经过浪漫秋千的下午,当天皇帝理所当然的到了熙和宫,与庄络胭吃了温馨十足的晚膳,聊聊人生与理想,然后滚了个床单,双双满意的睡去了。 深宫后院, การแปล - 经过浪漫秋千的下午,当天皇帝理所当然的到了熙和宫,与庄络胭吃了温馨十足的晚膳,聊聊人生与理想,然后滚了个床单,双双满意的睡去了。 深宫后院, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด





































































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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
After a romantic swing of the afternoon, the Emperor granted the same day to day, with full Zhuang Luo yan ate sweet dinner, talk about life and ideals, and rolled into a sheet and satisfaction of both went to sleep. Palace Yard, maybe a lot of people can't sleep, the night but this place is calm, however, is like a quiet NET, wrapped up all the hidden in the darkness of restlessness. When the first sound of Thunder sounded, Queen bed with fine from his sweat hard-headed sat up and looked around the eyes, just slowly breathed a sigh of relief. "Empress? "Relax ladies noticed the news, standing outside yarn and asked in a low voice," can I help you? ” "I'm fine," the Queen opened yarn, looking out of the window light up lightning, wrinkled his brow: "this evening I am afraid English, this temple was only afraid to damp some time ago. ” Looked up and saw the maid, stand, and her impatient: "back under the bar. ” "Yes." "Maid of Queen's did not see anything unusual, and obedient withdrew. Queen turn left yarn, which served several people have to go against. CHEONG building, Qian nobleman dressed in a suit standing by the window, watching the rain came pouring down down, some dejected sigh, Thunder so much tonight, the Emperor now somehow coaxed Zhao Yin Rong. In a deafening clap of Thunder, and even pigs should also woke up, Luo yan Emperor woke up, heard the swish swish of rain outside the window, her language with meaning: "your Majesty, it's raining? ” "Wake up? "The letter into her arms would like to reach out to people," it has been a while. ” "Look at the next few hours," Zhuang Luo yan Emperor Huai arch arch, "it's OK, it won't be long before the transplant, the rain falls, then enough water in the fields. ” "This year is not a year of drought, the villages where most of the people have a cistern, but not for lack of water. "Feng Jin laughed," However there is such rain, this operation is free to release Tanaka. ” "The Emperor is much more than I know, I shouldn't have you admired," Chuang Luo yan pretending to be ill at ease cough a loud, fingers unconsciously at the waist between the light and the Emperor of the stamp, "concubine was only hearsay. ” "You have the heart is rare," would like to laugh, grab move across waist hand, "love not sleep, I could not sleep better ... ..." Thunder in the night, some things go up and down with a special flavour. One night, the rain has stopped, Luo yan Zhuang the Emperor personally for the refreshing hanging up a new character cloud sachet. "This is love made? "Would like to get sachets took one look, he recalled last year, Luo yan also made himself such a blessed bag he wore several times, and later was closed off by Gao Dezhong. "My needlework is not good,," Luo yan stood up straight, shy eyes, "the Emperor if you don't like it, put aside, don't abandon in front of concubine was only. ” "I think, you will not give me? "I have let go of sachet, Zhuang Luo yan, reached out and lifted her chin, make her look myself in the eye," I don't know the my Chao Yin Rong is so stingy. ” "I mean," Chuang Luo yan snorted softly, her face red, shilly-shally, added, "the deal, and then give you a good deal, such as needlework. ” Seeing her like this, move in a good mood to laugh out loud, "wrap your blessing I love no longer trouble you redo. "With that, behind his back," I also went to court, you and remember to breakfast. ” "I'll remember that, under Emperor towards the back, and remember to use the breakfast. "Luo yan Emperor bent knees," I will escort the emperor. ” Feng Jin to see her smiling face was like, had promised he would breakfast out of the day. Since yesterday afternoon and now he smiles on the faces of the Chao Xian capacity almost walk across that even he couldn't help but smile a lot more. "The King was very good today, I am not yet seen better days emperor was so happy. "Emperor Gao Dezhong seen this shape, helped her move up the Royal chariot. "Do you know? "Is the tone of reproach, Feng Jin with a smile," Zhao Yin Rong does make me laugh. ” Harem woman charmed can Yuet, would be the biggest victory. Gao Dezhong looking eye day, allowing Emperor effort is needed