Events start.
This is not the main lair.
invincible state is set to% s.
specter state is set to% s.
has closed the road to the sky.
has closed the road to the ground.
Remove Toolbox props.
Excessive standby applicants can not apply.
has joined the team
has joined the family.
apply to join the team.
apply to join the family.
% s to join the team.
% s to join the family.
% s application to join the ranks.
% s application to join the family.
has logged team.
has logged family.
Cancel% s application to join the team.
Cancel % s application to join the family.
% s seat canceled joined the team.
% s seat canceled join the family.
was kicked out team.
was kicked out of the family.
% s seat has been kicked out of the team.
% s seat has been kicked out of the family.
accepted% s seat join the team.
accepted% s seat to join the family.
has changed the team permission.
has changed the family permission.
team permission% s seat has been changed.
% s seat of the family permission has been changed.
has quit the team.
has exited family.
% s seat Exit team.
% s seat Exit family.
% s seat enough money
not enough space toolbox, make sure retry after
a temporary safe deposit box items do not exist.
with grades in exchange for bonus points.
strength of not less than 20. The
agility of not less than 20 .
Intelligence is not less than 20. The
resurrection has been specified location.
NPC obstacles. Please contact customer service.
did not have the right props.
due to connection problems, can not produce props
exchange is successful.
No application ethnic wars, can not enter.
not a union member, not Access
does not support the existing war capabilities.
Loading war directory information
: War is disabled.
Loading owner information holy book of blood.
Loading information racial war.
tax input errors.
Roles are not guild belongs.
role does not exist.
At present zone is not a castle
war feature is turned off, activate the war. After the war _ Click ON to activate
between the opening race war.
War or connection error.
[% d] to cancel operations.
[% d] not fight wars.
canceled race war.
No race war.
the blood of the holy book information is stored to DB.
The complete eradication zone monster.
% s% s guild leader has changed to% s.
% s castle became humans shared the castle.
% s castle became Guizu share castle.
% s % s team has occupied the city.
% s% s family has occupied the city.
Castle symbol (% s) Return (% s) guardian of the temple.
% s Block (% s) Bit% s (% d,% d) take place the castle symbol (% s).
% s (% d,% d)% s castle symbol temple there.
Castle symbolic fall in% s (% d,% d).
castle war prepare the% d [% d].
Specifies zone is not a castle.
Zone does not exist.
appear symbolize the blood of the holy book (% s).
appears Castle symbol (% s).
symbolizes the blood of the holy book (% s) Back to Temple% s guardian (% s) .
has ended the use of coupons.
insufficient Admission:.% d need money.
% s start.
% s end.
No fighting wars.
% s will to% s.
Combat can not kick.
can not accept applications.
Combat You can not accept the application.
% s seat does not participate in the blood of the war effort.
% s seat has received the blood of war props
ball number is not enough, go to collect.
gives you the power and strength of body armor +4 +4 bulletproof pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +5 +5 bulletproof armor bulletproof armor pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +1 +1 Samurai warrior dress pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +2 +2 Samurai warrior dress pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +3 +3 Samurai warrior dress pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength of body armor +4 +4 bulletproof pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +5 +5 bulletproof armor bulletproof armor pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +1 +1 Samurai warrior dress pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +2 +2 Samurai warrior dress pants. Come on!
Gives you the power and strength +3 +3 Samurai warrior dress pants. Come on!
It gives you the power and strength +4 +4 tights canine necklace Come on!
Dark tights give you strength +4 Strength +4 black jade necklace Come on!
Dark tights give you strength +5 +4 magical power necklace Come on!
It gives you the power of the dark tights Strength +4 +5 devil necklace Come on!
It gives you the power and strength of +4 +5 dress Death Star Come on!
It gives you the power and strength +4 +4 cloak canine necklace Come on!
It gives you the power and strength +4 +4 dress black jade necklace Come on!
It gives you the power and strength of +4 +5 dress magical necklace Come on!
Gives you the power and strength of +4 +5 dress devil necklace. Come on!
It gives you the power and strength of +4 +5 dress Death Star Come on!
Application of the new billing information.
% s application parted seat.
% s seat application lover.
Zone Online User% u name.
PKzone players is full, you can not play.
genus of human novice space.
load task information.
has to pay for the period .
dare loitering ... Get out!
never thought to keep humanity in a word, ask you to leave.
I still prefer Guizu A group of waste ...
is quite a soldier ah, you? Do not bother me.
loading goods directory information.
half Guizu is a group of simple-minded ...
I heard your ancestors also the human
nature is always do not forget the friends
you should also get rid of that greedy
family system applicable end fee
has been learned The skills
have been issued Lotteries (% d photos). Please confirm on the page.
will not be issuing a lottery, make sure that on the page.
can not yet reached the level of access. (ability to access aggregate value of 150 or less)
may be yet to come Access Level. (Level 30 can access the following)
1 service area in combat, quit and then connect the 1st server
over admission grade, not admission.
now free users, free users can only move in the war.
