“你的反应很快,”严穆视线从陆承余身上移到曹京申面前的文件夹上,这个文件夹正是陆承余用来砸茶杯的那个,“现在大学生像你这样身手矫健的不多了。 การแปล - “你的反应很快,”严穆视线从陆承余身上移到曹京申面前的文件夹上,这个文件夹正是陆承余用来砸茶杯的那个,“现在大学生像你这样身手矫健的不多了。 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

























































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
"Your response soon," Yan Mu away from Lu Chengyu was moved to Cao Jingshen folder, this folder is what Lu Chengyu to throw at the cup of that, "now students don't have much skill and vigorous like you. ” "Usually much movement, play basketball out of habit, conditioned reflexes. "Lu Chengyu to save the document, close the laptop, at Yan Mu smiled. "Thank you," Yan Mu lips moved eventually dry out a sentence that gave Cao Jingshen look, out of the Office. Cao Jingshen rushed out and up, big conference room immediately Lu Chengyu left only one person, had him glance at the empty offices, to take up the laptop with one hand, slowly walking towards the outside. To the elevator, Lu Chengyu went in, only to find the elevator stand several people who participated in the meeting, these people don't look very good, saw him come in and nodded to him, and he's come, these people should be next to the boss of. So whether mixed business, politics, positioning is very important, the wrong location, life is a tragedy. Back to his cubicle, Lu Chengyu record printed out before the meeting, and then continued to be familiar with Hua Ding's internal situation. Regardless of how a tripod will be, he needs to do now, is to do my job well. Time off shortly after, Lu Chengyu found, Office colleague to his new passion, when he leaves, there are many people that want to give him a welcome party and smiling and said, if there is something where you don't know, just ask. Lunch in the staff dining room, these people he's alienated right, became enthusiastic right now, not just because the wall of wind was gone, he is the big boss Secretary Assistant as a boss character. To leave the company, Lu Chengyu were milking the stuffy bus than canned, began thinking about buying a scooter, previous life he worked a few years later, while doing badly, also bought a used Chery to travel into this life, never had worse than the last generation, as will other people gossiping about him driving an intern, is not really important. This society, someone gossiping does not matter, what matters most is ever have the ability to talk is blocked. Even if a person does good perfect, and there will be detractors behind, were not even even currency that everyone loves, not to mention he is a man, missing people and coin the word. Outside a noodle shop in the community asked for a bowl of beef noodles, plus two dishes of meat dishes. Lu Chengyu favorites into the noodles, soup and punch, although the store inconspicuous, but over the years, he really just liked the taste. Noodle shop boss is a fat man of about 40, every time I see Lu Chengyu to place on the surface, there are many pieces of beef, young guy with a good appetite and frequent, shops, there are little girl is designed for him to eat, his boss, just put a bit more beef when you return. He had heard the boy things, can't help feeling this 20 years old young man without mother or father, but fortunately there is a brand-name College students, ordinary people, even the wives are not easy. But how such a young child has no parents, living alone is not easy. Still have not received a fraction of the money, fat boss smiling watched Lu Chengyu go, couldn't help but sigh, this guy is really good, if his daughter could be a few years older, he still wanted him as his son-in-law. Lu Chengyu from the supermarket to buy a bunch of junk food at the door back home, and