to treat, and was so happy by the Emperor, Zhao Yin Rong is the only part of the harem. Luo yan Zhuang don't know they are not alone, comb makeup Board took the maid went out too early, sitting in the carriage passing by the Imperial, looking at falling on the ground and the soil are mixed together, she breathes a sigh, after the rain, the air was exceptionally clean. "Unbridled, you roll the old stuff to go away! ” Reply to 4/f 2013-04-1509:07 Report | Kuangkuang _ the icy snow Proud Zhi XI 8 Luo yan Zhuang suddenly heard children's voices, I looked out of the other side, seeing more than a few years old child, an old eunuch who was kicked in. "This is who? "Luo yan Zhuang eyebrow look after the baby looks cute, things are not so decent. "Back to the Empress, that is two of his Royal Highness Prince. "Zhu replied in a low voice. Luo yan Zhuang people's movement was found, and he lost to several people, after seeing instantly sunk under the face, "so it's you, Ning Princess, is that you've been my father doesn't like, you vermin. ” Zhuang complex yan look calm of any by II Prince on himself insults,, other scolded have almost Hou, only slowly of opening: "seems II Prince Temple-side served of people no taught you what called rules, more no let II Prince Highness knows what called charity of heart, this Palace will to Emperor and Queen Empress asked to you for a-side served of people, lest with bad has you. ” ER heard Prince Zhuang Luo yan's words, shouted with anger right now, "what are you, his Royal Highness has dared tube thing, their ability to father children, also went to the others. ” This kid really does not like Hu Caixuan, sink breath for roles as a Hu Caixuan how to raise such an outspoken Prince? Speak in a harem does not pay attention and actually see themselves as ordinary people's children? Palace of the Prince around the second serve is already scared and kneeling on the ground the atmosphere did not dare say anything, after hearing the Prince said that the second sentence, more anxious to put our heads together. Pet House everybody knows Zhao Yin Rong was the Emperor, who dares the abortion before it mentioned, but two Prince is their pain which stamp which, it's not stabbing xinwozi it? Alone II Prince now Ning Fei goddess guarding, Hu Liangyi now Ning Fei, the second Prince saying, spread to the Emperor's ears, are also subject to punishment. Did stay second after the Prince had said these words, Zhao Yin Rong long time no talk, and finally a pedestrian just silently leave, there is not even reprimanded two Prince, but because in this way, bunch of minions more anxiety. "Yo, Zhao Yin Rong this is what's wrong, look so ugly? "Jing Yang Palace, soft imperial concubine Zhuang, Luo yan pale appearance, not even faint:" can take care of their own bodies. ” "Xie Roufei Empress patronised, and concubines concubine without incident. "Luo yan Zhuang smiled, but all the people present can still see her smile in the unnatural. Two consecutive nights accommodation at the touch of the Emperor Palace, this morning, and they have heard that the Emperor left the day feeling like well, complexion is also what Zhao Yin Rong look so bad? After all you wives to stand down, Queen was rubbing his forehead: "find out what happened to you? ” "Back to the Empress, I am asked to, said Zhao Yin Rong met this morning and the other Prince, see two Prince beat and scold an older eunuch, then said two words, but two Prince turned to Zhao Yin Rong curses. Zhao Yin Rong er Prince vulgar words and deeds, they are talking to you ask beside change the second Prince to serve people. But er said Prince Zhao Xian let no children it themselves, to discipline the others. ” When you heard the Word no children, Queen's frown slightly, "this second Prince really has no manners, but Zhao Yin Rong about it since no, we would not have to bother with such trivial matters. ” "Yes, the Empress. "The stewards under the eunuch muttered. Queen's lips a little sneer, Zhuang Luo yan, abortion is the heart of pain, just the other side uncomfortable with what she has? Luo yan Chuang returned to day Palace, has been little conversation, yanyan-looking. Upon his return to the Palace, using two pieces of cake, then to bed, even lunch is useless. Empress Li, Luo yan Feng Jin heard that Zhuang unused after lunch, frowning: "this is all about? When I walk today, Zhao Yin Rong is also good. ” "Back to the Emperor, slaves are not sure how it happened, if it had met son House of fubao, lackey didn't even know Zhao master in a bad