5. 拆架子时注意将开启的门窗关上后再落架子,防止撞坏钢窗。十一. 铝合金门窗(塑钢)产品防护1. 铝合金门窗应入库堆放,并将其垫起、垫平、 การแปล - 5. 拆架子时注意将开启的门窗关上后再落架子,防止撞坏钢窗。十一. 铝合金门窗(塑钢)产品防护1. 铝合金门窗应入库堆放,并将其垫起、垫平、 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

5. 拆架子时注意将开启的门窗关上后再落架子,防止撞坏钢窗。十一. 铝

5. 拆架子时注意将开启的门窗关上后再落架子,防止撞坏钢窗。
十一. 铝合金门窗(塑钢)产品防护
1. 铝合金门窗应入库堆放,并将其垫起、垫平、码放整齐,防止变形。对已装好披水的铝合金门窗,注意存放时的支垫,防止破坏披水;
2. 门窗保护膜要封闭好,再进行安装,安装后及时将门框两侧用木板捆好,防止碰撞损坏;
3. 抹灰前应将铝合金门窗用塑料薄膜包扎或粘贴不干胶条进行保护,在门窗安装前以及室内外湿作业未完成以前,不得破坏保护膜,防止砂浆对其面层的侵蚀;
4. 铝合金门窗的保护膜应在交工前再撕去,要轻撕,且不可用铲刀铲,防止砂浆将其表面划伤,影响美观;
5. 如铝合金表面有胶状物时,应用棉丝蘸胶溶剂,擦拭干净,如发现局部划痕,用小毛刷蘸染液进行染补;
6. 架子搭设、室外抹灰、钢龙骨安装及管线施工运输过程,严禁蹭砸铝合金门窗边框。
十二. 玻璃安装保护
1. 凡已经安装门窗玻璃的建筑工程,必须派专人看管、维护。每日应按时开关门窗,尤其在风雨天更应注意;
2. 门窗玻璃安装后,应随手拉好风钩或插上插销,防止刮风损坏玻璃,并将多余和破碎的玻璃及时清理干净;
3. 对于面积较大,造价昂贵的特种玻璃宜在栋号交验前安装,如需要提前安装,应采取妥善保护措施;
4. 玻璃安装时,操作人员要加强对窗台及门窗口抹灰等项目的保护。
十三. 室内瓷砖产品防护
1. 搬运面砖时装卸要稳当,轻拿轻放,在楼层内运输,必须把车腿用软物包扎保护,防止磕碰地面;
2. 要认真贯彻合理施工顺序,少数工种的活应做在前面,防止事后凿墙损坏墙面;
3. 面砖镶贴完后,应加以保护,防止污染;
4. 墙的阳角和门口处必要时应用聚苯板保护,防止污染;
5. 应防止水冲,撞击和振动以保护其有足够的强度;
6. 拆架子时注意不要碰撞墙面。
十四. 预制构件保温板的安装保护
1. 构件重叠码放应加以垫木,堆放场地应平整夯实;
2. 剔凿预埋钢筋和预埋铁时,不得损伤砼构件;
3. 易碎构件要轻拿轻放,按规定码放;
4. 运输和安装过程中,不得随意断伤钢筋;
5. 安装时不得碰坏砖墙或砼墙体。
十五. 水暖产品防护
1. 散热器进入现场必须轻拿轻放,堆放整齐,包装严密,严禁拆除原有包装;
2. 安装完毕禁止各种磕碰与踩踏;
3. 在油工活完毕后方能去掉包装,在竣工验收前彻底清理一遍使其干净、整洁;
4. 管道在油工刷完防锈漆后再刷银粉;
5. 所有的卫生洁具尽量最后安装,安装完毕后禁止任何人踩踏和用金属物体打击,易损坏的配件尽量在竣工验收前一次突击安装,防止损坏;
6. 消防箱安装和保护要求与散热器保护相同,进场后码放整齐,统一存放,保护原有包装,防止油漆污染和其它工种的损坏;
7. 注意与各工种配合,保护好各成品。
十六. 屋面防水保护
1. 施工人员应保护好已做好的保温层、找平层等成品;
2. 施工用的手推车支腿应用麻袋布包好,防止将成品刮损;
3. 已做好的防水层应及时采取措施加以保护,施工中遗留的钉子、木棒等杂物应及时清除,操作人员不得穿带钉子的鞋作业,防水材料未凝固前不得上人行走,以免损坏防水层;
4. 防水层施工时,注意不污染墙面、檐口及门窗等已完工程;
5. 穿过屋面、墙面等处已稳固好的管根,应加以保护,施工过程中不得碰损变位;
6. 天沟、排水沟变形缝等处因施工需要临时堵塞的麻袋、麻绳、塑料布等应彻底清除干净,保护畅通。
十七. 内外檐面层、油漆的产品防护
1. 面层施工时应安排好工序,防止工序颠倒对其污染;
2. 进行地面面层的抛光打蜡施工时,应先将易污染的部位进行覆盖保护;
3. 水暖安装时,应做好防污染的准备工作,刷银粉时做好操作人员的交底;
4. 竣工清理时,应加强清理人员的成品产品防护意识,做好对已完工程的成品保护工作。

