封谨到熙和宫时,天色已经暗了下来,御辇在宫门口停下,他走下御辇,看着高挂着的红灯笼,问候在门口的福宝:“你们家主子睡了?” 福宝躬身道:“万 การแปล - 封谨到熙和宫时,天色已经暗了下来,御辇在宫门口停下,他走下御辇,看着高挂着的红灯笼,问候在门口的福宝:“你们家主子睡了?” 福宝躬身道:“万 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Feng Jin to the day when the sky had darkened the Royal carriage stopped in front of the Palace, he stepped off the Royal chariot, watching the red lanterns hanging high, fubao greetings at the door: "your master is asleep? ” Fubao crawl: "long live Alex, Niang Niang said this afternoon have a long sleep, sleepy, awake now. ” Move will not know Luo yan was just waiting for him to come, but shakes his head and sighs: "without the informed, I go. ” Inside, Yun XI giving House a lantern since the Masters after a pregnant, son pulled out the showy flowers within the Palace walk, like incense scent ball away, the master now wears a mint package only, ask was fresh. "Empress, you watch half an hour a day book, His Highness really know? "With several maid put House around all check a again Hou, cloud overnight only go to Zhuang complex yan side, removed Lampshade, put candles core cut has cut, laugh with let maid put scissors took have far of, and took maid hand in of copper basin squat Xia, side on behalf of Zhuang complex yan slippers, side road:" slaves also is first times knows can so do does. ” "This temple is I don't know where I've heard, the fetus after two or three months, mothers watch half an hour a day book, listening to half an hour of music, listen to the story father less than half an hour, after birth is very clever. "Luo yan Dim recollection of past lives of friends an unborn baby. She also heard friends say that a lot of women are not going to do before the mother, an unborn baby are not interested in this stuff. Who is happiest when you are single, could not understand what happens to want to bear children. Women are magical creatures, don't have a kid before she might have on children's feelings are not deep, when there's a child to see which children are cute, their child is even more extreme level, baby. After she heard that argument, immediately dismissed by now but some agree with this argument. Close the book and look at the belly, put your foot in warm water, she had some regret I didn't have a good understanding of prenatal education knowledge. "Empress has this heart, future Highness set is smart clever of," cloud overnight gently on behalf of Zhuang complex yan by pinch with soles, some feeling, Empress yiqian is love day day bathing of, now to abdominal in the fetal, has variable made two 3rd bathing, this repeatedly change also but because cures said pregnant women day day bathing on fetal bad, "Qian two day Emperor tours has two a musicians, slaves heard they a people good piano, a people good Shaw. When listening to music on his Highness a good, tomorrow might as well have called them up and play. ” "Wouldn't I be always for the King's son to tell stories? "Men with deep sound, Zhuang, Luo yan looked up and saw I have marched in, she stood up to salute each other a few steps and then walk over and she sat on the stool. "Feet touch anything," move the shoulder gently by Luo yan Zhuang, Luo yan Yun XI for the Zhuang wipe your feet will lift people up to bed, cover yourself well with quilt and for people to say, "are you pregnant now, not having to comply with the red tape in private. ” Readily took Luo yan Zhuang's book before, were classics of the golden mean, Feng Jin couldn't help but laughed, which is hard to her Prim,-he didn't see his lazy wife looking at them. "Countries in the world, are also the western kerbside lane of, these remarks; knives may follow; moderation impossible, too. "I have clicked on, see one of the lines, chuckled out loud," Consort of knowledge. ” "Your Majesty this is making fun of my? "Luo yan has made their future children to doctrine of the mean, in this Palace, can learn to play the pigs eat the Tiger, it was a big talent. Would like to close the book and tossed aside the doctrine of, "I am Emperor, need to learn that middle ground, he unlike others, from birth can be high, doctrine of the mean is given strength is not enough people, my son, nothing short of nature. ” Waiting at the side of the clouds this evening to hear the Emperor, brow slightly, then lower her head, whether the emperor has nothing else does that mean, isn't her thing. "Children are not born, the emperor was how I knew it was a man or a woman? "Luo yan Zhuang on topic, Chen said," If a Princess, the Emperor did not like? ” "I also like the Princess," Zhuang Luo yan, I have reached out and stroked the hair, smiled and said, "whether it is male or female, I like both. "Speaking of which, his tone," but I must ask you to give me a son. ” Hearing this, Luo yan reached out and poked him in the chest, groan loudly. I would like to let the maid took her shoes off, Luo yan Zhuang, into your arms and sit back on the bed, "I love a good story good? ” Luo yan Emperor looked eyes, she seems really did not see the Emperor telling a story, I nodded. "Long, long ago, there was a man called Pangea, his body high above the mountains, his hair more than Woods ... ..." Luo yan Leng, this story is not about her, right? "Pangea AX down, separated heaven and Earth ... ..." Forgive Luo yan Chuang is becoming increasingly blurred, really talked too flat on the mythical Emperor, this flat rate that is telling a story, was read aloud. I have finished a story, he saw the woman was sleeping in her arms, could not help but laugh, what left trapped, it's not sleep very soon? Luo yan was awakened by the sound of the water, and when she opened her eyes, saw the Emperor is sitting on the sidelines