mood. "Gao Dezhong paused," just heard in the Royal Court, upon an eunuch said, Zhao master and Prince in the Royal Court met in the morning. ” "In that case, I called in to two Prince," would like to put your hand close to the throne, "I listen to Yin Goodfriend said, that cock more and more outrageous, thought Yin chaise longue has made too strong today, but won't be wronged him. ” Gao Dezhong smell back out, the second Prince also did not come, the Emperor had said these words, b Prince of the end, and knew without having to guess. The next day, the Palace broke two served all around Prince was replaced after ten sticks by punish by flogging, and the Prince was also the Emperor rebuked, outside the Empress knelt for about three hours. And even the Hu Liangyi was rebuked by Emperor, which shows the emperor was angry. An Qing Li, other side deliberately pass the Sue chaise longue listening to Queen's news, laugh not laughed: "our Queen really enthusiastic, were sure to make the Palace knew everything. ” "I'm afraid Queen's hostile," Ling yarn worried way, "Queens has always been anti-Empress you, who knows what she was playing my mind yet. ” "Her mind as simple as well just snipe and counter-accusations," Sue Royal smile gone cold, "she wanted to make benefits of fisherman, also want to see if I match play. She did that when she was the only one in the whole House with the know-how, Luo yan was so much injustice, the Emperor loved her, to calculate this time Luo yan Zhuang, ranging from the Emperor rejected the House please? ” "Empress mind clear, but Zhao Yin Rong recently did win some," diamond yarns have been somewhat concerned way, "slave is afraid she's threatening the Niang Niang to you. ” "Some things cannot be too impatient," Sue Goodfriend lowered eyelids, light way, "and watched it. ” Diamond yarn knows his master has a set plan, it is no longer open.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
After a romantic swing afternoon, the day of the Emperor granted to the Xi and the Palace, with the village envelope full of warm rouge eat dinner and talk about life and ideals, then roll up a sheet, both satisfying sleep. Palace backyard, maybe a lot of people could not sleep at night, but this place is quiet, but again, the silence is like a net, wrapped all hidden in the darkness of restlessness. When the first sound of thunder sounded, the Queen with a fine sweat and shoved his head and sat up in bed, surrounded glanced before slowly relieved. ? "Empress" ladies night watchman noticed the movement, standing outside gauze quietly asked, "how do you?" "Nothing," the Queen opened the gauze, looking out lightning lit, frowned: "Today children in the evening I'm afraid there is language, the Palace was the only existing copies a few days ago, I'm afraid to be damp. " Leng Leng looked up to see the ladies stayed standing, she was impatient and said:. "withdraw it ' ". a" ladies see Queen's really nothing strange, it Dimeishunyan back down. Queen gauze left hand, which serve few people liking. Chang-day floor, Qian honored dressed in unlined standing by the window, watching the rain pouring down, some sad sigh, thunder tonight so big, the emperor at the moment I do not know how it coaxed Zhaoxian Rong. In the deafening thunder, even a pig should wake up, after the emperor Zhuang network rouge than awake, shabu hear the rain outside the window, her words with hi Italy said: "The emperor, the rain?" "awake up? "I would like to reach out to people embrace letters into his arms," ​​has been under a moment of. " "looked at will be the next few hours," Zhuang network popliteal arch arch arms to the emperor, "This is like a before long to be in relation to planting, and rain falling, the field of water will be enough. " year "is not a severe drought this year, the people of the village where most of them have a reservoir, not pour water. "seal would like to laugh," but with so many rain, Tanaka touches to avoid the drain of this procedure. " "The emperor knows much more than concubine, concubine absurd," said Zhuang network rouge pretend uncomfortable cough sound, light poke a finger in between the unconscious emperor waist, "concubine just hearsay to come forward." "You have the heart is rare," I would like to seal low laugh, caught between the waist and hand tamper "Aifei not sleep, I could not sleep, it is better ......" thunderstorm the night, something to do with it is pretty special style. Last night, the rain has stopped, the village envelope refreshing rouge for the emperor