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
5. 拆架子时注意将开启的门窗关上后再落架子,防止撞坏钢窗。十一. 铝合金门窗(塑钢)产品防护1. 铝合金门窗应入库堆放,并将其垫起、垫平、码放整齐,防止变形。对已装好披水的铝合金门窗,注意存放时的支垫,防止破坏披水; 2. 门窗保护膜要封闭好,再进行安装,安装后及时将门框两侧用木板捆好,防止碰撞损坏; 3. 抹灰前应将铝合金门窗用塑料薄膜包扎或粘贴不干胶条进行保护,在门窗安装前以及室内外湿作业未完成以前,不得破坏保护膜,防止砂浆对其面层的侵蚀; 4. 铝合金门窗的保护膜应在交工前再撕去,要轻撕,且不可用铲刀铲,防止砂浆将其表面划伤,影响美观; 5. 如铝合金表面有胶状物时,应用棉丝蘸胶溶剂,擦拭干净,如发现局部划痕,用小毛刷蘸染液进行染补; 6. 架子搭设、室外抹灰、钢龙骨安装及管线施工运输过程,严禁蹭砸铝合金门窗边框。十二. 玻璃安装保护 1. 凡已经安装门窗玻璃的建筑工程,必须派专人看管、维护。每日应按时开关门窗,尤其在风雨天更应注意; 2. 门窗玻璃安装后,应随手拉好风钩或插上插销,防止刮风损坏玻璃,并将多余和破碎的玻璃及时清理干净; 3. 对于面积较大,造价昂贵的特种玻璃宜在栋号交验前安装,如需要提前安装,应采取妥善保护措施; 4. 玻璃安装时,操作人员要加强对窗台及门窗口抹灰等项目的保护。十三. 室内瓷砖产品防护 1. 搬运面砖时装卸要稳当,轻拿轻放,在楼层内运输,必须把车腿用软物包扎保护,防止磕碰地面; 2. 要认真贯彻合理施工顺序,少数工种的活应做在前面,防止事后凿墙损坏墙面; 3. 面砖镶贴完后,应加以保护,防止污染; 4. 墙的阳角和门口处必要时应用聚苯板保护,防止污染; 5. 应防止水冲,撞击和振动以保护其有足够的强度; 6. 拆架子时注意不要碰撞墙面。十四. 预制构件保温板的安装保护 1. 构件重叠码放应加以垫木,堆放场地应平整夯实; 2. 剔凿预埋钢筋和预埋铁时,不得损伤砼构件; 3. 易碎构件要轻拿轻放,按规定码放; 4. 运输和安装过程中,不得随意断伤钢筋; 5. 安装时不得碰坏砖墙或砼墙体。 十五. 水暖产品防护 1. 散热器进入现场必须轻拿轻放,堆放整齐,包装严密,严禁拆除原有包装; 2. 安装完毕禁止各种磕碰与踩踏; 3. 在油工活完毕后方能去掉包装,在竣工验收前彻底清理一遍使其干净、整洁; 4. 管道在油工刷完防锈漆后再刷银粉; 5. 所有的卫生洁具尽量最后安装,安装完毕后禁止任何人踩踏和用金属物体打击,易损坏的配件尽量在竣工验收前一次突击安装,防止损坏; 6. 消防箱安装和保护要求与散热器保护相同,进场后码放整齐,统一存放,保护原有包装,防止油漆污染和其它工种的损坏; 7. 注意与各工种配合,保护好各成品。十六. 屋面防水保护 1. 施工人员应保护好已做好的保温层、找平层等成品; 2. 施工用的手推车支腿应用麻袋布包好,防止将成品刮损; 3. 已做好的防水层应及时采取措施加以保护,施工中遗留的钉子、木棒等杂物应及时清除,操作人员不得穿带钉子的鞋作业,防水材料未凝固前不得上人行走,以免损坏防水层; 4. 防水层施工时,注意不污染墙面、檐口及门窗等已完工程; 5. 穿过屋面、墙面等处已稳固好的管根,应加以保护,施工过程中不得碰损变位; 6. 天沟、排水沟变形缝等处因施工需要临时堵塞的麻袋、麻绳、塑料布等应彻底清除干净,保护畅通。十七. 内外檐面层、油漆的产品防护 1. 面层施工时应安排好工序,防止工序颠倒对其污染; 2. 进行地面面层的抛光打蜡施工时,应先将易污染的部位进行覆盖保护; 3. 水暖安装时,应做好防污染的准备工作,刷银粉时做好操作人员的交底; 4. 竣工清理时,应加强清理人员的成品产品防护意识,做好对已完工程的成品保护工作。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
5. The note will then open doors and windows shut off the shelf, to prevent crashing when the demolition steel window shelf.
