淡水滬尾砲台位於淡水區中正路一段,建造於清光緒12年(1886年),乃由第一位台灣巡撫劉銘傳所修築的,門額上仍保留劉銘傳親筆所題之『北門鎖鑰 การแปล - 淡水滬尾砲台位於淡水區中正路一段,建造於清光緒12年(1886年),乃由第一位台灣巡撫劉銘傳所修築的,門額上仍保留劉銘傳親筆所題之『北門鎖鑰 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Fresh water cannons located some freshwater Zhongzheng Road area, was built in the Qing dynasty 12 years (1886), by the first governor Liu Ming-chuan of Taiwan are built, and still retains "the north gate lock and key," Liu Ming-chuan handwritten inscription on the door of the amount of four characters, fully explain the cannons guarding the northern Taiwan at that time was an important hurdle. However, after changing times, and now has become a national second-class monuments. Outline

Huwei Fort freshwater for two walls, the inner layer was former soldier bedroom, storage room, office, has been open for local display of old photographs and displays of freshwater and Fort relevant historical data.The fort is on the outer fort has a number of seats, which can Tamsui black bird's-eye view, very beautiful scenery. In addition, located near Fort freshwater Martyrs, is also one of the eight freshwater "Lie Temple Greenfield" is worth watching the place, even the tour can be arranged.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Shanghai tail turret in the freshwater area of freshwater road, built in the reign of (12), is the first Taiwan Governor Liu Ming-chuan has built, remains on the lintel of Liu Ming-chuan written by topic "the strategic key to the North," the four characters, full description of Hu-tail fortress guarded at the time north Taiwan important hurdles. However, after the changes of the times, which has now become the State's second class historic site.

Freshwater Hu Mei Outline two walls of the fortress, inner layer for dormitory, storage room, Office, and other former soldiers, is now open for the show, displaying old photographs and historical data associated with Fort freshwater.Number equipped with turrets on the outermost forts, which can also be black-Kan River, the landscape is very beautiful. In addition, located near Fort Tamsui shrine, is also a freshwater one of the eight "strong shrine pines" is worth seeing places, even the tour can be arranged.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The fresh water Huwei fort situated in Tamsui District Zhongzheng Road one, constructed at Guangxu of Qing 12 (1886), is, the top of lintel in by the first Taiwan governor Liu Mingchuan being built still retained Liu Mingchuan own handwriting writing 'key to defense of the north' four large characters, fully explained the important checkpoint of Huwei fort at that time for guarding northern Taiwan. However after the change of time, now became the national second level of historical site. Overall of

fresh water Huwei fort was two city walls, the inner layer for the past squad room, preserve within, office, at present opened for the demonstration place, was exhibiting the fresh water old picture as well as with the fort related historic information.On the fort of outer layer is equipped with fort several, from this may also Ukraine look down at the Tamsui River, the scenery is extremely beautiful. In addition, situated in fort nearby fresh water Hero Shrine, for one of the fresh water eight scenery 'fierce ancestral hall pine Tao' is the destination that is worth watching, may arrange Lian You.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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