关 于 国 Thailand 罗 进 I the non-鱼 bits of meat, yesterday, I 们 开 会 时, I 约 of 发 research, quality control 与 门 Health Ministry 产 the 几 负 责 a person, who received the 来 为 这 两 Zhou 时 间, he 们 has a different things out, the 暂 时 没 约 have 办 law. The 经 过 讨 论 we build 议 来 operation following manner: The 执 line in the original workers not 艺 under the premise 变: The 国 1, 请 Thai workers in the 厂 bone meat 与 fats, gross 边 产 products such as all 区 开 sub 来, I 们 只: the flesh and blood fat 与 线 这 两 种 bits of meat, gross 边 the 产 products 暂 时 not export, 请 国 Thai workers separate 厂 销 sales, 处 this part,价 export sales remain the 来 not 变;) 2, 产 products 还 is the original 来 产 products, regardless of their, but the 为 under-utilised (the 项 means 较 标 poor, therefore the Add proportion 们 I have to re the 调, acceding to the other means good 产 标 products 来 and, therefore 价 请 Georgia dropped some 给 I 们. The program for the above you 参 examination, 请 帮 busy 确 认 适 whether very grateful 谢 your 帮 busy! )
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