第三百四十五章 斗气化臂 打死打活,拼到现在,大家图的不就是最后的奖励么,其余的说什么都是假的。 东城月坐在栏杆上,摇曳着一双修长的腿,笑道 การแปล - 第三百四十五章 斗气化臂 打死打活,拼到现在,大家图的不就是最后的奖励么,其余的说什么都是假的。 东城月坐在栏杆上,摇曳着一双修长的腿,笑道 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

第三百四十五章 斗气化臂 打死打活,拼到现在,大家图的不就是最后的奖励

第三百四十五章 斗气化臂


























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Chapter No. 345 gasification arm Kill live, until now, did you figure is not final reward, the rest of the saying is false. East side months sitting on the railing, waving with a pair of long legs and smiles: "well, so long, it's hard, but fortunately two days, had 35 days not exhausted not......" Lin Waner narrowed a pair of eyes, PEAR Vortex light laughs: "in fact, why are we tired? Family readers look at this League exactly 31 chapters for half a month, easy...... " I coughed: "understanding understanding, serious, flying to announced the game award! ” "Uh huh! ” …… The stage, flying of amorous where a station was let off many men players thirsty, she holds the microphone, smiling: "first of all, congratulations on the rise of the hero contest stand out you winner final three prizes and finally decided, followed by song que, pale eyes, easygoing, congratulations to them! Then, is we everyone most looks forward to of award link has, 32 name zhihou of players are has system automatically issued award, as long as participate in has hero rise, how many will has some experience value award Oh, then, is we 32 strong of draw link, first is 17-32 name of players, system will put you transfer came to power to, remaining award system issued, but need manual of is draw, to's, exciting of moments comes has! ” "Brush brush! ” 16人传送上台,慕萱、浮生万刃、上将李牧、上将王翦、冉闵等人都在其中,大屏幕上呈现着他们的奖励明细,魅力值+3、等级+1、金币10000枚,然后就是抽奖了,“刷”一道蓝色光柱泻落在主舞台上,上面闪烁着玩家的ID——慕萱!第一个抽奖者正是九黎城第一美女,御姐女王的合体。 慕萱提着法杖走上前,雪白小手轻轻按下了确认光质按钮,顿时一系列的数据光芒飞速切换,缓缓的停留下来,却是一本淡紫色的技能书,S级片杀技能书——雷渊! 慕萱微微一愣,嘴角扬起笑道:“哎哟,因祸得福,片杀技能书,好开心~~” 抽奖屏上又换成了李牧的抽奖,大手一按,70级紫霖阶护腿到手,属性非常不错! 王翦和浮生万刃的运气差一些,都是紫霖器,没有拿到这个阶段最好的紫霖器装备,想来紫霖器的出率也并不高,直到最后一个飘渺云烟走上台的时候,提着战斧,将手掌覆盖在抽奖按钮上,一道光芒窜过,空中悬浮着一个狰狞的血色头盔,直接落在他的手掌中。 飘渺云烟愣了愣,看着头盔的属性,高兴得合不拢嘴了,灵禹器战盔,提升17%攻击力和12%攻击速度,并且提升3%的致命一击率,这可是输出职业的王牌属性,3%的致命一击率,全身都能凑齐这种高爆率装备的话,至少能有30%左右的致命一击率,三刀出一次暴击,特别是像飘渺云烟这种高伤害的狂战士,一斧头出去,只要暴击就差不多能取人性命了! …… 很快的,抽奖完毕,下一轮抽奖,9-16名玩家的抽奖,这次玩家的实力又提升了一个层次,燕赵无双、剑锋寒、月倾浅、简简单单、月微凉、宋寒等人都在其中,双胞胎俏生生的站在舞台边缘,笑吟吟的说着话,两个MM都属于那种长成了就祸害众生的美女胚子,也自然成了万众瞩目的对象了。 通用奖励:魅力值+5、等级+1、金币+20000,然后就是抽奖了,燕赵无双大步流星的走到了抽奖台旁边,伸手一按屏幕,顿时一连串的数据跳跃,飞速停留在一条项链上,燕赵无双看了看,笑了:“也好不错,灵禹器项链……” 剑锋寒站在燕赵无双身后,瞥了一眼:“哼,一个灵禹器项链就满足了,布拉格盟主可真是善于满足啊……” 燕赵无双淡淡一笑:“知足常乐、淡泊名利,这种道理年轻人怎么会懂?” 剑锋寒哼了一声,走上前抽奖,很快的,一柄泛着橙色光芒的长枪哼在他胸前,一柄70级灵禹器长枪,属性非常不错,可惜他用不上,看来只能便宜手底下的重将了,锋芒的第一骑士——球球不傻?貌似有点浪费啊…… 月倾浅提着匕首走上前,按下了确认键,很快的,“刷”一道光芒,一本紫色技能书浮现在小美女胸前,落入掌心里,啧啧,又是一个刺客的技能——烽火暴,S级技能,造成一次无视防御的攻击,提升40%攻击力,并且拥有75%几率出现致命一击效果,蓄气1.2秒,耗费20点能量值,冷却时间15秒。 这是一个典型的增幅刺客杀伤力的技能,一击出去基本上布甲、皮甲就能秒杀了,月倾浅喜滋滋的学习了,随后,月微凉抽奖,素手一扬,又是一个灵禹器皮甲靴子出现了,双胞胎双双获得最佳奖励,乐不可支了。 宋寒则抽取到一枚灵禹器戒指,看起来9-16名的灵禹器出率确实要高多了! …… 飞儿再次登上舞台,笑道:“接下来,是8强的奖励了哦,首先,有请5-8名的玩家上台领奖,他们分别是——问剑、苍月、叶来、花枪一壶酒,有请!” 四道白光掠过,四人出现在舞台上,大屏幕明细着通用奖励:魅力值+7、等级+1.2、金币+50000枚,然后就是抽奖了,东城月第一个走上台,小手按在确认键上,抿抿红唇,作了一个老天保佑的姿态,很快的,数据窜动,凝聚为一柄猩红色法杖落在她的手中,同时大屏幕上也显示出这柄法杖的详细属性,血红之握,灵禹器卓越法杖,法攻非常之强,并且是70级装备,三加属性,东城月眯着一双美眸:“好嘛,不错……” 随后,问剑抽奖,不出意外,又是一个灵禹器项链出现了,加了18%的攻击力和6%吸血效果,这也正是问剑梦寐以求的属性,不过问剑是何许人,站在舞台上,目光淡然,硬是没有露出半分高兴的神色来,这才是真正的不悲不喜、高手本色…… 叶来走上前,迅速抽取,很快的,一本橙色的技能书落在了他的手里——狂傲之灾,S级技能书,激发怒气,提升40%的致命一击率,持续7秒! 我不由得身躯一颤,眯着眼睛道:“靠,叶来这个烈焰狂战原本就输出惊人,现在好了,再加上这狂傲之灾,7秒钟内的致命一击率提升40%,正面对抗上,恐怕我们的老K也要逊色他很多了……” 林婉儿点头:“嗯,爆发力太强大了,只要配给几个高阶悬壶者,叶来简直就是团战、行会战、国战的神器啊!”



























การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Three hundred and fortieth chapters vindictive arm killed playing live, fight to now, not that the final reward you figure it, the rest say what is false. Dongcheng month sitting on the railing, swaying with a pair of slender legs, smiled and said: "Oh, playing for so long, really hard, but fortunately it two days, if there is a three to five days, the non-exhausted can not ......" Ms Lin amused pair of beautiful eyes, pear vortex shallow smiles: "In fact, we look at what readers tired ah people full league Chapter 31 weeks, it is easy to ......?" I cough a cough: "sympathetic understanding, have a serious point , FIR game to announce reward! " " huh! " ...... the stage, FIR amorous to stop there, let off countless male players thirsty, she Wozhehuatong, smiling said: "First of all, congratulations on the rise in this hero contest the winner stands out to you, the end finally decide the winners, followed by party song Que, Aoi Hitomi, unaffected, congratulate them and then, that all of us! The most anticipated part of the award, 32 players have been automatically after an award, as long as participating in the Heroes rise, how many will have some experience rewards Oh, then, is our 32 lucky draw, the first name is 17-32 the players, the system will transfer you came to power, the rest of reward system payment, with the exception that you need to manually draw, come on, the exciting moment has come! " " brush brush! " 16 transfer stage, Mu Xuan, Bliss square edge, Admiral Li Mu, Admiral Wang Jian, Ran Min, who were both on which a large screen showing details of their rewards, Charisma +3, +1 grade, gold 10,000, then that is a lottery, "brush" a blue light beam falls on the main stage diarrhea, flashes above the player's ID-- Xuan Mu! The first draw is the Jiu city's first beauty queen royal sister's body. Mu Xuan carrying staves stepped forward, small white hand to gently press the button to confirm the light quality, light rapid series of data suddenly switched, stay down slowly, but it is a skill book lavender, S-class film Kill skills book - Lei Yuan! Mu Xuan slightly surprised a moment, mouth Raising smiles: "Oh, a blessing in disguise, sheet killing skills book, good fun ~ ~" on the screen has replaced Li Mu lottery draw, the big hand of a press, 70 purple leggings Lin-order hand, property is very good! WANG Jian and Bliss Wan edge of some bad luck, are purple Lin is, at this stage did not get the best equipment purple Lin is wanted purple Lin's out rate is not high, until the last time on stage misty clouds , carrying an ax, the palm covering the draw button, a light Cuanguo, air suspension with a hideous color helmet, directly on his palm. Lengleleng misty clouds, looking helmet attributes, happy ear to ear, Yu Ling is a combat helmet, upgrade attack power by 17% and 12% attack speed, and improves critical strike rate of 3%, and this is output career ace attribute, a fatal blow to the rate of 3%, the body can put together such a high-explosive rate equipment, then at least there is a fatal blow to the rate of about 30%, Mito out once the storm hit, especially as misty clouds This high damage Berserker, an ax out, almost as long as crit can take the lives of the people! ...... Soon, the draw is completed, the next round of the lottery, lottery 9-16 players, the player's strength but also to the next level, Yan unparalleled, Janus cold, pour months shallow, simple, month Wei Liang, Song Han, who are in them, the twins stood Qiaosheng Sheng edge of the stage, smiling, talking, two MM belong to the kind of grew up and became the scourge of the living beings on beauty Cotyledons, naturally became the much-anticipated Object of. General Bonus: Charisma +5, +1 grade, gold +20000, then that is a draw, Hebei Warriors strode walked beside the lottery station, reaching a hold on the screen, suddenly jump a series of data, rapid stay on a necklace, Hebei Warriors looked, laughed: "or bad, Yu Ling Necklace ......" Janus Cold Warriors standing behind Yanzhao, glanced: "Well, a spiritual Yu Necklace meet, Prague chief really good to meet ah ...... " Hebei Warriors faint smile: "contentment, fame and fortune, the truth will understand how young?" Janus cold grunted, he walked lottery, and soon, edged glowing orange light guns hum in his chest, a two-edged 70 Ling Yu