Lu Chengyu didn't come out to play and meet students, he was looking at the makeup of the Chen Ya. Only a few months ' time, fades many students of the other green, slowly shift to the community. He could have ever liked a girl, but Chen Ya is his admiration for the category, and rashness, know what they want, also got her own happiness. "For several months no, you seem to get along quite well recently," Chen Ya take a step back, looked me up and down Lu Chengyu glance, smiled and said, "a few days ago, my mom was still praising you, and say you will call her and my dad's body, do much better than my daughter. "She's been on a business trip, a return he heard his mother praised Lu Cheng more than enthusiastic caring, her daughter is embarrassed. "Every time you phone aunt are very spiritual, and basically hear the aunt I feel her body. "Lu Chengyu know Chen Ya mother aunt du is about personality, life on his hardest when the aunt Uncle Chang Rangchen and take them to him to eat, in the week before he died in the care of his marital problems. Lu Chengyu, who kept laughing, Chen Ya nodded: "my mom is like that character, but for the two of us aren't, I am afraid that your position could get more than I have. ” "Now ya sister is such a pretty capable, good guys chasing you can line the route from the capital to the coast, don't waste this Toad was in me," Lu Chengyu smiling and pointing fingers, "I'm afraid of what God could not bear watching. ” "That's true," Chen Ya chest in her arms, standing on thin heels, Queen style lifted his chin, "scourge like you went to another woman. ” "Well, the Queen. "Lu Chengyu was combined with a ceremony, looked back, and both laugh, laughter vanished in the past. Chen Ya looking at the man with a gentle smile, woman in this life, who did not crush one or two impossible man? Turned around, put a hand, maybe meet the next person was just the one that is best for you. "Xiaolu, this is your friend? "Yan Mu came over, just hear Lu Chengyu named Chen Ya" Queen "that sentence, he headed out to Lu Chengyu stood side by side, Chen Ya nodded," Hello, I'm Xiaolu's colleagues. ” "Hello," Chen Ya notice the present momentum not General, guess may be Lu Chengyu boss, worried that they make trouble for Lu Chengyu, so very polite way, "I'm Lu Chengyu classmates just happened to meet him, do not know if I have to bother you. ” "We come out to play, since it is Xiaolu classmates than to sit together," Yan Mu-looking Lu Chengyu at a glance, "why don't you ask your classmates to go by? ” "Thank you, no, gossip is just two words," aware of the boss seems to have good relationship with Lu Cheng Yu, Chen Ya look natural a lot, laughed and pointed in a new direction, "we are a big family over there waiting for me, I'll go a step further. ” Lu Chengyu Chen Ya seen left by the does not mean short cut: "help me to say hello to aunts and uncles. ” "No problem, you have time to sit in my house," Chen Ya nodded, Yan Mu had a fond goodbye, then step on stilettos trotted away. Yan Mu watched Chen Ya back, slowly said: "your classmates look pretty good. "He could detect Chen Ya the import of these