A) design changes should be identified (such as: reason for change, the need and feasibility), design changes should be documented, such as: design is not caused by design changes should also be classified as nonconforming product control program controls; B) evaluate changes to construction, installation parts and the relevant professional and determined to take the corresponding measures to take; C) where appropriate, review the changes to verify and, if necessary, (such as contracts or regulatory requirements) for confirmation; D) changes be approved before implementation, approval of the leaders; E) keep the change in recognition and results as well as corresponding measures for this record. Design change should be identified.Design changes to files and records by the archives sent in charge of works included in the original design drawings and documents archive.5. related documents5.1 document control procedure5.2 recording control program5.3 design work instruction6. records6.1 design plan6.2 review6.3 design review minutes6.4 verification records6.5 design of the validation record (authority of its findings)6.6 design change form
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