„Your Dragon Seal Family family background is prominent, Long Yuyin is one of the Dragon Seal Family successors, but I am also one come from Tiny World, what background pauper does not have, why does the aunt want to marry Long Yuyin to me?” Nie Li smiles bitterly was saying. “你们龙印世家家世显赫,龙羽音更是龙印世家的继承人之一,而我也就是一个来自小玲珑世界,没什么背景的穷小子而已,阿姨为什么要把龙羽音下嫁给我呢?”聂离苦笑着说道。 „Your boy does not need to improperly belittle oneself, I looked that the human is very accurate, although you come from Tiny World, but currently had Saint Blood Winged Flood Dragon, did obeisance in the Spiritual Senior Tian Yun hanger-on, in the future will have boundless prospects. Therefore you can be joined to my daughter!” Long Shuyun smiles lightly, looks at Nie Li to say. ( to be continued )