face, rubbed her eyes, "what time? ” Feng Jin, see her confused look, wipe away water on hand, and walked over to the bed with a smile: "I wake you up? Go to sleep, hours earlier. ” Luo yan Wen yan closed her eyes, she does look a bit sleepy, since the Emperor saying, she would still do it. Luo yan and went back to sleep, and would like to light up again, when out of the room and motioned for all hands to softly, and so out of touch that he had let go of the hands and feet, along with Gao Dezhong road outside the Royal chariot: "Gao Dezhong, people looked for interesting little story to, uh ... ... Should be suitable for children to listen to stories. ” Gao Dezhong Leng, was remembered last night at the door and heard those words of Zhao imperial concubine Empress, busy down there, determined to do a good thing, this is both to please the Emperor and Zhao Fei was pleasing. Hen chaise longue sitting on a chariot, just looked at the Emperor's Royal carriage from son House to leave, her lips moved, cold: "Emperor Zhao Fei is really caring for me. "Touch of the pregnant uterus have often come to that run, Zhuang Luo yan, other women may not be distinguished in the Palace. Ministering to the slaves around afraid to answer but have bowed his head. Yin chaise longue see them like this, more pleased, cold: "don't take away its Queen, slow to do what? ” Jing Yang the Palace, the Queen arrived at the House at first sat down, looking first to greet a good chaise longue, smirk: "did not think hen chaise longue come so early today, this temple is getting up late, have kept you waiting so long. ” "Was that wives, I came early, interfere with the Empress to rest," "Royal took the ladies present tea, sipping a SIP," or Empress the tea tasty. ” The Queen smiled, not to meet her please. The good hen chaise longue is not the attitude some time ago, now eyes to see Zhao Fei got pregnant, her Prince is not the most distinguished, Baba and get back in. She wanted it, she had from her? This is the Palace of the Queen when she placed stone lions, who could grab twice? Yin Royal Queen treated her coldly on top, nor awkward, just hanging there is no one to drink a cup of tea, and after a while, will it be wives in droves to greet. "Zhao Fei. ” Everybody's eyes to see Zhao Princess dresses in skirts with wide sleeves hold ladies hands leisurely trail here, most bow to show respect, Yin Royal lay in the hands of a tea, smiling at each other in Johor Princess next sit down. "Zhao Fei sister today don't look good," Yin chaise longue laughed, "look of the unborn Lord is a sensible one. ” "By Royal Yoshikoto," Luo yan Zhuang smiled, took a tea, is a tribute to honey jujube tea, smiled to the Queen, end up run the lip corners. "Empress was distressed zhaoling princess sisters, the tea looked very different with us," Yin Royal continues to speak, "well, now sister pregnant, may be different from us. ” Luo yan Zhuang smiles Yin chaise tanking for himself, put down the tea light said: "Empress of love, are wives of concubines, don't make fun of the imperial concubine Empress wives is plural. ” "The imperial concubine Empress if favor does not bubble back to Palace," the gentle Princess laughed at the opening, "what doesn't your Palace, where I used to admire Zhao Fei. ” Chaise look may not be soft Princess that looks like a hen, cold tone two points: "the gentle Princess really will be obedient, this temple is just like Empress Zhao Fei caring. ” "Love Empress concubines concubine, the harem is well known. "The gentle Princess top not cold light a sentence. "Sue Goodfriend, Su Xiuyi. ” Arrival of household land two sisters, called chaise longue with gentle Princess does not continue to go on, Queen, coldly looking at household land two sisters to their own rituals, for two people sitting here, said: "today the weather is getting colder, and hard for everyone coming to this temple, especially Zhao Fei shouldn't be so come early, you are now pregnant, is to come is not fine. ” "Empress love, how can be coddled and concubines concubine arrogance," Chuang Luo yan got up a ceremony "today more than two or three months, there will be careful. ” "Come sit down," Queen's busy sat her, sighed and said, "you young did not know this woman was pregnant with the child, the first three months was absolutely careless. "Zhao Fei previous miscarriage, bad Queen say fear of causing her grief, instead said:" cold weather, this temple wanted to think, 3rd year of winter, also forgave you all come and go hard. ” All smells are finding is not affected by, but in the end because the Queen was adamant, have no choice but to accept this Yi aim. The Jing Yanggong, Su Xiuyi cold hum: "what love us, but distressed zhaoling Princess, what happened in previous years, she said, 3rd, fake. ” Whether Su Xiuyi complaining Sue chaise's look was somewhat dignified, Queen of the Zhuang, Luo yan love was kind of scary, it is really not like the Queen of style. Luo yan gave birth to Prince, the Emperor wants to cultivate, wouldn't it be rangzhao Princess and the Queen's rival? Not the Queen's intention, Sue Goodfriend frowned, however, still be careful in the future, Queen's reluctant hand, someone has to do it behind, she looks have to do with the cold at that. That afternoon, the Jing Yanggong won the Emperor's reward, many flowing to the Jing Yanggong jade antiques, admired by many. But the wise man knows, agreed with the Queen this morning this is the Emperor's decision, it can be seen that Zhao Fei at King's place. Author has something to say: Merry Christmas!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

























































การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
When Feng Jin to bright and palace, weather already dark, the royal carriage stops in the palace entrance, he goes down the royal carriage, looks is overhanging red lantern, sent regards in the entrance Fu treasure: "Did your family lord rest?"The

Fu treasure bows saying:"Long live master, the empress said that today afternoon rests for a long time, walked sleepily, this little while has not rested."

Feng Jinqi can not know that Zhuang Luoyan waits for him to come, helpless shaking the head, sighed: ", Did not need to notify, I went in directly then am."In the

room, Yun Xi has added a lantern to the room in much, since the lord is pregnant, in bright and palace have then pulled out these gorgeous flower,The fragrant ball fumigated with incense and so on also entirely to receive, the lord nowadays is only hanging a thin purse, was asking comfortably but actually.

"does empress, you read the less than half time book every day, your highness can know really?"After having several palace maids room all around complete overhaul, Yun Xicai arrives at side Zhuang Luoyan, takes down the chimney, cuts the wax candlewick, makes the palace maid take with a smile by far the scissors, received the brass basin in palace maid hand to squat down, for Zhuang Luoyan the slipper, while said: "Servants first time know that can such do."

"this palace does not know that which in has listened, embryo two after March, mother looks at the less than half time every day the book,Listens to the less than half time music, listens to the father to tell the less than half time story again, the birth later will be very intelligent."Zhuang Luoyan remembers absent-minded the previous generation friend has proposed prenatal care.

she also listened to the friend to say before many women did not prepare to be mother, was not interested in prenatal care type of thing. When who is happy unmarried, bewilderedly matter that also will not think Xiong the child. The woman is the mysterious biology, before not having the child, she is not perhaps deep to the child sentiment, after there is a child, looked that which child sprouts the thing, own child is the supreme level treasure.

she heard after this view, immediately snorts contemptuously, somewhat has approved on the contrary to this view to the present. About submitting a written statement,Looked at an abdomen, admits the tepid foot in the water, she somewhat regretted that initially well had not understood the prenatal care knowledge.

"empress has this heart, in the future your highness surely will be intelligent keenly intelligent," Yun Xi gently for Zhuang Luoyan according to pinching foot heart, will be somewhat sigh with emotion, the empress was the love daily bathed before, now in the embryo for the abdomen, changed does for 2-3 date to bathe, this change also because the imperial physician said that the pregnant woman daily bathed to the embryo is not good, "the first two emperor first prizes two musicians, the servants heard that their excelled at the qin, a person excelled at Xiao. Since listens to the music to be good to your highness, tomorrow might as well summon them to play."

"Can I come to tell the story for emperor frequently?"The low and deep male voice resounds, Zhuang Luoyan gained ground then to see to seal the stride to walk sincerely, she wanted to set out to salute, opposite party several strides then walked, her according to sitting on round stool.