Eleven . Aluminum doors and windows (PVC) product protection
1. Aluminum alloy doors and windows should be piled storage, and paving, flat pad, neatly stacked, to prevent deformation. Phi water have been installed aluminum doors and windows, note pad support during storage to prevent damage to Phi water;
2. doors and windows closed to protect the film is good, then install, after installation in a timely manner on both sides of the door frame with wooden planks strapped to prevent collisions damage;
3. plastering should be before the aluminum window dressing or paste adhesive strip protected by a plastic film, before the front doors and windows as well as indoor and outdoor wet work is not completed, may destroy the protective film to prevent mortar layer on its surface erosion;
4. the protective film of aluminum windows and doors should be torn off before the hand over, to tear the light, and not available shovel blade , to prevent mortar scratch its surface and affect appearance;
5. the aluminum alloy surface gum , the application of cotton yarn dipped in glue solvent, wipe clean, if found partial scratches were stained up with a small brush dipped in the dye;
6. rack erection, outdoor plastering, steel keel installation process pipeline construction and transportation, non-aluminum rub hit alloy doors and windows border.
Twelve . Glazing protection
1. Where the glass doors and windows have been installed building works must send someone to care and maintenance. Daily should switch when the doors and windows, especially in the days of wind and rain should be noted;
2. After glazing, should be readily pull good wind hook or pin plug to prevent wind damage to the glass, and broken glass and extra time to clean up;
3. for larger, expensive special glass should be installed in front of Building No. examination, such as the need to install in advance, should take appropriate protective measures;
4. glass installation, operation personnel to strengthen the door window sill and plaster, etc. protection projects.
Thirteen . Indoor tile product protection
1. When moving to safe loading and unloading bricks, gently, transport within the floor, the car must be soft leg was bandaged protection against bump ground;
2. to conscientiously implement the reasonable construction sequence, minority types of work should be done in front of live, to prevent damage to the wall Zaoqiang afterwards;
3. brick veneered finished, should be protected from pollution;
4. when Yang angle wall and door of the necessary application of polystyrene board protection against pollution ;
5. should prevent floods came, and shock and vibration to protect its sufficient strength;
6. be careful not to collide when the demolition of the wall shelves.
Fourteen . Install prefabricated insulation board protection
1. member overlap should be stacked skids, disposal site should be smooth and compacted;
2. When embedded tick chisel embedded steel and iron, not damage the concrete components;
3. frangible member to gently, according to the provisions laying;
4. transportation and installation process, not free to break hurt reinforced;
5. must not damage the brick or concrete wall during installation.
Fifteen . Plumbing products Protection
1. The radiator must enter the scene gently, neatly stacked, tightly packed, do not remove the original packaging;
2. installed prohibit all bump and stampede;
3. After the Oilers finished in order to live remove the packaging before final acceptance be completely cleaned up again to make it clean and tidy;
4. Plumbing Oilers then brush brushing rust silver;
5. All sanitary ware try to final installation, after installation and prohibit anyone stampede hit with a metal object, fragile parts as possible to install a raid before final acceptance to prevent damage;
6. same hydrant installation and protection requirements and protect the radiator, after entering the neatly stacked, unified storage , protection of the original packaging to prevent paint damage and other types of pollution;
7. Note that various types of work and cooperation, protect each finished product.
Sixteen . Roofing protection
1. The construction workers should protect the finished product is ready for the insulation layer, leveling layer and the like;
2. trolley legs cloth sacks application for construction of the well, to prevent the finished scratch;
3. ready waterproof layer should take timely measures to protect the legacy of construction nails, sticks and other debris should be promptly removed, the operator shall wear with nail shoe job, the former shall not be waterproof material uncured Exalted walk to avoid damage to the waterproof layer;
4. waterproof layer construction, pay attention to not pollute the walls, eaves, windows and doors and other projects have been completed;
5. through the roof, walls, etc. have good solid root canal should be protected, the construction process can not be displaced collision damage ;
6. gutters, drains, etc. Deformation due to construction need temporary blockage of sacks, rope, plastic sheeting, etc. should be thoroughly cleaned, protected open.