personally put up a new word blessing clouds sachet. "This is Aifei personally do?" I would like to pick up the seal sachet looked, he remembers last village rouge network also made ​​himself such a blessing bag, wearing himself several times, then let high Dezhong close up. "Female red concubine bad ,," Zhuang network rouge straightened up, some shy away eyes, "if the emperor did not like, although that is put aside, not only dislike is the face in front of a concubine." "I If anything against you I will not give up? "I would like to open sealed sachet, hand raised his chin rouge village envelope, let her look into his eyes," I do not know my Zhaoxian Rong so stingy. " " concubine stingy yet, "Zhuang network rouge softly hum, reddish face, Qiqiyiyi adds," big deal, big deal and so needed to train female red give you do. " See her this look, I would like to feel good laugh closure the sound, "Your blessing bag I was like, you do not have to redo the hard." Then, behind the back of the hand to himself, "I have to go towards, you and remember to use Zaoshan." "concubine would remember, the next towards the emperor, but also remember to use Zaoshan. "Chuang network rouge bend the knees to the emperor," concubine would escort the emperor. " seal would like to see her face looks like a laugh, had promised he would use Zaoshan Hee and just out of the palace. From yesterday afternoon to now, his smiling face almost the Zhaoxian Rong would not be dispersed before, even with him could not help laughing a lot more. "The emperor Comin good mood it, some days I did not see the emperor so happily." This looks like a high Dezhong see the emperor, while leaning on the royal seal would like chariot. "You know?" Although the tone of blame, but I would like to bring closure silk smile, "I can indeed make Zhaoxian Rong laugh." harem woman let Dragon Heart big Yue, is the greatest victory. High Dezhong looked back at Hee and Palace, make some effort to deal with the emperor, while still allowing the emperor so happy, Zhaoxian Rong is it the only one of the palace after. Chuang network rouge do not know that he is not the only one, used Zaoshan combed makeup so she took the ladies to go out, sit-step passing the imperial chariot, looking at the floor of the flower and the soil mix, she breathed a breath of fresh air after the rain really exceptionally. "Presumptuous, you old goods rolled to one side!" reply 4th Floor 2013-04-1509: 07 Report | Kuang Kuang _ Freeze snow playfully Chih Creek 8 village rouge network suddenly heard a child's voice, could not help migraine look to go toward the other, but to see the big old child, being kicked in the body of an old eunuch. "Who is it?" Zhuang network rouge eyebrow watching that kid, long, quite lovely, do not make it presentable. "Back to the empress, it was two Royal Highness Prince." Listen bamboo whispered. Rouge a pedestrian village envelope movement will be found, and he first looked confused a few people, to be see, immediately sank his face, "it was you, that you are depriving mother Princess Fu Huang Ning do not like the , you are the evil essence. " Chuang network rouge look calm and let the two princes of their abuse, and so the other party almost yelled, before slowly opening: "It seems that the two princes who serve the temple □ side did not teach you anything called the rules, but did not let the two Royal Highness Prince know what caring heart, the palace to the emperor and empress empress will give you for a consult □ side serve people, lest you led astray. " two princes hear rouge network of village remarks, immediately roared with anger, "you counts for something, dare tube Highness this thing, he did not give birth to a child the ability to Fu Huang, also managed to go to someone else." This child is really like Hu Caixuan keep out, Hu Caixuan is so tolerant about how to keep out of the role of such a loose-tongued prince? Speak to pay attention in this harem, ordinary people really think of myself as a child? After two princes who wait around the palace already scared knelt down atmosphere did not dare say anything, I heard two princes said these words, it is anxious to put his head to hide. Miyazato who do not know the emperor suffered Zhaoxian Rong loved this abortion issue in the presence dares mention, but why two princes stamp which is what people pain, it's not poke people JINWOZI it? Not to mention the two princes are now guarding the empress has no Consort Ning, even now still Consort Ning Liang-meter, two princes so to speak, reached