"soaks the foot to move heedlessly anything," Feng Jin is pressing Zhuang Luoyan the shoulder gently, when Yun Xiti Zhuang Luoyan dries the foot, then one hugs to put on the bed the human, covers the quilt to open the mouth for the human, "you are pregnant now, does not need to observe these over-detailed formalities in private."

took Qianzhuang to wind the book that the rouge read conveniently, unexpectedly was four books and five classics "Doctrine of the mean", Feng Jin could not bear smile, was really rare she is serious,In those days he did not have to see own this sluggish loving imperial concubine looked at these.

"the world country, may; The rank and emoluments, may dismiss; The naked sword, may step; The doctrine of the mean is impossible."Seals opens sincerely conveniently, sees, the chuckle makes noise, "likes the imperial concubine being learned."

"emperor this teases concubine?"Zhuang Luoyan really has by the later child is learned the meaning of Golden Mean, in this harem, can learn to play the role of the pig to eat the tiger, that is the big talented person.

Feng Jinhe submits a written statement, throws conveniently "Doctrine of the mean" one side, "my emperor, does not need to study that Golden Mean, he with other person of differences, then can keep aloof from the birth,Doctrine of the mean to the strength insufficient person, my son, naturally anything does not need to lack."The

period of five days at the same time hears the saying of emperor in Yun Xi, the brow tip moves slightly, immediately buries lowly, no matter emperor saying has had other meaning, is not the matter that she should think.

"child had not been born, how the emperor knows that was male is the female?"Zhuang Luoyan changes the topic, is angry saying that ", if the princess, the emperor then doesn't like?"

"princess I also likes," Feng Jin puts out a hand to caress Zhuang Luoyan to send lightly, says with a smile, ", no matter male is female, I like."Here, his expression, ", but I must make you live an emperor's son to me surely."

hears this saying, Zhuang Luoyan put out a hand to poke his chest, ahem.

makes the palace maid take off shoes for her sincerely, hugs in Zhuang Luoyan the bosom, by sitting in the head, "I gives to like the imperial concubine telling a story to be good?"

Zhuang Luoyan looked up an emperor, she has not seen the emperor to tell the story probably, cannot help but nodded. Before

"for a long time is very very long, person who called Pangu, his stature was bigger than the mountain, the

Zhuang Luoyan of hair in book also many ...... compared with grove" gawked, this story did not say to her listens?

"a Pangu axe has divided, the day and place separated ......"

to forgive Zhuang Luoyan to realize more and more fuzzily,Really was this fairy story is said by the emperor dull, language fast of this plate was tells the story, was studying in school. A

Feng Jin story has not said that saw that the woman in bosom heavy has gone off, cannot help but smiles, what walked sleepily, didn't this then rest quickly?

Zhuang Luoyan had been awakened by noise by underwater sound, when she opens eyes, saw that the emperor is sitting in the one side washes the face, she rubbed the eyes, "what time?"

Feng Jin sees her blurry appearance, dries the water on hand, arrives at the bedside with a smile: "Did I awaken by noise you? Rests a while again, the time also early."

Zhuang Luoyan Wen Yanbian has closed the eye,She somewhat is truly sleepy, since emperor said that she complies.

saw Zhuang Luoyan to rest, sealed acts sincerely puts lightly, when left the room, but also hinted all person hands and feet to put lightly, waited for bright and palace, he has unshackled, in royal carriage said to along with outside Gaudzhong: "Gaudzhong, making the human seek some interesting stories, um ......Must suit the story that the child listens."

Gaudzhong gawks, immediately remembered heard these words that the illustrious imperial concubine empress spoke in out of the door yesterday evening, was busy at complying, set firm resolve to hold this matter, this was not only has flattered the emperor and has flattered the illustrious imperial concubine. The

virtue noble concubine sits on step nian,Is looking at the royal carriage of emperor leaves from afar from bright and palace direction, the corners of the mouth move, cold sound track: "The emperor is really shows loving concern to the illustrious imperial concubine."Bright and palace that were pregnant also frequently ran toward that obviously in the palace other women could not compare Zhuang Luoyan to be honored. The lackey who side

serves does not dare saying that can only lower the head. The virtuous noble concubine sees their this appearances, the heart is more unhappy, cold sound track: "It is not quicker goes to empress there, sluggish what makes?"

Jing Yanggong, empress arrives at outside the seat of honor of palace under going, looks virtuous noble concubine who first pays respects, false smile road: "Has not thought that the virtuous noble concubine comes today so early,This palace got up late, making you wait for a long time."