moves, although not like Lu Chengyu she invited to her home for those words, but I just can't deny this woman is attractive to many men. Lu Chengyu upon hearing the sentence, with an elegant eyes scanned up and down Yan Mu, hesitated to say: "aunts and uncles like gentle face little more than her husband. "He removed her eyes, looked at the heaven," However, if you have thoughts, I can also help you to say good things. ” Yan Mu after long silence for a long time: "I didn't mean it, I don't like this kind of. ” Lu Chengyu nods with a smile: "I understood. ” Yan Mu see smile on his face, knowing that he did not take their words to heart, slightly Puckered his brow, "I'm not interested in. ” "I don't really understand," to Chen Ya Lu Chengyu Yan Mu is really not that mean, smiled and said, "a joke, you don't worry about it," he pointed to the toilet, "you are to go to the bathroom? ” Yan Mu special calm and nodded: ". ” "So I don't bother you," Lu Chengyu waved, watched Yan Muchao the way to the toilet, turned back to his seat. Zhuang Yu Lu Chengyu back, pretend to casually: "you look so beautiful that classmate, a little taste. ” 陆承余知道庄裕喜欢美人,而且还很花心,顿时警惕的看了他一眼:“我这个同学不喜欢花心的男人。” 庄裕嘴角一抽,“我觉得你好像误会了什么。” 陆承余笑眯眯的看着他,“我只是随口一说,没有别的意思。”一副你说,我会听着,但一定不会相信的样子。 “算了,”庄裕摆了摆手,“老子比较喜欢大/波妹。” 陆承余点了点头:“哦。” 庄裕:“……” 到了下午三点过后,等太阳没有那么烈了,三个人跑到菜园子去摘菜。 庄裕看着被篱笆围起来还带着奇怪气味的菜地,脚下有些犹豫,转头就见严穆与陆承余已经进去了,忍不住道:“喂,我说你们真要自己动手?” 严穆弯腰拔了一颗青菜,抬头对庄裕道:“我认为你不会问这种问题。” 庄裕嘴角一抽,出现了!穆哥的嘲讽技能出现了! “明知故问这个词语在特定环境中带着贬义,”严穆又拔起一颗小青菜,利落的抖了抖根部上面的泥,“这是小学生的语文课本范围。” 庄裕默默的进了菜地,抹了一把脸,也许他最大的错误不是明知故问,而是在与小陆谈大/波妹时被穆哥听见了。 要是谁在他喜欢的妹子面前说别人有多帅,他……好像也会不爽? 想到这,他突然觉得穆哥比自己更可怜了,可悲的不敢告白的暗恋者,他不能跟这么可怜的人一般见识。 Lu Chengyu as conversation, couldn't help but look up to see a glimpse of the two men, found in Zhuang Yu mouth when smiling, wanting, the rich world is really wonderful, loss or by a friend so happy, this is a kind of disease? Several others playing in the farmhouse at night after eating dinner, just ready to go home. Lu Chengyu to Park place, was just about to open the car door, see Yan Muchao come here, stop and the door of his car, some doubts asked: "boss, what else can I do? ” Yan Mu hands without visible traces of my suit pocket, look away from Lu Chengyu wondering eyes: "I heard that film sold very well, yesterday I got two tickets to let people help me, if you have not seen, can accompany I go and see it? ” See each other such a serious expression, he thought such a thing after listening the moment smiled and said: "I am ready to go and see this film, even movie tickets all under the province. "And he actually has an internal vote on, but the boss is ready, do not grow the said if he'd have internal vote, it is not finding a good time? "Well, product sales have significantly increased in the last few days, this film's influence is very big," Yan Mu produced from her pocket to movie tickets, gave Lu Chengyu, "come on. ” Lu Chengyu realized, turned out to be for sales reasons he said Yan Mu does not like people who are interested in this kind of movie. He seems to be getting his car, did not ask much, he opened the passenger door, turned to open the door of the driver's seat, start up the car to drive in the direction of the cinema. 