徐崇益博士在這次活動會為大家分享他在 2012 年的博士論文 -『光學生化感測器之分子模版選擇性探討與藍光有機材料開發應用』論文寫作甘苦談, การแปล - 徐崇益博士在這次活動會為大家分享他在 2012 年的博士論文 -『光學生化感測器之分子模版選擇性探討與藍光有機材料開發應用』論文寫作甘苦談, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

徐崇益博士在這次活動會為大家分享他在 2012 年的博士論文 -『光學

徐崇益博士在這次活動會為大家分享他在 2012 年的博士論文 -
『光學生化感測器之分子模版選擇性探討與藍光有機材料開發應用』論文寫作甘苦談,最重要的是他如何靈活運用 Scopus 的分析工具幫助他找出相關的研究主題文章,且如何利用 Scopus 在關鍵字所搜尋到的分析數據整理成引用地圖,幫助他了解在其研究領域中的發展趨勢與文章之貢獻度與受歡迎程度,最後選擇適合的期刊讓他的論文如期的發表在 Tetrahedron 化學期刊中,得以順利的畢業。
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

Dr. Xu Chongyi at this event will share his doctoral thesis in 2012 -
"Optical Biochemical Sensors template molecules selectively explore the development and application of organic materials with blue" thesis writing about the joys, the most important thing is how he utilize scopus analytical tools to help him identify relevant research articles, and how to use the keyword search to scopus analytical data organized into reference maps to help him understand his research in the field of the development trend of the contribution and articles and popularity, and finally select the appropriate journal to publish his paper as scheduled in the tetrahedron chemistry journals,Smooth graduation.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Xu Chongyi Dr in this activities will for everyone share he in 2012 of Dr papers-
"optical biochemical sensor of molecular die version selective discussion and Blu-ray organic material development application" papers writing Gan on, most important of is he how flexible using Scopus of analysis tool help he find related of research theme articles, and how uses Scopus in keywords by search to of analysis data finishing into reference map, Helped him understand the development trends in their area of study and contribution of articles and popular, and finally select the appropriate journal on schedule in his paper published in Tetrahedron chemistry journals,Their smooth graduation.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Dr. Xu Chongyi will share him in this activity for everybody in 2012 Doctoral thesis-
'the member of pattern plate selectivity discussion and blue light organic material development and application optical biochemistry sensory element ' paper writing sweetness and bitterness discussed that what is most important is he to be how flexible using the Scopus analysis tool helps him discover the related research subject article, and how to use Scopus to reorganize to quote the map in the analytical data that the key words search, helping him understand that the development trend and article degree of contribution and the popularity in its research area, the choice suitable periodical lets his paper as scheduled publication finally in the Tetrahedron chemistry periodical,Can graduate smoothly.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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