1. purpose Product protection throughout the entire construction process, to ensure construction and acceptance, and project data archive and project work smoothly. Through the monitoring and measurement of processes and products, access to information on owner satisfaction, in order to provide satisfactory service for the owners.2. applicable scopeApply to this companies product protection and acceptance of project delivery activities and process, product realization of customer satisfaction monitoring and measurement.3. responsibilities3.1 cement project management office responsible for programs and organizations.3.2 storage of cement Engineering Technology Department is responsible for the preparation of the material management methods and organization.3.3 project management office is responsible for determining cement repair, repair the results of acceptance and acknowledgment.3.4 the cement maintenance programming project management office organization, responsible for the audit, approval of the maintenance programme.3.5 cement works Marketing Department (liaoyangcooking) is responsible for auditing projects during construction due to the costs incurred by customer's request-neutral, maintenance and the cost of the project after completion of the audit.3.6 financial Department to validate and approve the transfer of maintenance costs.3.7 project groupA responsible product implementation and acceptance data compilation, collation, generating work process and product delivery, monitoring and measurement of customer satisfaction after work;B is responsible for the preparation of engineering and maintenance programmes, cement project management office reported after approval, the record;C is responsible for the preparation of the maintenance budget, reported to the cement works Marketing Department for approval;D implementation, organizations validating management responsible for engineering and maintenance work.4. working procedures4.1 product protection4.1.1 project group according to the project situation, at the time of preparation of construction organization design, preparation of finished products and organize the implementation of protection measures.
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