the ears of the emperor, but also to suffer rebuke. Sure enough, after the two princes to be said these words,昭贤容long time did not speak, and finally a pedestrian just quietly leave, even rebuked two princes did not, but just because of this, the Lord of the child slaves more suspense. "Yo, this is how昭贤容, his face so ugly?" King of the central palace, Princess Sophie see the village envelope rouge pale look, not salty not pale and said:. "You can take care of your own body." "Thank you Sophie Chuiai empress, concubines Bin nothing. "Chuang network rouge faint smile, but still be able to see her presence Morohito unnatural laugh. Two successive emperor Wan Su-hee and the Palace, but when they have heard the emperor and the Palace this morning to leave Hee seem a good mood, but also how the昭贤容complexion looks so bad? Upon all of you retire concubines, rubbing his forehead before the Queen said: "? Figure out how it is yet." "Goddess back, asked to be slaves, and that is昭贤容Comin morning met two princes, and see two Prince hitting an old eunuch, he said a few words, I did not realize the two princes turned around and shouted for Zhaoxian Rong. Zhaoxian Rong see two princes vulgar words and deeds, they say you would like to consult for a change two princes who wait around . Unexpectedly, two princes actually said Zhao Xianrong own beget children, and went to discipline others. " beget children hear their own words, the Queen's slight frown, "It's two princes did not rule a bit, but Since there is no mention these things Zhaoxian Rong, we are not to provoke such a big deal. " " yes, the empress. "steward should eunuch whispered under. Queen of the mouth hint of sneer, abortion is the village envelope popliteal pain in my heart, but the other uncomfortable with her ​​what though? Chuang network rouge and Palace before returning Hee, has not been how to speak, but also look sickly. After return to the palace, with the two little snack, went to bed to sleep, and even lunch to no avail. Miyazato is dry, sealed envelope would like to hear the village rouge unused after lunch, frowning: "? This is how it goes when I go today,昭贤容also good" , "back to emperor, I also not sure how it happened, if it is just experiencing Hee and Palace fubao, minions still do not know Zhao Zhuzai bad mood. "High Dezhong paused," just today heard a eunuch in the Imperial Garden when the poor, said Zhao masters in the morning and two in the Imperial Garden princes met. " "So, I called one of the two princes, the" seal would like to put in the hands of the memorial is closed, "I listen to Yin Goodfriend said this second child more outrageous up, I thought too serious Yin Royal, today it seems, is no longer being wronged him. " High Dezhong heard back out, this two princes had not come, the emperor would say this, what is the fate of the two princes, do not guess you know a. The next day, the palace suddenly heard all wait around two princes who was replaced after the flogging ten sticks, and two princes were also rebuked the emperor, in the dry now for almost three hour ectopic kneeling. Even the emperor Liang-meter was also reprimanded a lot, which shows the emperor angry. An Qing years, listening to the Queen's Royal sook there deliberately pass over the news, faint smile and said: "We are really enthusiastic about the Queen, do not forget to let anything in this house know." "I'm afraid the Queen ill, "Lingsha worried road," the Queen has always been anti the Goddess you, who knows what she is playing the idea of it. " "Her mind then simply good, but nothing snipe and the clam play off," Shu Royal smile cold, "she thought as close shot of the benefits, but also to see if I would suit together. She really when she was a sensible whole house on it, Zhuang network rouge suffered so much a grievance, the emperor also loved her, this Zhuang envelope calculation time to rouge, not waiting for the emperor rejected the Palace it? " " Goddess mind clear, just Zhaoxian Rong limelight recently did some wins, "Lingsha some concern road," slaves afraid she threatened to Goddess you . " "Some things can not be too hasty," Shu Royal dropped eyelids, lightly, "and look at it." Lingsha know have to count their own masters, will no longer open.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
After afternoon of romantic swing, on the same day emperor natural to bright and palace, has eaten the warm full late meals with Zhuang Luoyan, chats the life and ideal, then rolled a bed sheet, in pairs going off of satisfaction. Perhaps