% s (% s) have been kept in% s table unplug broom broom (% s).
% s (% s) has received broom (% s).
% s (% s) left off broom (% s) .
% s (% s) have been worn broom (% s)
free Open Cary Grotto% d% to% d d layer when.
the end of the free open Cary grotto.
Free users will automatically exit after 60 seconds to% s Thanks for your support.
can not apply for combat.
only allows humans to perform tasks admission.
only allowed to perform tasks Guizu admission.
only allowed to perform tasks Daimon admission.
your partner names% s.
You are not a lover.
not admission
human Shared City
Guizu Shared City
Daimon Shared City
without the owner's City
city of
rebirth tower
Hello Is package season subscribers. package season life is% d year% d month% d day. Today is% d year% d month% d day.
Hello. is the general user. The remaining points is% d points
Hello. package season is over life, now converted to general users. The remaining points is% d points .
Hello general user to convert users to package season.
Hello. The remaining points is% d points.
Groundwater road
Pedro Bitexinan
Deluobite southeast
Timo Er Lake southwest
Timo Er Lake southeast of
La Nuomu Dungeon 2 layer
Bathory Dungeon 2 layer
Linbao Dong Nan
Lin Baodong north
northwest Linbao
Timo Er Lake northeast
mountains southwest Lotensin
Lotensin Shandong South
Essen Dungeon 1 layer
2 layer Essen dungeon
eastern Adam shrine
Haynie children dungeon 1 layer
2 layer Haynie children dungeon
Castro Tarot northeast
Guerguba tunnel
Deluobite northeast
Deluobite northwest
Shandong North Lotensin
Lotensin Shanxi North
Larsen inner city 2 layer
La Nuomu Dungeon 2 layer
Lin Baodong North
Cass Tarot northeast
Deluobite southeast
Timo Er southeast
La Nuomu dungeon 2 floors
Lin Baodong South
Linbao northwest
Essen Dungeon 1 layer
2 layer Essen Dungeon
Castro Tarot northeast
Deluobite northwest
Rodin mountain southwest
Timo Er southeast
La Nuomu dungeon layer 1
G topaz
emerald G
G sapphire
ruby G
black Gem G
yellow zircon
green zircon
blue zircon
black zircon
child leader, Alcan chief
Ace Lloyd leader, Hiei leader, chief dummy
region chief wizard, dark souls leader, chief messenger chaos
chaos monarch leader, confusion greedy ghost leader, Mist leader
蒙林door leaders, recover ghost princes, the princes of darkness Bili Shi, Seoul巫妖吉leader
unsupported skills.
I said how such a riot ... So you came through that horrible trap ah?
Do not misunderstand This really is my security Language, but I do not know how will that trap.
I can hardly even get out ... I do not know who did it ...
how ... seems to have something going on signs. are you to do it ? You are coming to harm me?
You do not you? Well, you really tough.
Yes, that's her, let me recall the strength of Joan of Arc
she was a young girl in a velvet glove, she said to me when you want to save the nation really shocked me
to take risks in order to save the nation she came to me.
You also have to ask for me? But you also see that this is a dangerous place.
head uncomfortable, it seems a bit difficult to listen to you talk myself ..
ha ~! To expel guests coming ah ... rude.
Not surprisingly. old, it is full of problems ah Looking forward to it, you will see more amazing, ha ha ha ha.
Well, great! Or you know us.
I like the taste distribute? It can not wait any longer friends.
nibbling ah !! how can you attack these insects ...
this danger, get out of here ... No ... not quite ...
Shut up! annoying whirring disease ... see you tense expression really funny. and then enjoy the moment!
Stop .. stop the attack! not my intention. is that you wake up forgotten me.
Well .. or else .. Since this compromise with me?
Joan of Arc wanted curious about it .. power .. how?
Joan of Arc is not promised my request, but you will promise me claims.
So. with the cost of power to exchange her flesh and blood, though not too much to ask .
I still suffered internal injuries, then a ban on access to outsiders. trap do ... is my setup.
Now you want to give up my people ...
to look at. I look at the creation of a living body, you can also re-born!
is not enough, there is no blood human children, and to create a complete living body is still a little difficult.
There are Joan's blood like a ... Mozhe ah, it can only try your blood ...
I want is to create a complete body, imagine look at me you can dripping blood, do not you excited?
So do not pity, put your body entrusted to me!
Why should fascination that emptiness of life ... finally not want to become a pile of dust or ... Ah ~
I want to know Who is she?
.. still go back even know you have nothing to benefits.
told you before it is dangerous to say now .. .. I .. I .. uh .. uh state ah ah ah
Ha ha ha .. successful nibbling or picking skin ..