is guns, the property is very good, but he do not have access, it seems only cheap Shoudexia weight will, the edge of the first knight - Sphere is not stupid? Looks like a bit of a waste ah ...... month poured shallow carrying daggers stepped forward, press the Enter key, and soon, "brush" a light, a purple skill book surfaced in Little Miss chest, falling into the palm, tut , but also the skills of an assassin - the flames of violence, S-class skills, resulting in a disregard for the defense attack, a 40% increase attack power, and has a 75% chance of a fatal blow to effectiveness, build gas 1.2 seconds, consuming the energy value of 20 points the cooling time of 15 seconds. This is a typical increase lethal assassin skills, blow out substantially Cloth, Leather able to spike the month pour shallow happily learn, then, on the cool sweepstakes, Yang Su-hand, but also a spiritual Leather boots Yu is there, both twins get the best rewards, overjoyed the. Song Han Yu Ling is drawn into a device ring, Yu Ling looks 9-16 name you really want is a rate much higher! ...... FIR again on stage, smiled and said: "Next, eight strong incentive oh, first, 5-8 players have requested to receive an award, they are - ask the sword, Cang Ye come, Huaqiang jug of wine, there please! " swept four white, four appeared on the stage, big screen detail with the common reward: Charisma +7, +1.2 grade, gold +50000 pieces, then that is a draw, Dongcheng month first took the stage, a small hand press on the Enter key, sip sip red lips, made ​​a gesture to bless God, and soon, the data ran, condensed into a two-edged scarlet wand fell on her hands while on the big screen also shows detailed properties Zhebing wand, blood-red grip, Yu Ling is excellent Staff, method of attack is very strong, and is equipped with 70, three plus property, Dongcheng month amused pair of Meimou : "Okay, well ......" Then, ask sword lottery, not surprisingly, is a spiritual Yu Necklace there, plus a 18% and 6% attack power vampire effect, which is the dream of asking sword property, but who are the people to ask the sword, standing on the stage, looking indifferent, he just did not look happy to expose half a point to, this is not really sad not happy, master qualities ...... leaf to step forward quickly extracted, it is fast, an orange skill book fell on his hands - proud of the disaster, S-class skills in the book, inspired anger, improve critical strike rate of 40% for 7 seconds! I could not help the body shocked, his eyes and said: "Damn it, leaves to the flames already mad war output amazing, now, coupled with the arrogance of the disaster, a fatal blow to the rate within 7 seconds of a 40% increase on confrontation, I am afraid our old K also a lot less he ...... " Ms Lin nodded: "ah, power is too strong, as long as a few high-end hanging pot rationing who leaves to simply battle group, line of battle, country ! War artifact ah " misty clouds helmet just hand touch on the forehead, and looked at the field, smiled slightly: "ah, Ye come, hey ......" last draw people are Huaqiang jug of wine, a pumping to reward, his face was all green, it is a purple cloak Lin is, hands holding cape, spear jug of wine watching the FIR, pale: "It's not natural for it ...... I sister, for the hair on my ? Is Purple Lin is me ...... I have been feeling never love again, ah ...... " FIR Puchi smile, patted Huaqiang jug shoulder: "restrain their grief slightly, this is purely a question of luck ...... Otherwise, I Aoi Hitomi back the beauty of the QQ number to tell you, as compensation? " Huaqiang jug teeth: "No, thank you ...... Do not think I do not know, it must be the hero of Q Ran Min number ......" audience Ran Min also Huqu startled: "how I feel to be red ......" ...... soon next segment, fourth award! ! "Brush" 唐七公child standing on the stage, bewildered, steel-framed fan in his hand: "Why I am a person came to power, how I kind of lost in plucking chicken on the chopping block feeling, this feeling is ...... What do you mean? " FIR chuckle: "Draw it, the tragedy of the fourth ......" 