deep palace backyard, many people cannot sleep, but night of this place is peaceful, looks like a silent net, has wrapped moving restlessly of all concealing in dark night. When

the first startling thunderclap resounds, the empress is bringing Man Touxi the perspiration fiercely sat from the bed sets out, looked at around the eye, relaxing of slowly.

"empress?"The palace maid of standing night watch notes this sound, stands outside the gauze account low voice asking,"You how?"

"is all right," empress lifts the gauze account, looks at out of the window to shine the lightning, knit the brows: "Today the evening only fears to have language, the rare book that this palace few days ago resulted in only feared that must be affected with damp."

gains ground to see the palace maid to stand dull, road that her some do not bear: "Draws back."

"is."The palace maids see the empress truly not to have what difference, then submissive has drawn back. Queen

abandons the gauze account conveniently, person few that this serves satisfactory. In

smooth day building, the attractive honored person wears the unpadded garment to stand near the window, looks at the heavy rain heavy rain, somewhat low-spirited sighing, the thunderclap is so big tonight,Emperor little while does not know how roars Zhao virtue to accommodate.

in shocking thunderclap, even if the pig must awake, after Emperor Zhuang Luoyan awakes, hears out of the window the noise of the rain, her happy Italy said in a tone with: "Does the emperor, rain?"Did

"awake?"Feng Jin puts out a hand to embrace to cherish the human, "has gotten down some little time."

"looks is meeting the next several time," Zhuang Luoyan cherished toward the emperor has arched the arch, "was then good, before long this must transplant rice seedlings, this rain fell, the water in field was then sufficient."

"this year is not the severe drought year, in the village of common people mostly has the reservoir, pours to be insufficient water scarcity." Feng Jin said with a smile, "had such rain, exempted actually has turned on the water this process to Tanaka."

"the emperor knows a lot compared with the concubine, the concubine has made fun," Zhuang Luoyan pretends not comfortably coughs, points at the unconsciousness light stamp in emperor waist abdomens, "concubine is only the hearsay is also coming."

"you have this heart are rare," Feng Jindi smiles to make noise, holds in the hand that the waist abdomens moves heedlessly, "likes the imperial concubine not being able to fall asleep, I cannot fall asleep, was inferior the night that ......" the

thunderstorms occur simultaneously, something are done to rewind the special character and style. A

night passes by, the heavy rain stopped,Zhuang Luoyan has hung up new lucky character Xiangyun sachet for the emperor of refreshing personally.

"is this likes the imperial concubine doing personally?"Sealed takes up the sachet to look at one sincerely, he remembers that went to Nianzhuang to wind the rouge also to make such a lucky package to oneself, oneself have worn several times, afterward made Gaud receive loyally.

"concubine's needlework is not good," Zhuang Luoyan standing body, somewhat shy moving away eye, "emperor, if not like, although on the side of putting is, do not only be in front of concubine to shut out is."

"I, if shuts out, you then didn't give me?"Seals lets loose the sachet sincerely, puts out a hand to lift Zhuang Luoyan the chin, making her look straight ahead own eye,"I do not know that my Zhao virtuous Rong Zheban was mean-spirited."

"concubine is mean-spirited," Zhuang Luoyan gently ahem, complexion micro red, adding of stammering, "at the worst, waits to practice the needlework to do to you at the worst again."

sees this appearance, Feng Jin happy smiling made noise, "your luck wraps me to like very much, does not need to be laborious you to recreate."Then, the hand back to oneself after death, "I should also have an audience with the emperor, and you remember with the breakfast."

