การแปล -  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
return array (
'i_want_open_store' => 'I want to shop',
the 'input_store_info' => 'fill in the shopkeepers and store information'
'owner_name' => 'Owner name'
'note_for_owner_name' => 'Please fill out the real name'
'owner_card' => 'ID number'
'note_for_owner_card' => 'Please fill in a true and accurate ID number'
'tel' => 'Telephone',
'address '=>' Address'
'zipcode' => 'Postal Code'
'store_name' => 'shop name'
'Note_for_store_name' => 'control in 20 words or less'
' region '=>' region ',
' upload_image '=>' upload documents'
the 'note_for_image' => 'supported formats jpg, jpeg, png, gif, please ensure that the picture is clear and the file size of no more than with 400kb in '
' upload_permit '=>' Upload license '
' sgrade '=>' Select Level '
' select '=>' Select '
' the goods_limit '=>' number of items'
'space_limit' => 'the uploading space (mb)'
'skin_limit' => 'template number'
'charge' => 'charges',
'Need_confirm' => 'needs to be reviewed',
'通知, 公告' => 'I have carefully read and fully agree with shop agreement all of the terms'
'description' => 'Application Instructions',
' input_owner_name '=>' Please enter a the shopkeeper Name ',
' input_store_name '=>' Please enter the names of shops' the
'select_region' => 'Select Region'
'input_tel' => 'Please enter Tel',
'Note_for_tel' => 'format ︰ area code - phone number - extension number, extension number can be left blank'
'input_mob' => 'phone number'
'note_for_mob' => 'mobile phones and telephone at least one required ',
' phone_tel_error '=>' phone number by the number of plus, minus, spaces, brackets, and can not be less than 6 ',
the' select_valid_image '=>' Please upload format jpg, jpeg, png gif files'
the 'select_grade' => 'Select Level'
'check_notice' => 'Please read and agreed to the shop agreement',
'Name_exist' => 'you enter the shop name already exists, for a'
'apply_ok' => 'Your application has been submitted and will be processed as quickly as possible and notify you. ',
' Store_opened '=>' Congratulations, your shop has opened. ',
' User_has_store '=>' Your shop has been opened. ',
' User_has_application '=>' You have submitted shop application will be processed as quickly as possible and notify you. ',
' No_limit '=>' not limited '
' store_category '=>' Category ',
' apply_disabled '=>' Sorry, temporarily open applications shop '
The 'name_exist' => 'the Store name already exists, for a'
'apply_remark' => 'application note'
'soon_open' => 'immediately shop'
'add_use' => 'additional features' ,
'domain' => 'second-level domain names'
' request_error '=>' Bad Request '
' back_step1 '=>' application shop ',
' step_1 '=> '1 Select Store Type'
'step_2' => '2. the fill shopkeepers and store information '
' step_3 '=> '3. complete'
'title_step1' => 'application shop first step'
'title_step2' => 'application the shop second step ',
'Editor_multimedia' => 'editor multimedia features'
'groupbuy' => 'Group Buy'
'view' => 'View'
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
return array (
'i_want_open_store'=>' I want to open a shop name ',
'note_for_owner_name'=>' information ',
'owner_name'=>' ',
'input_store_info'=>' fill in the shop and shop owner, please fill out the real name ',
'owner_card'=>' ID ',
'note_ For_owner_card'=>' Please fill out the real exact ID number ',
'tel'=>' phone ',
'address'=>' address ',
'zipcode'=>' zip code ',
'store_name'=>' shop name ',
'Note_for_store_name'=>' control in 20 words or less please upload document format ',
'note_for_image'=>' support jpg,JPEG,PNG,gif ',
'upload_image'=>' ',
'region'=>' area, please ensure that the picture is clear and the file size no more than 400KB',
'upload_permit'=>' upload license ',
'Sgrade'=>' select ',
'select'=>' select ',
'goods_limit'=>' product number ',
'space_limit'=>' upload space (MB) ',
'charge'=>' fee ',
'skin_limit'=>' template ',
'Need_confirm'=>' need to audit ',
'notice'=>' I have read and fully agree with Shop agreement of all terms ',
'description'=>' application note ',
' Input_owner_name'=>' enter the owner name ',
'input_store_name'=>' ',
'input_tel'=>' enter the store name ',
'select_region'=>' Please select area please contact phone ',
'Note_for_tel'=>' format: area code-phone number-extension, no extension, blank ',
'input_mob'=>' phone ',
'note_for_mob'=>' phone at least a required ',
'phone_tel_error'=>' phone number and telephone numbers, plus sign, minus sign, parentheses, spaces, composition, and not less than 6-bit ',
'select_valid_image' =>' Please upload format to jpg,JPEG,PNG,GIF files ',