drink beer in the refrigerator, turning on the TV, entertainment reports, glanced at random, a humble-looking actress is saying something. Seeing this scene, Lu Chengyu smiled when he was cast as odd hours, the actress was guest actor of the play, airs, but don't see the slightest modesty now. Reminds me on the set is artificially difficult days, he gave a loud hissing, pick up the remote changed the channel. Still a long way off, he has a heart is not big, recompense to complain complain that his style. Cao Jingshen looking hands meeting minutes, but nudged his glasses, does clear the record and even summarized, this is not his most unexpected, most surprising is that this account of the meeting in an objective tone, but people subjectively think the boss-Word mantra, while the second side, a bit shallow and mean. Meeting minutes are not reported, so each sentence must be true is brought up, and you cannot add your own meaning, clearly the recorded proceedings, is such a simple record of the meeting is to let people have this feeling. Though after reading the entire record, he took a deep breath, it's a rare talent, not to mention he just hasn't formally graduated from the University, even if it is an old hand on the Mall, and not many people can do this step so that people, must find ways to get him to stay. I think of this, Cao Jingshen hurried to the CEO's Office, knocked two men pushed open the door and went in after: "boss, you look at the record of the meeting! ” Yan Mu taking meeting minutes, read a few lines, put down the track, "is pretty good. ” Cao Jingshen knows have to say "very good" even each other agree with their words, he said, "when the Lu Cheng Yu Lai reported this morning, I don't think he looks better than all, and now I have to admit, I was wrong. ” Yan Mu look at time, is already eight o'clock in the evening, he got up from his chair and picked up the Blazer, light throwing in a sentence: "he looks good, if fact. ” Cao Jingshen suddenly had the feeling of not knowing what to say, paused and will resume after the opening: "I mean to say, the potential of the talent, we've got to keep him. ” "He at this time to interview huading, shows that he wanted to stay in China, Ding," Yan Mu straightened the tie, "according to the normal procedure on the line, so what did the wise man knows himself to be. ” Thought for a while, that the boss is saying is right Cao Jingshen nodded: "I got it. ” "Already is late, you get back a rest," Yan Mu put on your jacket, "I have to work. ” 曹京申回头时,严穆已经出了办公室,他想了想,把这份会议记录叠好放进了衣兜里,出了门看到外面的碎纸机,犹豫了一下,把它放进了碎纸机中。 有些东西,只有别人看不见才最保险,华鼎内部还有几个商业间谍没有揪出来。潜在的人才,可不能让对手抢走了。 陆承余接下来的几天工作得很顺利,不知道是不是他在会议室露的那一手让曹京申太过震撼,曹京申对他比第一天温和了不少,两人工作上的交流多了起来。不过即使,他也没有多少时间与大老板接触,他每日做得更多的就是到各个部门协调工作,再不就是整理各种文件。 工作了三周后,他买的车终于挂好了牌,虽然只是一辆十万左右的奔腾,但他心情却是十分不错,好歹他也算是有车一族了。 华鼎有内部停车场地,所以陆承余去申请了一个地下停车场进出卡后,就过上了自驾上班的日子。 一个多月后,陆承余回学校进行论文答辩,才知道陈瑾因为拿到了梁氏国外会议交流名额,所以申请了视频论文答辩,或许是梁德佑在其中帮了个忙,陈瑾这个申请很容易的通过了。 实际上,不用面对陈瑾,让陆承余在心里松了一口气。虽然论起来他与陈瑾之间没有什么恩怨,但是要说有多少兄弟情,也不剩多少了。 答辩很轻松的过了,陆承余与梁宏、朱广林在一起吃了顿火锅,又去KTV唱歌。 等到结束唱歌出门后,他的脑子被夜风一吹,才清醒过来,抬手借着路灯一看时间,已经凌晨12点过后了,当下有些悲痛的道:“卧槽,明天我还要上班。” “你就请了一天假?”张宏拍着他的肩,“节哀。” “滚你,”陆承余呼了他肩膀一掌,“我怎么知道会跟你们两个嚎到大半夜。” “说得就跟你没唱似的,”张宏掏了掏耳朵,“除了我们哥两个,谁受得了你那破嗓子,这么好的声音,唱歌却这么难听,真是白瞎了一张脸。” “能说出这话,代表着你的逻辑死光了,”陆承余伸了个懒腰,“行了,我也不跟你废话了,各回各家吧。” 一直没说话的朱广林犹豫了片刻开口道:“老三,你之前不是准备进梁氏公司的吗,怎么后来去了华鼎,是不是因为陈瑾才……” 张宏皱眉瞪了他一眼,“老朱,你胡说什么呢。” “没什么,”陆承余双手插/进裤兜中,笑道,“我就是觉得华鼎很有发展空间,更何况去梁氏,不是把脚送上门让梁德佑穿小鞋。你们可能不知道,我爸妈出事的责任方,就是梁氏。” 朱广林与张宏当下面面相觑,朱广林满脸歉意道:“对不起,老三我不知道这事,我刚才喝多了,胡说八道的,你别放在心上。” “多大点事儿,”陆承余毫不在意的笑了笑,“就连我也是最近才知道的,事情早过去一年多了,与你们又有什么关系。我们兄弟几个,有什么话不能说的。” 朱广林张了张嘴,见陆承余一脸坦然,最终只是咧嘴笑了笑,上前跟陆承余互相拍了拍肩。 严穆坐在车里,看着陆承余与两个年轻人互相道别,然后坐着出租车离开,他拽下领口的领带扔到一边,现在的年轻人经历可真好,明天要上班,还敢玩到这么玩。 难怪人家都说三年一代沟,他不过是比这些人大六七岁,便觉得跟这些年轻人生活在两个世界。 不过,他在国外读书的时候,好像也不像他们这样悠闲。看来,这与年龄没关系,和性格有关。 意识到自己在想一些没用的东西,严穆一脚踩下油门,价值近千万的车飞速的窜了出去。 出租车内,陆承余看到一辆黑色的迈巴赫从后面超了过去,忍不住多看了两眼。 “哎呀,那可是价值近千万的迈巴赫,我在网上看过这种车的图片,就连二手的都要卖八百多万呢!”出租车司机小心翼翼的让自己的车离那辆迈巴赫远一点,“看到这种车,就躲远些,擦着碰着,咱们小老百姓可赔不起。” 听到这话,陆承余心酸之余,忽然觉得,自己中一千九百万好像也没那么兴奋了。 去他妹的有钱人!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