唐七公son and a draw, is actually the spirit of Yu's excellent weapon, but is a long knife, he do not have access , then carrying a long knife happily step down to go. ...... In the end, the top three winners went on stage to accept the award! "brush!" Ms Lin and I both came to power, party song Que stood not far from us. Ms Lin smiled at me and whispered: "how happy this is not the highest honor the Chinese server podium Oh ......?" I chuckled: "Actually, I'm more glad that you got to stand here together, you got together side by side ...... " "Well ......" Ms Lin sip Minzui, long eyelashes sweep of the sweep, pretend do not understand anything, smiled and said: "I know it ......" aside, FIR cough cough: "Well, is prohibited during the award show of affection, first of all, have requested the runner-up prize winner unaffected it!" ...... I level has been raised 1.5, and 9:00 Charisma and 10W gold already arrived, leaving lottery , and strode walked past, disillusioned cape flying behind, hand touch to confirm, touch off, and soon, a series of data aggregation as an orange skill book, "popping" sound into my palm skills books also appear in detail on the big screen - [vindictive arm] (SS level): passive skills, gather powerful grudge absorbed arms, greatly enhance the strength of his arms, so that players can Qingqi Liangbing hands and arms where the right hand weapon attack power remains 100%, 75% left arms weaken, block rate increase 40% attack speed increase as the players 50 percent, require players to 70, consuming 3:00 Charisma learning needs! ...... looked at my palm skill book, Ms Lin Zhang Zhang mouth, eyes are filled with consternation: "swords stream era has really come ......" party song Que in the next, Jian Mei locked, a word no hair looked this book. After reading each chapter tap praise, please cultivate this good habit Oh ~ ~ ~ And do not forget the day in slaying the dragon sign ~~ book starting from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Cap 345-doo 气 arm to the fighting killed live, puzzle 现 all the 图 is the most 后 奖 励 么, with the remaining 说 么 what are false. The 东 the city sitting on the par 栏, 摇 national 着 a 双 长 repair the legs, smiled and said: "Yes, making the 么 long, it is really too hard, fortunately 两 the day, if there 个 35 days, non-tired die." The Lam Yuen-儿 the 眯 着 a 双 us, Lei 涡 浅 smiled and said: "The 实, I 们 tired 么 what? People 读 could see the 联 赛 exactly 31 个 half month chapter, easy." The 么) I cough a cough: "体 谅 体 谅, 严 肃 a 点, 飞 儿 than to declare 赛 奖 励! " to the "Uh-huh! " to theThe power to the ", 飞 儿 风 万 种 love to the 里, the 让 场 无 数 men, playing Ieguchi dry tongue dry, and her light and 着 话, smiling Yin Yin, “First, I congratulate the big 赛 hero rise of 脱 颖 the Honorable 获 胜, most 终 亚 quarter the highest 军 also 终 于 决 and 为 followed the 阙 songs, 苍 Hitomi, easy-going 遥 and congratulate him 们! So 后, that I am 们 we look forward to most 励 the 奖 环 节, 32 of the 后 player have 经 统 of 动 发 placed 奖 from 励, 只 to 参 a hero rising, many of them some 经 会 验 奖 value 励 Oh, so 后 is that I 们 32 强 pumping 环 奖 节, first, the 17-32 player.统 会 of your 传 们 来 sent came to power, and the rest of 奖 励 统 发 placed, the only 独 need 动 hand is drawn 奖, 来, heated 动 people 来 时 moment 临! " to the "brush brush! " to the 16 传 to come to power, the Xuan, Floating Life 将 万 edged,, Li Mu, the 将 Wang Chin, ran 闵 and others, and the big screen the 现 着 he 们 the 奖 励 细 Ming, charisma of 3 级, 1, Kim 币 10,000 gold, so 后 is drawn 奖, "brush together 蓝 colored light Chu 泻 fell in the main stage, the above 闪 烁 着 player - the ID Xuan! The first 个 奖 pumping the 9 Licheng first beauty, sister Royal Queen and the 体 together. The Xuan referred to the law 着 income came up.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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