'select_grade'=>' select grade ',
'check_notice'=>' Please read and agree to open a shop agreement ',
'Name_exist'=>' store name you have entered already exists, please change ',
'apply_ok'=>' your application has been submitted, we will address and notify you as soon as possible. ',
'Store_opened'=>' congratulations, your shop has been launched. ',
'User_has_store'=>' your shop has been opened. ',
'User_has_application'=>' you shop application has already been submitted, we will address and notify you as soon as possible. ',
'No_limit'=>' not limited ',
'store_category'=>' categories ',
'apply_disabled'=>' sorry, no open application store features ',
'Name_exist'=>' the shop name already exists, please change an open ',
'apply_remark'=>' application note ',
'soon_open'=>' immediately ',
'add_use'=>' additional features ',
'domain'=>' the secondary domain name ',
'request_error'=>' error ',
'back_step1'=>' application to set up shop at the request of ',
' step_1' => '1. Select a store type ',
'step_2'=>'2. ',
'Step_3'=>'3 fill in the shop and shop information. Complete shop first step ',
'title_step1'=>' application ',
'title_step2'=>' application for shop step ',
'Editor_multimedia'=>' editor of multimedia capabilities ',
'groupbuy'=>' ',
'View'=>' view '
group activities);
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
\n\nreturn array(
'i_want_open_store' => 'I must open a shop',
'input_store_info' => 'fills in the shop owner and shop information',
'owner_name' => 'shop owner name',
'note_for_owner_name' => 'please fill in real name',
'owner_card' => id number,
'note_for_owner_card' => 'please fill in real accurate id number',
'tel' => 'telephone',
'address' => 'detailed address',
'zipcode' => 'zip code',
'store_name' => 'shop name',
'Note_for_store_name' => 'please control in 20 characters',
'region' => 'area',
'upload_image' => 'upload credential',
'note_for_image' => 'support form jpg, jpeg, png, gif, please guarantee that the picture is clear, and document size does not surpass 400KB',
'upload_permit' => 'upload license',
'sgrade' => 'choice rank',
'select' => 'choice',
'goods_limit' => 'commodity number',
'space_limit' => 'upload space (MB)',
'skin_limit' => 'template number',
'charge' => 'Charging criterion',
' need to confirm' = >' need to be the audit',' notice' = >'I have read and fully agreed with the opened a shop agreement in all of the terms',' description' = >' application for the',' input, the owner name' = >' enter shopkeepers name',' input, the store name' = >' enter shop name' and 'select the region,' = >' select the region' and 'input, the Tel' = >' enter Tel','Note_for_tel' => 'form ︰ district number - telephone number - extension number, the unqualified serial number may leave a blank',
'input_mob' => 'cell phone number',
'note_for_mob' => 'cell phone and telephone at least must fill in',
'phone_tel_error' => 'telephone number comprised of the digit, plus sign, minus, blank space and parenthesis, cannot be short in 6',
'select_valid_image' => 'please upload the form is the jpg, jpeg, png, gif document',
'select_grade' => 'please choose rank',
'check_notice' => 'please read and agrees with opening a shop agreement',
The shop name that 'name_exist' => 'you input existed, please trade one',
'apply_ok' => 'your application has submitted, we will process and inform you as soon as possible.',
'store_opened' => 'congratulates, your shop has cleared.',
'user_has_store' => 'your shop has cleared.',
'user_has_application' => 'you have submitted have opened a shop to apply, we will process and inform you as soon as possible.',
'no_limit' => 'does not limit',
'store_category' => 'respective classification',
'apply_disabled' => 'was sorry that does not open application opening a shop function temporarily',
'Name_exist' => 'this shop name existed, please trade one',
'apply_remark' => 'application showed',
'soon_open' => 'opened a shop immediately',
'add_use' => 'i/b/e/s',
'domain' => 'second-level domain name',
'request_error' => 'wrong request',
'back_step1' => 'application opened a shop',
'step_1' => '1. Choice shop type',
'step_2' => '2. Fills in the shop owner and shop information',
'step_3' => '3. Completes',
'title_step1' => 'application opens a shop the first step',
'title_step2' => 'application opens a shop the second step',
'Editor_multimedia' => 'editor multimedia capabilities',
'groupbuy' => 'group buy activity',
'view' => 'examines '
? >
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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