"Your quick response," Yan Lu Cheng Yu Mu gaze from the body into a file folder in front Caojing Shen, this folder is the land bearing cup that I used to hit, "Now college students like you dashing running out." "Usually sports much, keep out of the habit of playing basketball, a conditioned reflex." Lu Cheng Yu to save the document, close the laptop, directed Mu Yan smiled. "Just thank you," strict Muslim lips moved, but the final say such a dry, Caojing Shen gave a look, out of the office. Caojing Shen seeing followed up, big conference room I immediately left the land bearing a person, he glanced at the empty office, holding up a single notebook, leisurely walk toward the outside. Etc. to the elevator, Lu Cheng Yu went in, only to find the elevator stood just a few people who attended the meeting, these people face looks good to see him come also nodded to him, he immediately come to understand, These people should follow the boss mixed. So whether business or politics mix, the station is very important, stand in the wrong position, life is a cup. Back to his cubicle, Lu Cheng Yu before the meeting printed out, and then continue to be familiar with the internal situation tripod. Regardless of how the future Ting, he now needs to do is to do their own work. Commuting time soon to Miss Cheng Yu discovered that my colleagues for their work in this area a lot of enthusiasm for the new, when he left, there are many people said to give him a welcome to do so, and smiling, said, if there is any do not know where, despite asking on the line. Noon at the cafeteria, he was alienated from these people is justified, now becomes warm up, not because the wall is no wind, the big boss, he became assistant secretary faction boss figure. Leave the company, Lu Cheng Yu also boring than canned crammed bus, began to consider buying scooter thing, previous life he worked a few years later, though fared badly, also bought a used Chery to travel, to this life, total not nice even worse than the last generation, as others will say he drove an intern gossip, does not actually important. This society, there is no one to gossip does not matter, the most important thing is there is no ability to gossip blocked. Even if a person no matter how well again perfect, and people behind the slander, and even the names of coins not everyone is like, not to mention that he is a man of the people with the money missing word. Outside the area of a noodle shop to a bowl of beef noodles, plus two discs a dirty one element of the dish. Lu Cheng Yu favorite to this noodles, chewy Tangnong face again, though modest storefront, but so many years, he really is just like this taste. Noodle shop owner are 40 or so fat, every time I see a commitment to be in the land surface Rideau put two beef, a young guy a good appetite, but also a frequent visitor to the store and some girl also designed for him to eat noodles, which he did boss, put more points on the beef when rendered. He also heard something this young man home, could not help feeling that this young man in his early twenties no father no mother, but fortunately there is room out of the prestigious university student, if the average person, even the wives is not easy. But then how, so young children do not have parents, or not easy to live alone. Did not receive a fraction of the money, as usual, I watched Miss Cheng Xiaohe fat boss left, could