"was the imperial concubine concubine comes early, has harassed the empress rest," virtuous noble concubine received the tea that the palace maid presented that sipped one lightly, "the empress here tea was tasty."Queen

smiled, does not meet her flattering. This good virtuous noble concubine few days ago was not this manner, now the eye looks at the illustrious imperial concubine to be pregnant, the emperor's son who nearby her raised was not most honored, anxiously has collected.

she must collect, oneself then by her? When really this empress is the palace entrance suspends the stone lion, can everyone trace two? The

virtue noble concubine sees the empress to wait her to slight, in the surface is not awkward,Lowers the head not drinking tea, some little time, had the imperial concubine to pay respects one after another.

"illustrious imperial concubine."The

people eyes look at illustrious imperial concubine to wear the long wide sleeve skirt to hold the hand leisurely line of palace maid, mostly lowers the head to respect, the virtuous noble concubine puts to start tea, with a smile looks at the seat of honor of opposite party under the supple imperial concubine under.

"illustrious imperial concubine younger sister facial expression is booing today," virtuous noble concubine said with a smile, "looked at your highness who this had not been born is sensible."

"taking advantage of the noble concubine auspicious words," Zhuang Luoyan smiled, received tea, seeing is the tribute jujube honey tea, smiled to the empress, carries Run the lip angle.

"Empress empress loves dearly illustrious imperial concubine younger sister, this tea looks is not quite being actually same to us," virtuous noble concubine continues to open the mouth, "but actually is also, now younger sister is pregnant, may with our these different."

Zhuang Luoyan smiles to look that the virtuous noble concubine draws the hatred to oneself, puts down a tea light aperture saying:"Empress empress shows loving concern, is the good fortune of imperial concubine concubine, the noble concubine empress do not tease the imperial concubine concubine."

"noble concubine empress, if likes, can return to the palace froth actually," supple imperial concubine is laughing at the aperture, "the expensive palace anything thing does not have, where serves a need to envy the illustrious imperial concubine."The

virtue noble concubine could not look to soften imperial concubine that appearance, the language air cooled two points: "Supple imperial concubine will be obedient but actually,After this palace is Zanhuang, empress to the illustrious imperial concubine cared that sympathizes."

"empress empress cares for imperial concubine concubines, the harem all knows."Supple imperial concubine not cold not pale has gone against one.

"Madam Shu, Soviet revisionism meter."The

Su two sisters' arrivals, the giving up one's post to a more qualified person noble concubine and supple imperial concubine have not continued to discuss, the empress looks at the Su two sisters to salute to oneself indifferently, after they sit down, opens the mouth saying:"Now the weather is getting more and more cold, presses everybody also to give this palace to pay respects, particularly the illustrious imperial concubine should not so early then come, you have the pregnancy now, then does not come not to obstruct."

"empress treasures, how imperial concubine concubine can rely on to favor to be arrogant," Zhuang Luoyan set out good a ritual, "the present is about 2-3 months, where then can like that be careful."

"sits down in a big hurry," empress being busy makes her sit down, sighs, "you do not know now young, this woman was with the child, first three months absolutely could not be careless."Remembered the illustrious imperial concubine formerly the miscarriage, empress was not good to say again feared caused her painful event, then said: "Such as today was cold, this palace thinks that in the winter of this year then three day pays respects, exempted has come and gone laboriously."

people Wen Yanjie does not decline, because finally the empress manner is firm, has, but accepted this words or order of the empress or empress dowager.

had Jing Yanggong,Soviet revisionism meter Leng Hengdao: "Anything loves dearly us, only feared that loves dearly that illustrious imperial concubine, how in the past not to see her saying that three day pays respects, false mercy."No matter

the complaint of Soviet revisionism meter, the facial expression of Madam Shu somewhat is dignified, the empress this time cherishes somewhat fearfully to Zhuang Luoyan, this really not like the conduct attitude of empress. If Zhuang Luoyan gives birth to the emperor's son, the emperor intends to train, to let the illustrious imperial concubine and empress meets as an equal?

thinks that the intention of unclear empress, Madam Shu knit the brows, no matter how, will be in the future more careful, the empress is not willing to begin, always some people must be that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, she must do is indifferently looks is.

in the afternoon,Jing Yanggong has then resulted in granting of emperor, many jade antique running water delivers to Jing Yanggong, making many people envy. The

however smart people know that this is the emperor approves of the empress morning decision, thus it can be seen the illustrious imperial concubine in the emperor is careful the status. The

author had the words to say: Merry Christmas!
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