"concubine remembers, under emperor, must remember with the breakfast."Zhuang Luoyan has bent bowing to the emperor, "concubine then saw off the emperor."

Feng Jin sees the appearance that her face is smiles,Has to comply with itself to leave bright and palace with the breakfast. From yesterday afternoon to the present, his Zhao virtue allows smiling on face almost then not to diverge, he could not be bearing has smiled much.

"the emperor the interest is very good today, the lackey many days has not found the emperor so to give birth for the first time."Gaudzhong saw emperor appearance, side holds is sealing boarded the royal carriage sincerely.

"did you know?"Although is the expression of blame, Feng Jin had a happy expression, "Zhao virtue allows indeed to make me give birth for the first time."The woman in

harem can make the dragon heart be happy, was most greatly wins. Gaudzhong turned head to look at bright and palace, can make the emperor put the thoughts to treat,Also can make the emperor so happy, Zhao virtue accommodated is alone in this harem.

Zhuang Luoyan does not know are one alone one, using the breakfast to comb the makeup then to lead the palace maid to go out, sat passed by the Emperor's garden in step nian, looks that shatter and soil everywhere mixed in together, she shouted inspired, the air after rain especially was really fresh.

"dissolute, your this old goods roll to!"


4 building


reporting|Suddenly the sound that

Kuang Kuang _ice congealing snow

Ao Jiaozhi stream


Zhuang Luoyan hears the child, cannot help but looks toward another side, sees is young child,A foot kicks on an old court eunuch.

"who is this?"Zhuang Luoyan selects the eyebrow to look at that child, is long very lovably, the matter that makes not so is nice.

"returns to the empress, that is two emperor's son your highness."Listens to the bamboo to reply low voice. The

Zhuang Luoyan and his party of sound had been discovered by the opposite party, he first confused looks to several people, after seeing clearly, sank immediately the face, "originally was you, was you harms rather the female imperial concubine not to be been unhappy by the father emperor, your this evil worldly person."

Zhuang Luoyan look tranquil, whatever two emperor's sons insulted to oneself, after the opposite party almost scolded, aperture slowly:"It seems like two emperor's son palace □ the person who serves what has not taught you are the custom, has not made two emperor's son your highness know that what is the kindness, this palace will ask for instructions to the emperor and empress empress to you trades □ person who will serve, so as to avoid has had a bad effect on you."The

two emperor's sons hear Zhuang Luoyan the words, immediately is mad exclaims, "you are any thing, the matter that also dares to manage this your highness, oneself do not have the ability the emperor to give birth to the child to the father, but also managed to others body comes up."

this child has not raised really like Hu Caixuan, does the role that Hu Caixuan like that can calm down raise such emperor's son of having a big mouth?

spoke this not to pay attention in the harem,Seriously the child who oneself did regard the ordinary families? Palace lady who side the

two emperor's sons serves early has frightened kneels does not dare the throat in the ground atmosphere, after hearing these words that two emperor's sons spoke, wishes one could to hide the head. In the

palace who does not know that Zhao virtue endures completely the emperor to love, this miscarriage who dares to mention in its front, which stamp two emperor's sons are others pain, doesn't this hold the will of the people nest? The

let alone two emperor's sons did not have imperial concubine Ning the empress to protect now, even if Hu Liangyi now or imperial concubine Ning, two emperor's sons speaks like this, passes to the emperor ear, must be punished. After

really waited two emperor's sons to speak these words,Zhao virtue allows not to speak for a long time, the final group are only departures silently, including reprimanding two emperor's sons does not have, because of this, did the child lackey more with trepidation.

", how Zhao virtue accommodated this is, was the complexion so ugly?"Jing Yanggong, supple imperial concubine sees Zhuang Luoyan the face whiten appearance, not salty not pale road: "Can look after own body well."