not help but feeling that this guy looks nice, if his daughter again a few years older, he really looking for him to do his own son. Lu Cheng I put the cell door from the supermarket to buy a bunch of junk food at home, to drink beer in the fridge, turn on the TV, just put entertainment reports, free glanced inside an actress is a look humble saying something . Seeing this, Lu Cheng I smiled, when he went to work doing odd crew, the actress was invited actors that play, shelves full, but now can not see the slightest bit of humility. I remember that when the crew was embarrassing time, he laugh loudly, pick up the remote control to change a station. The day is still long way to go, he is not the person in mind, with kindness to complain complain that his style. Caojing Shen at the hands of the minutes, can not help but pushed his glasses, made ​​this clear record, and even made ​​a summarized, this is not to let his most unexpected and most surprising is that this meeting with the most objective tone, but people feel subjectively boss every word mantra, while the second child a little shallow and strict meaning of account. Meeting records are not reported, so every word must be true to the proposed meeting, and can not add their own meaning, must clearly record the course of the meeting, but is such a simple record of the meeting is to produce people This sentiment. One by one to read the entire record, he took a deep breath excited, this is a rare talent, not to mention he's just not officially a graduate student, even veteran on the mall, not many people can do this step, Such people must find a way to put him to stay. Think of it, Caojing Shen, president walked hurriedly room, Qiaoliaoliangxia door after door and went inside: "! Boss, you see this meeting," Yan Mu took the record of the meeting, after reading a few lines down record road, "very good." Caojing Shen know can get a "very good" even if the other party agrees own words, he road, "when this morning that Miss Cheng Yu to report, I still think he looks better than the brain, and now I have to admit, I makes mistakes. " Yan Mu glanced time, already at eight, he got up from his chair, picked up a suit jacket, a light thrown sentence:. "He looks good is the fact that" suddenly there Caojing Shen I do not know what kind of feeling to say, stunned for a moment before continuing opening:. "I mean, this potential talent, we must take him to stay," "to interview him at this time Ting, it shows that he determined to stay in the tripod, "Yan Mu Lile tie," in accordance with the normal procedure to go on the trip, so the wise man knows what he wants. " thought that the owners are right Caojing Shen nodded: "I understand a. " "getting late, you'll soon go back to rest," Yan Mu put on the jacket, "I should also off work." back when Caojing Shen, Yan Mu has been out of the office, he thought, to this meeting Records folded into a pocket, out the door to see the outside of the shredder, hesitated, put it in the shredder. Some things that others can not see it, only the safest, there are several internal espionage Ting no pulling out. Potential talent, do not let the opponent snatched. Lu Cheng Yu next few days to work very well, do not know whether he was exposed in the conference room that single-handedly make曹京申too shocked曹京申him much gentler than the first day, the exchange of the two work more together . But even if he did not much time in contact with the big boss, he is doing more day to coordinate the work of various departments, no longer is to organize a variety of files. After working for three weeks, he bought the car finally hang up the cards, although only a thousand or so of the Pentium, but he is a very good