严穆安静的坐在副驾驶上,看着陆承余的侧影,半晌后才转过头,看着街道两边闪烁着的霓虹灯。他不清楚自己为什么莫名其妙的喜欢上这个比自己小六七岁的同性,但是他并不觉得这有什么惊世骇俗,也不觉得这是让自己为难的事情。 人生在世,能遇到几个自己真心喜欢的人? “这条路上原来有一家味道很好的火锅店,可是老板现在不开店了,”陆承余等红绿灯时,见严穆一路上都没有说话,于是开始找话题,活跃气氛“老板在国外待了多久,国外的火锅店味道怎么样?”当年他爸妈特别喜欢来这边吃火锅,后来老板走了,他们还念叨了好几次。 “在外面待了七八年时间,”严穆看着街道上来来往往的行人,扭头就见陆承余脸上带着一丝怀念,似乎是这条街让他想起了什么,他有意想说些话让对方心情好一点,可是又不知道说什么,只好道,“外面的火锅味道不好,我回来后,因为太喜欢国内的火锅,差点吃出肠胃问题。” “老板你也有这么狼狈的时候?”陆承余有些意外的看了眼严穆,见红绿灯变换过来了,便一边开车一边道,“真让人不敢相信。” “这很正常,几乎所有出国归来的人,都会觉得国内的食物是人间美味,”严穆见陆承余神情恢复过来,便继续说一些自己在国外的狼狈事,“以前有个朋友从国内带了一包火锅底料,我们都舍不得一次吃完。” “电视里不老演有钱人都用飞机空运美食水果之类,还能稀罕一包火锅底料?”陆承余笑着道,“老板你们这样也太接地气了。” 严穆想了想:“我身边没有多少干这种事的人,就算有,和我们也不是一个圈子。” 陆承余闻言叹息:“我又被小说和电视剧里的有钱人骗了。” “电视里那些有钱人大概闹腾了点,但是也有这样的人,”严穆安慰道,“你别太在意。” “噗,”陆承余笑开,“我没在意。” 严穆这种认真的个性,有些时候还真有意思。他不得不再次感慨,这么好的男人,八年后还在打光棍,实在是太罪孽了。 赶到电影院时,电影已经快要开场了,两人检完票进去找到号位坐好,见大荧幕上虽然还在放广告,但是周围左右几乎已经坐满了人。 陆承余颇有些感慨的对身边的严穆道:“现在都夜里十点多了,居然还有这么多人。” 坐在他身边的是个抱着大桶玉米花的年轻女孩子,听到陆承余的话,转过头看了他一眼:“别说现在,这部戏在午夜场几乎都是场场爆满。” “这么火?”陆承余一副惊讶的样子,“有这么夸张吗?” “我也没看,不过朋友天天在微博上提起这部电影有多火,我就来看看。”女孩子看了看陆承余与严穆两人,见电影快要开始,就不再说话,安心的等着电影开场。 Movie opening is the bustling street sewer vents, just one hand outstretched, results fell in the next second. Everyone thought it was a horror film, the camera switched to the sewer, lying at the bottom of a distressed man, clutching his waist are not standard Mandarin "cursed you thief!, "Ludo and is suddenly caught in the pouring rain. Listening to the laughter coming from the surrounding, Lu Chengyu Yan Mu glanced around a serious expression, he felt I was sitting at the intersection of two worlds, one is smiling and laughing crowd, one side is with Yan Mu research expression on her face. Some movies to pass the time, or the promotion of affection between couples, his boss movies to study why do small movies can affect sales figures. And that's the difference between successful people and ordinary people? Movie from the beginning up to now, the whole cinema was laugh constantly, even Lu Chengyu of the people who have seen it again are some episode laugh a few times, but Yan Mu sat ramrod straight, don't see the half smile. "It's all right, please stand up. "On the big screen, the young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses slightly bent, white Palms outstretched, and background of throngs of people alien to junshuai face and awkward when the actor appeared in the same scene, formed a very sharp contrast. Lu Chengyu listening girls tiny behind the screams coming out, touching his face in silence, this show played well, his good looks a lot. 带着笑意的高富帅上了车后,从休闲西装口袋里掏出考究的手帕,狠狠擦了几下自己的手,尽管狼狈的男主角根本没有挨到他。 擦完手后,他面带嫌弃的把手帕扔到一边,快速的发动汽车,头也不回的离开了。 车后面,男主角捏着一块钱的硬币,乐滋滋的跑去买馒头去了。 最后镜头给了高富帅车屁股一个清晰的镜头,原来车尾上,多了一个黑漆漆的手掌印,与这俩价值几千万的车格格不入,却又意外喜感。 在座观众又有人笑出声,严穆这个时候却开口了,他皱着眉道:“这种事情如果真的发生,车主是可以追究责任的。” 陆承余还在欣赏自己耍帅的镜头,听到严穆这话,听出他是在为自己表演的这个角色抱不平,便笑呵呵道:“这就是电影创作效果,不要当真,现实中,小老百姓谁敢去碰这么贵的车,那不是自找麻烦吗?” 严穆听到后面有人在夸陆承余扮演的角色很帅,沉默了片刻:“他们说得对。” “什么?”陆承余不解的问。 “你戴眼镜挺好看,”严穆两眼平视着屏幕,“很适合你。” 陆承余摸了摸下巴:“是嘛,这都是摄像与打光师傅、后期制作的功劳。” 哎哟,被大老板这么夸奖,他真是有些不好意思。 电影在一片笑声中散场,陆承余与严穆走出电影院,看着四周一对对举止亲密的情侣,他叹了口气,“我们简直是被情侣团包围了。”
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