Seventeen . Inner and outer eaves surface layer of paint protection products
1. should arrange surface construction step, a step for preventing reverse its pollution;
2. ground-surface polishing and waxing construction, should first easily contaminated sites overwrite protection;
3. when the plumbing installation, anti-pollution should do the preparatory work, do tests, the operator of brush silver;
4. when completed cleaning, the finished product should strengthen protection awareness cleanup crews, and do a good job has been completed project work product protection.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Five Remove the shelves will open the doors and windows on the note after the fall shelf, prevent damaged windows.Eleven. Aluminum alloy doors and windows (Su Gang) product protectionOne Aluminum alloy doors and windows should be storage pile, and the pad, pad, neatly stacked, prevent deformation. To have installed water aluminum alloy doors and windows put, pay attention to deposit the support pad, to prevent the destruction of the phi water;Two Doors and windows to protect the film to be closed, and then the installation, the installation of the door on both sides of the timely use of wood tied to prevent damage to the collision;Three Plastering shall, prior to the aluminum alloy doors and windows with plastic film bandage or adhesive strip to protect, prior to installation of doors and windows and indoor and outdoor wet homework unfinished and shall not damage the protective film, prevent mortar on the surface layer of erosion;Four The protective film on the aluminum alloy doors and windows should be before commissioning and torn off, to light tear, and is not available to shovel shovel, prevent mortar will scratch the surface, affecting appearance.Five Such as aluminum alloy on the surface of jelly, application of cotton yarn dipping solvent, wipe clean, such as the discovery of local scratches, with a small brush dipped in dye to dye and fill;Six The shelf design, outdoor plastering, steel keel installation and construction of the pipeline transportation process, no hit Aluminum Alloy jamb rub.Twelve. Glass installation and protectionOne Where the installation of doors and windows glass construction projects, must send someone to look after, maintenance. Daily should be on time switch doors and windows, especially in the rainy day should pay attention to;Two Glass doors and windows installed should be readily pulled good wind hook or plug, prevent wind damage to the glass and the redundant and broken glass in time to clean up.Three For large area, high cost of special glass should be installed in the building before the test, such as the need to install in advance, should take proper measures to protect;Four Glass installation, operation personnel to strengthen the protection of the window and door window plastering project.Thirteen. Indoor ceramic tile product protectionOne Handling tile fashion unloading to secure, gently, transport in the floor must the vehicle leg with soft material wrapped protection, prevent knock against the ground;Two To seriously implement the reasonable construction sequence, a small number of types of work should be done in the front, to prevent the subsequent damage to the walls of the wall;Three After the brick laying, should be protected to prevent pollution;Four The positive angle of the wall and the door is necessary to protect the application of polystyrene board, to prevent pollution;Five We should prevent the water flushing, impact and vibration to protect enough strength;Six Attention should not be removed when the shelves of the wall.Fourteen. The installation of protective prefabricated insulation boardOne The component should be stacked overlapping timbers, stacking space should be flat and solid;Two Chisel steel reinforcement embedded and embedded iron, shall not damage the concrete component;Three Fragile components should be handled according to the provisions of code;Four In the course of transportation and installation, the reinforcement shall not be broken;Five When installing, it is not allowed to touch the brick wall or concrete wall.Fifteen. Plumbing products protectionOne The radiator to enter the site must be handled carefully and neatly stacked, tight packaging is prohibited, the removal of the original packaging;Two Installed ban all bump and trampled;Three After the oil work is completed before the end of the package can be removed, in the final inspection before the completion of a thorough cleaning to make it clean and tidy;Four Pipeline in the oil industry after the anti rust paint brush brush silver;Five All sanitary ware as far as possible the final installation, after the installation is completed, prohibit any person trample and use metal objects to combat, easy to damage the parts as far as possible in the final acceptance before a surprise installation, prevent damage;Six Fire box installation and protection requirements and radiator protection the same, after entering the stacked neatly, unified storage, protect the original packaging, to prevent paint pollution and other types of damage.Seven Attention to work with the various types of work, to protect the finished products.Sixteen. Roof waterproof protectionOne The construction personnel should protect the insulation layer, leveling layer and other products;Two A leg with the cloth sack application construction, prevent the finished scratch;Three Have to do a good job of waterproof layer should take timely measures to protect and left in the construction of a nail, sticks and other debris should be cleared, the operation personnel shall not wear nail shoes homework, waterproof material not before solidification shall not walk, so as not to damage the waterproof layer;Four The waterproof layer construction, pay attention to not pollute the walls, eaves and windows and other projects completed;Five Through the roof, wall and other places have been firmly established, should be protected, the construction process shall not be damaged;Six Gutters and drainage ditch deformation joints, etc. due to construction needs temporary plugging sacks, hemp rope, plastic sheeting, etc. should be thoroughly cleaned, protect the smooth.Seventeen. Inside and outside the canopy layer, paint product protectionOne Surface layer construction should be arranged in a good process, to prevent the process upside down to its pollution;Two Ground surface polishing construction, should be easy to pollution cover parts;Three Plumbing installation, pollution prevention should do preparatory work, do brush silver operators;Four When the completion of the cleaning, should strengthen the cleaning staff of product protection awareness, do a good job on the finished product protection work.
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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