mood, whatever the outcome, he can be considered the car owners. Ting internal parking lot, so I went to apply for land bearing an underground parking lot out back card, you had to go to work on the car of the day. After more than a month, Lu Cheng Yu back to school thesis, because to get to know the Liang Chen Jin foreign exchange meeting places, so apply a video thesis, perhaps梁德佑in which a favor, Chen Jin, this application is very easy passed. In fact, do not face Chen Jin, Lu Cheng I make in my heart sigh of relief. Although there is nothing on the up resentment between him and Chen Jin, but to say how many of brotherhood, is not much left. Reply easily over land and Liang Cheng Yu, Zhu Guanglin ate pot together, went to KTV to sing. Wait until the end of the singing out, his mind was the night the wind blows, only to wake up, raising his hand through a street at the time, already after 12:00, the moment some grief: "The FML, I go to work tomorrow . " "You took a day off?" Zhang patting him on the shoulder, "grief." "Get your" I call Lu Cheng beat his shoulder, "I know how the two of you will talk to howl into the night. " "You do not sing just like to put it," Zhang Tao Erduo dig, "In addition to our two brother, who can bear that broke your voice, such a good voice, singing was so awful, really white blind a faces. " "words can say, on behalf of your logic die off," Lu Cheng I stretched, "Well, I do not tell you nonsense, back home now." did not speak of Zhuguang Lin hesitated for a moment the opening: "The youngest, before you enter Liang's not ready yet, how then went to the tripod, it is not because Chen Jin was ......" Zhang frown glared at him, "Lao Zhu, you nonsense What does. " "Nothing," Lu Cheng Yu with his hands / into his trouser pocket, and laughed, "I just think Ting great development space, let alone go to Liang, Liang Deyou not make trouble for his feet to send home. You may not know, . responsible party my parents accident that Liang " 朱广林and Zhang looked at each moment, Zhuguang Lin apologetically and said: "I'm sorry, I do not know what the youngest, I just drank too much, nonsense, and you do not put in the heart. " "How much point thing," Lu Cheng Yu does not care smile, "Even I also recently learned, things early in the past year, and what is the relationship with you, our brothers, What words can not say. " 朱广林opened his mouth, I see a look of calm Cheng Lu, eventually just grinned, came over and patted each other with Lu Cheng shoulder. Yan Mu sitting in the car, watching the landing with two young Cheng I say goodbye to each other, and then sitting in a taxi to leave, he Yexia collar tie thrown aside, today's young people can be good experience, to go to work tomorrow, but also dare to play such a play. No wonder people say that a gap of three years, he is more than six or seven of these people's congresses, they feel with these young people live in two worlds. However, when he was studying in a foreign country, it seems like they relaxed. It seems that age does not matter, and personality. Realized that he was thinking of some useless things, Yan Mu foot throttle, worth nearly 10 million vehicles rapid channeling out. Taxi, Lu Cheng Yu see from behind a black Maybach super in the past, could not help but read two. "Oh, that's worth nearly 10 million Maybach, I have seen this car in the online pictures, and even second-hand must sell more than eight million of it!" Taxi Driver gingerly make their cars off the bike Maybach farther, "to see this car, they hide farther, wiping bumped, we little people can not afford to lose." Hearing this, Lu Cheng Yu Yu sad, suddenly felt like myself in nineteen million not so excited. Went to his sister's rich!

