返韓 重看了影片 旁邊有個妹子從追上金明洙開始兩隻手就捏上金明洙的手臂像要把整隻手扭下來一樣的捏啊捏囀啊轉 臉上的笑容能說真的讓人很不舒服嗎 การแปล - 返韓 重看了影片 旁邊有個妹子從追上金明洙開始兩隻手就捏上金明洙的手臂像要把整隻手扭下來一樣的捏啊捏囀啊轉 臉上的笑容能說真的讓人很不舒服嗎 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

返韓 重看了影片 旁邊有個妹子從追上金明洙開始兩隻手就捏上金明洙的手臂

返韓 重看了影片 旁邊有個妹子從追上金明洙開始兩隻手就捏上金明洙的手臂像要把整隻手扭下來一樣的捏啊捏囀啊轉 臉上的笑容能說真的讓人很不舒服嗎.. 一瞬間真的想哭 我們是愛著他們的吧 那毫無尊重可言像對待物品一樣的這種行為算什麼呢..
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Back to Korea re-watch the film next to a sister from the beginning to catch up with Jinming Zhu Jinming Zhu on two hands pinching arm twisting like take the whole hand down the same squeeze ah ah turn pinched warble smile can really make people uncomfortable moment you really want to cry .. we love it that they have no respect at all treated like articles like this behavior count it ..
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Returned to South Korea to review the film starting next to a sister from catching up with Jin Mingzhu Jin Mingzhu arm on two hands pinch twisted down the hand pinch pinched smile on Twitter, turn one ' s face, can you really make people uncomfortable ... Moment really wanted to cry, we loved them, that no respect at all as if they were goods of this kind of behavior is what ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Returned to Han Zhong to watch by the movie to have a younger sister from overtaking Kim Myeong-soo starts two hands to pinch Kim Myeong-soo's arm like to turn pinching to pinch to chirp the entire only hand transfers the smiling face on face to say that made people very uncomfortable. The flash wants to cry we to like them really that not respecting to be possible the behavior of word like treating goods is anything.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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