"many thanks supple imperial concubine empress kind support, imperial concubine concubine safe."Zhuang Luoyan smiles lightly, but various people on the scene can see her to smile the non-nature. The

emperor consecutively two late sleep when bright and palace, moreover they also hear the emperor this morning leaves bright and palace the mood to imitate are good,How does Zhao virtue allow to look like the facial color so is bad? After

treats imperial concubine draws back completely next, the empress rubs the forehead saying:"Clarified what's the matter?"

"returned to the empress, the lackey inquires, said that was Zhao virtue allows the morning to run into two emperor's sons today, saw two emperor's sons to beat and scold an old court eunuch, then said two, who would have thought two emperor's sons turned the head to allow to shout abuse to Zhao virtue. Zhao virtue allows to see two emperor's son words and deeds to be vulgar, then said that must ask for instructions to you trades the person who side two emperor's sons serves. Who would have thought two emperor's sons said unexpectedly Zhao virtue allows itself unable to give birth to the child, teaches others."

hears itself unable to have child these word-time, the empress knits the brows slightly,"These two emperor's sons are not truly more well-mannered, but this matter Zhao virtue accommodates, since has not raised, we then did not provoke this other people's business."

"is, empress."The effective court eunuch should in a low voice under. Queen

reveals one to sneer in the corners of the mouth, the miscarriage is pain of Zhuang Luoyan the heart, but does the opposite party uncomfortable have He Gan with her?

Zhuang Luoyan before returning to bright and palace, had not spoken, the look is also ill and weary. After returning to the palace, slightly has used two desserts, then arrived on the bed to rest, the lunch was also useless.

does in the empress' palace, Feng Jin heard Zhuang Luoyan not after the lunch, frowns saying:"Is this matter? I walk today,Zhao virtue accommodates well fortunately."

"returns to the emperor, the lackey is not clear what's the matter, if not for just now meets the Fu treasure of bright and palace, the lackeys have not known the illustrious lord sadly."Gaud loyally, "is only today listens to a court eunuch who serves as a petty government official in the Emperor's garden saying that the illustrious lord met in the Emperor's garden with two emperor's sons in the morning."

"such being the case, called two emperor's son me," in Feng Jin closed hand memorial to the emperor, "I listened to the virtuous noble concubine saying that this second child more and more does not make sense, this thinks that the virtuous noble concubine has spoken discreetly, today looks like, but actually has not been unfair to him."

Gaudzhong Wen Yantui, these two emperor's sons have not come,The emperors then said this saying, two emperor's sons have what fate, does not need to guess that knew.

next day, after the palace spreads the person who side two emperor's sons serves suddenly completely by the stick responsibility ten sticks changes, but two emperor's sons were also reprimanded by the emperor, outside doing the empress' palace has knelt enough three time. Hu Liangyi was also reprimanded by the emperor, indicated that the emperor lost one's temper. In the

peaceful Qing, Madam Shu hears the news that side the empress is passing on desirably, the faint smile: "Our empresses are really also warm-hearted enough, any matter does not forget to make the Ben palace know."

"only fears the empress to harbor evil intentions," some water chestnut gauze worries said that "empress always against empress you,Who knows that she is having any idea."

"her thoughts again simple good, but is the snipe freshwater mussel contends to benefit as the third party in a dispute," Madam Shu the happy expression changes cold, "she thinks the advantage of closing elderly fisherman, must have a look at me to coordinate. She works as in the entire palace really on her sensible person, Zhuang Luoyan received such big grievance, the emperor loved her, at this time planned Zhuang Luoyan, didn't wait for the emperor to detest and reject this palace?"

"empress thoughts Pure Brightness, but Zhao virtue allowed the recent crest of wave truly to win," water chestnut gauze somewhat worried saying that "servants feared she threatened the empress you."

"something cannot be too anxious," Madam Shu dangling eyelid, light road,"And looks."The

water chestnut gauze knows own lord had Cheng Suan, then no longer opens the mouth.
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