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
"Your response is quick," strict solemn line of sight receives on to transfer to Cao Jingshen front folder from the land, this folder land receives to be used to pound of teacup, "the present university student's skill like you vigorous are not many."

"usually the movement much, hit the custom that the basketball raised, the conditioned reflex."The land receives documents to preserve, closes the notebook, smiled to Yan Mu.

"had thanked a moment ago," Yan Mu the lip moves, finally is only dry saying such one, has given a Cao Jingshen look, left the office.

Cao Jingshen saw that to follow, the big conference room only the remaining land received a person immediately,Chen Jin this application passed very much easily.

in fact, does not use facing Chen Jin, making the land receive to relax at heart. Although discussed him and between Chen Jin does not have what gratitude and grudges, but must say many brothers sentiments, did not remain many.

replied very relaxed, the land received and Liang Hong, Zhu Guanglin has been eating the hot pot together, went to KTV to sing. After

the conclusion sang went out, his brain by the night wind is blown, sobered, lifted the hand to look at the time taking advantage of the street light, already after 12:00 am, immediately somewhat sorrowful road: "Lying trough, I must go to work tomorrow."

"did you take a day of vacation?He has swept eye empty office, took the notebook single-handed, leisure walks toward outside.

, etc. the elevator, after land received walks, discovered that in the elevator stood several to participate in the person of conference a moment ago, the complexions of these people looked like very good, saw him to come in also to nod to him, he understood immediately that these people should mix with the boss. No matter

therefore mixes the business circle or the political circle, the position was very important, stands mistakenly the position, the life was a cup has.

returns to own checks, the land received the beforehand council book to print, then continued to be familiar with internal situation of Huading. No matter after Huading, how can,He needs to do now, completes own labor of duty. The

rush hour arrived quickly, the land receives to discover that the colleague in office district is warm to oneself this new person, he leaves, many people said that must hold a welcoming a newcomer meeting to him, and expression with a laugh, if there is a place that anything does not understand, although asked on the line. When

at noon when the staff dining room, these people are feel alienated are rational to him, now becomes warm, is not because the top wind did not have, this big boss secretary the assistant also became the character who the boss has sent.

leaves the company, the land receives Yu Ji also to want the stuffy public transportation compared with the canned food,Added a vegetable of two plates of meat elements again. The land receives most to like this eating the noddles, Tang Nongmian strength, although the shop front is common, but these years, he also really only likes this flavor. The

noodle restaurant boss is about 40 fat person, saw each time the land receives to in the surface put two beef, the young man appetite is good, is the patron, in the shop some girls also specially eat the noddles for him, this is the boss, puts a beef, when repaid.

he had also heard this young fellow family's matter, cannot help but sighs with emotion, these 20-year-old over young fellows do not have the father not to have mother, has the room luckily is the student who the good university comes out, if average person,Started to consider to buy the matter of riding instead of walking car, the ancestors he after serveral years of operation, although mixed miserably, bought a second-hand Chery to ride instead of walking, to this whole life, was unable to compare the ancestors to pass is miserable, as for others can say idle talk that his intern drove, was actually unimportant. Does

this society, have people to gossip importantly, doesn't have the ability to stop up the idle talk importantly. A person does again well again perfect, behind some people will slander that the personal name coin is not everybody likes, let alone he is a person, has lacked the people and coin these two characters. Noodle restaurant of

outside community wanted one bowl of beef noodles,Asks the wives not to be easy. However is what kind, such young child does not have the parents, the life is not alone easy.

has not received zero kitty as usual, the fat boss gazes after the land to receive to leave with a laugh, cannot bear is also sigh with emotion, this young fellow really well, if his unmarried girl can young, he also really want to ask him to be her son-in-law again greatly. The

land receives Yu Ti pile of junk food that buys from the community entrance supermarket to go home, admits the refrigerator the drink beer, turns on the television, is putting the entertainment to report that casts a sidelong glance at will, an inside star face was saying anything humbly.

sees this, land receives to smile,Initially when he went to the dramatic team to be the odd job, this star is the invited actor of that play, the rack is full, but the least bit cannot see the present humbleness. Remembered in the past in the dramatic team by person awkward date and time, he laughed at one, took up the remote control to change a stage. The

day steadily, his mind is not big, repays a kindness by Germany by the resentful complaint is his style.

Cao Jingshen is looking in hand the council book, could not bear push the eyeglasses, this record did clearly understands, even has also made the induction, this did not surprise him most, what was most accidental, this conference recorded in the most objective expression, made people subjectively think the boss character character true words,Cao Jingshen arrives at president room in a hurry, after having knocked two doors, pushed the door to walk: "Boss, you have a look at this council book!"

received the council book strictly solemnly, after looking at several lines, puts down the recording channel, "is very good."

Cao Jingshen knows that can result in one "to be very good" is the opposite party approves of own words, he said that "when this morning this land receives Yu Lai reported that I also thought that his appearance feeling better brain, now I have to acknowledge that was I am mistaken."