.. had wanted Shuadian witchcraft opinion is not necessary ..
to carefully Chou Chou. This is the real master of the look. before you, ah, with the Scarecrow Mosha
Toy mood how? Nibbling Ha ha ha
.. not .. not .. beg beg beg you to stop you .. ..
now is not the scarecrow! Congratulations
come, follow me.
play multiple personality, and other food bait .. tired ... by Enough ..
only allowed to use the defensive side of the Society.
accepted to join the alliance.
be refused to join the coalition.
has accepted withdraw from the Union.
was rejected withdraw from the Union.
is forced kicked out of the league.
Guild forced to withdraw from the Union.
has lifted the league.
Start now% d minutes applicable double experience value.
% d minute now appear double monster.
% d minute now applicable class experience twice.
% d minute now apply double lucky.
% d minute now blame will fall hunting Special props
double experience has ended applicable value.
has ended double monster appears.
Past experience applicable double class.
Past applicable double lucky.
special props fall has ended.
You can not apply for kicking combat.
Combat Application You can not change the guild leader.
Level competent authority is not enough.
competent authority fame is not enough.
not competent authority roles.
Operational application can not quit.
not applicable badge.
No empty location
symbol has been worn.
has been wearing blood symbol of holy book.
Hunting pet level is not enough.
Only the top siege.
Type 1 connection error. Please consult the operating groups
not to participate in combat guild.
guild leader function.
can not be converted.
conversion was successful.% d remaining convertible points.
can no longer initialize ability value.
has been initialized ability value can be initialized% d back.
need 15 tasks props
props compensation has been paid.
unopened Jill Del nest.
Lost Tower 2 layer to destroy a large mass in stone blind .
% s seat add soul points, 10 seconds after arrival.
Challenges skills fail.
Being pure leather.
Being injured skin.
failed to achieve skin.
Flayer failed.
get the gold medal in Athens one. Make sure the prizes page in Internet activities.
Activities Lotteries has the% d. Refer to the page.
Activity time left% d% d minute.
passed 12 hours. You can apply for A Level Task again.
After% d minute closed Jill Bradley entrance.
Jill Bradley inlet is closed .
remaining% d minutes.
elapsed time limit. 10 seconds after moving to the resurrection position
of human survival zone is turned on.
Guizu survival zone is turned on.
Daimon survival zone is turned on.
survival area open ten minutes.
Survival region is turned on.
survival zone approach time remaining% u minutes.
Survival has started.
now can not enter the area to survive.
now farther away from the Central Division, the greater your injury.
releasing huge damage.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
to humans for war reward. To Guizu for war reward. Not applicable war reward. Now cannot be applied to human war reward. Now cannot be applied Guizu war reward.
%s and (% s) in the% s (% d% d) where human relics.
%s and (% s) in% s (% d% d) place a Guizu relics. Relics (% s) fall in the% s% d% d).
%d seconds end service. Please try again later connection. End of the service
%s has got human relics.
%s has got disconnect after seconds Guizu holy.
%d moved to%s.
%d seconds after open connection. The den of the master (% s) opening. The den of the master (% s) closed. The den of the master (% s) can access time left for% d minutes.Variation Christmas

Rudolf human relics custody
Guizu relic custody
now can not enter. Here the toll area, can not enter the
[PCroom] remaining time% d.
[individual time remaining% d points. Pure capability values sum up to 40 can be moved to the public will. Clerics guild
soldier guild
priesthood male will
now and can't hold sacred. The relic (% s) have been from the holy desk for safekeeping
ah! !! Vampire! !! Well? Can you eat?
%s has the relic (% s) into the holy custody. Human beings have achieved victory. Guizu achieved victory. Fight. The start of the war. The war ended. Not fighting or not the end of the war. The name of the variable error.Loading main nest information. Loading monster information (% s). Loading all monsters information. Monster (% s) specified error. Loading monster AI information DirectiveSet
loading zone information. Loading zone.
loading online user information. Loading% s information. Loading options information. Loading level of reward information. Star was modified for 1/%s.
has begun. Activity has been suspended. The monster activity was modified for 1/%s.
values obtained rate modifications for props%s%.
rate is amended as%s%.
victory in the war of maintenance time to revise for% s minutes. Human warfare HP bonus modifications alter%s%.
Guizu war HP bonus%s%.
Human war lethality incentives to modify the lethality rewards Guizu war%s%.
modify user experience as%s%.
VIP bonus modification for%s%.
VIP zone of the props picking probability modification for%s%.
zone team balance cycle changes to% s points. Lotto props class to modify the probability for%s%.
Lotto props options probability modified for motorcycle%s%.
summons settings for% s. Identify monster enemy modification for% s seconds. Stealth props picking probability modification for%s%.
special props picking probability modified for% s / 10000
main nest activity settings for% s. After the death of the main nest in re entering the set to%s.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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