Yan Mu looked at a time, is 8:00 pm, he sets out from the chair, takes up the jacket, light ejects one: "He well is also the fact."

But on the side of Yan Laoer a little superficial meaning. The

conference records is not the report, therefore each few words must be in the conference raise, and cannot increase own meaning, must record clearly the conference process, but is such a simple council book, was makes the human have this mood.

one by one reads the entire record, his excited depth inspired, this is a rare talented person, let alone he is only the student who has not graduated officially, even if the expert in market, does not have many people able to achieve this step, such person, must think the means to remain him.

thinks of this,When Cao Jing Shenton has to plant does not know that said anything's feeling, after having gawked one next , to continue to open the mouth: "I meant that this potential talented person, we must leave behind him."

"he at this time interview Huading, explained that he has a mind to keep Huading," Yan Muli takes care of the bow tie, "walks according to the normal procedure on the line, such smart person knows that what he wants is anything."

thinks that thinks the boss said rational Cao Jingshen to nod: "I understood."

"early, you earlier did not go back to rest," Yan Mu wears the coat, "I should also get off work."When

Cao Jingshen turns head, Yan Mu left the office,He does every day many to each department coordination work, is not reorganizes various types of documents.

has worked for three weeks later, the car that he buys hung the sign finally, although was only about 100,000 galloping, but his mood was actually very good, the good and evil he also has a car race. The

Huading has internal parking point, therefore after the land receives applied for an underground parking garage to pass and out the card, day that on the automatic pilot went to work.

one month later, the land receives chapters of schools to carry on the oral defense, knows Chen Jin, because attained the Liang overseas conference to exchange the quota, therefore applied for the video oral defense, perhaps was Liang Deyou helped,He thinks that recorded to fold to admit in this conference the pocket, went out sees outside shredder, hesitant, has admitted in it the shredder. Some

things, only then others cannot see to be safest, Huading several commercial spies have not clutched. The potential talented person, cannot make the match rob. The

land receives following several days work very smoothly, do not know that are he make Cao Jingshen extremely shock in of conference room dew, Cao Jingshen to him compared with first day temperate many, they worked on exchange to be many. However even if, he does not have how much time and big bosses contacts," Zhang Hongpai his shoulder, "is restraining grief."

"rolls you," land received Yu Hu his shoulder palm, "how I will know with you howlingly to the greater part of the night."

"said that has not sung with you," Zhang Hongtao has pulled out the ear, "except for our elder brother two, who can bear your broken throat, such good sound, sang so is coarse, was really Bai Xia a face."

"can say this saying, represented your logic dead," land received to stretch oneself, "was good, I rubbish with you, went various home respectively."Zhu Guanglin who

had not spoken hesitant the piece has bitten open the tastes: "Third child,Chen Jin this application passed very much easily.

in fact, does not use facing Chen Jin, making the land receive to relax at heart. Although discussed him and between Chen Jin does not have what gratitude and grudges, but must say many brothers sentiments, did not remain many.

replied very relaxed, the land received and Liang Hong, Zhu Guanglin has been eating the hot pot together, went to KTV to sing. After

the conclusion sang went out, his brain by the night wind is blown, sobered, lifted the hand to look at the time taking advantage of the street light, already after 12:00 am, immediately somewhat sorrowful road: "Lying trough, I must go to work tomorrow."

"did you take a day of vacation?"

"big matter," land receives smiling of not cares, "I also recently know that matter early past more than one year, had any relations with you. Our brothers several, had any words unable to say."

Zhu Guanglin opened mouth, sees the land to receive a face to be confident, finally grinned to smile, goes forward to receive to clap on the shoulder with the land mutually.

Yan Mu sits in the car, looked that the landing receives and two young people says goodbye mutually, then rides the rental car to leave, he entrains the tie of neckband to throw one side, the present young people experience may be really good, tomorrow must go to work, but also dares to play such to play.

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